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US: Unemployment
  • 138 Replies sorted by
  • Hitler stood for the right for Germans to live a decent life after WWI, he believed in full employment, he believed in the citizens of a nation's right to have pride in themselves, and in a good and affordable automobile - so what?

    And it could be ended "and overall he had been very nice guy and our friend" if not the Red Army. :-)
  • Never-mind... I though you typed something else.
  • Probably was trying to protect his "friends" from competition. Once you have successfully capitalized an industry... the next step is to turn to Collectivism and try to "plan" the economy of that particular market. That's the only real flaw with Rand's ideas. Maybe she just didn't see it happening or something.
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<br />
  • It's the smart conservatives who will be persecuted by the liberal (presumably comparatively dumb) media. All I can say is WOW!
  • "Interesting how Alan Greenspan, one of Ayn Rands peers and a frequent guest at her famed dinner parties, disavowed much of Rand's doctrine of unfettered capitalism. What an indictment."

    Probably was trying to protect his "friends" from competition. Once you have successfully capitalized an industry... the next step is to turn to Collectivism and try to "plan" the economy of that particular market. That's the only real flaw with Rand's ideas. Maybe she just didn't see it happening or something.

    @cosimo_bullo "Fortunately, I don't imagine you'll personally suffer from such attacks from the 'liberal media.' "

    yea, yea. I get it. I'm dumb and illogical because I don't believe that "compassion" and "helping" is the solution to the worlds problems. Woe is me...
  • @bwhitz - "uggg... I can just see it in a few years... the liberal media trying to tell us that "being smarter than other people" is immoral."

    Fortunately, I don't imagine you'll personally suffer from such attacks from the 'liberal media.'
  • @cbrandin
    I have read read Ayn Rand - she stood for "the end justifies the means" and celebrated the rise of the bully too. Just because she got some things right doesn't mean that she didn't get more wrong.
    <<<<<<<<<<br />Interesting how Alan Greenspan, one of Ayn Rands peers and a frequent guest at her famed dinner parties, disavowed much of Rand's doctrine of unfettered capitalism. What an indictment.
  • "I have read read Ayn Rand - she stood for "the end justifies the means" and celebrated the rise of the bully too."

    Well... maybe they do. Isn't that just a matter of opinion? And she was also very against physically violence, she believed in fierce competition of the intellect... but I don't think that can be considered bullying.

    uggg... I can just see it in a few years... the liberal media trying to tell us that "being smarter than other people" is immoral.
  • @bwhiz

    But the GH2 is nice and stealth... if you're doing allot of guerrilla shooting... it wouldn't be very logical to use a Red Epic!!!
    The amazing thing about Epic is it only weighs 7 lbs.
    I'm actually a RED hater, but gotta give them props for the Epic.

  • I have read read Ayn Rand - she stood for "the end justifies the means" and celebrated the rise of the bully too. Just because she got some things right doesn't mean that she didn't get more wrong.

    Hitler stood for the right for Germans to live a decent life after WWI, he believed in full employment, he believed in the citizens of a nation's right to have pride in themselves, and in a good and affordable automobile - so what?
  • @bwhiz

    That's just an opinion. I can provide contradiction free support for my statements with facts. Can you?

    I've made very few assertions here, mainly I've just questioned the nonsense you've posted as unequivocal truth. Contradiction free support for your statements eh? Okay, support your claim that IQ tests measure ability to regurgitate information.
  • THREAD CLOSED... please...
  • @cbrandin

    No, sorry again, I meant to say that "social Darwinism" and "Darwinism" are both one and the same. One just applies to the economy... and the economy is just like I said, an extension of our physical and intellectual performance.

    "Wrong! If social darwinism by itself were correct, there would be no mammals"

    I don't actually understand what you meant with this statement...?
  • @bwhitz

    Wrong! If social darwinism by itself were correct, there would be no mammals. It's a simplistic argument that flies in the face of reality, which cannot be explained by a single easy to understand dynamic.
  • "This kind of racist chickenshit Ayn Rand/National Socialist crap would not hold water in the neighborhood I grew up in. "

    HAHAHA Socialist! Ayn Rand was all about the free market, capitalism, and individualism! This is just further proof that people throw around Ayn Rand's name without actually understanding what she stood for.
  • @cbrandin

    Yeah, my situation is just a precursor to what everybody will be faced with eventually. With all the unfortunate things that come with the internet - this is one very good thing.

    Okay, you're being coy, what kind of trouble are you in? Testifying against the Mob? Found video footage from Area 51? Got Bigfoot trapped in your basement? WHAT WHAT WHAT!

  • @cbrandin

    What? Yes I have.

    Basically... I believe in social Darwinism. I believe this to be correct based of the principles of evolution that have lead us this far. The economy, in it's simplest explanation, is nothing more that a complicated system that rates our performances as intellectual and biological specimens.
  • @VK

    I said "loud anonymity". I suppose you are right. Personally, I prefer to be amongst those who are held accountable for what they say - it's just a personal preference. You may disagree - but I know better. That's a big compliment to you - by the way.
  • Vitaley says men should have the right to speak, true. But in the past when such heartless, stupid things were said - such as have appeared in this thread - in public, and this IS public, right? - the speaker would have to worry about getting his ass kicked.

    This kind of racist chickenshit Ayn Rand/National Socialist crap would not hold water in the neighborhood I grew up in.
  • @bwhitz

    But you're being the one who is being irrational. You have produced not a single thread of evidence to support your point of view.
  • @brianluce "you're not particularly logical at all."

    That's just an opinion. I can provide contradiction free support for my statements with facts. Can you?

    " In fact, if I had a dollar for every non sequitur you've used, I wouldn't be interested in the GH2 hack because I'd have enough cash for a RED Epic."

    But the GH2 is nice and stealth... if you're doing allot of guerrilla shooting... it wouldn't be very logical to use a Red Epic!!!
  • >not the right to loud anonymity.

    What is wrong with anonymity?
    Anonymity, hiding, conspiracies, treasons are all extremely important parts of the progress for thousands of years.
    Even more important than a wheel and light bubble :-)
  • @brianluce

    With the time I've spent on the GH2 hacking project, if I had billed the time (and believe me I can bill as much time as I want) I could have bought several Red cameras. I do this for fun - it's clearly irrational!