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Real HDTV production world "hack" settings
  • 27 Replies sorted by
  • @WeBcYtE "You don't need to pay to have your video distributed to a large audience thanks to the many video hosting websites out there, as well as file sharing networks like bit torrent...and you can promote your video simply by announcing it in relevant message forums and with the assistance of bloggers."

    Too right and is exactly what i do with my productions, through those networks you get noticed. I've had approaches from 2 different NBC Universal content managers from internet distributions. One was at an event i shot, the other from watching Vimeo in couch mode on a cable box and came across my channel. It's great content they're after, not perfect production criteria.
  • @Rambo Let me echo your statement "It's great content they're after, not perfect production criteria." Adding to that, due to the plummeting costs of high quality production (thanks to equipment like the GH2), independent one or two person production houses can do programs that would be very difficult, even impossible, for many traditional production houses due to their installed base of very expensive equipment and personnel structures. One person with a bare GH2 and a single 20mm lens can "boldly go where no production crew has gone before" and make something once thought almost impossible. These are heady times for people with stories to tell and ideas to explore, and the talent and craft to do it.