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Where do you guys find your actors?
  • Any ideas? I'm sick of craigslist (do I have some funny stories), and usually my budgets are squeezed enough to where I'm not paying $$$ just to post an ad, especially not knowing how may people I might reach.

    Just curious.

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • Picking lead roles

    I suggest a tried-and-true, good ol' Screen Test. Send the footage away to a 3rd party for them to choose.

  • I worked with a group of extras who had lost regular work on a TV police series after it finished. They were keen to get back together so we shot a short film (zero budget) for a festival entry. Some had been through acting courses but what really helped was they were all used to working on a film set so things went pretty smoothly... although our short never made it to the finals. ;)

    The only caveat is some extras have stars in their eyes (read delusions of grandeur) and aspire to greater things. Picking lead roles (especially the female) can be fraught with extreme angst if two women are each convinced they should get the lead.

  • I join an acting school. Great way to learn the craft (helps in directing) and meet heaps of actors. Plus there's usually more girls then guys ;)