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Douglas Engelbart R.I.P.
  • Douglas Engelbart passed away at age 88, just over a half-century after he joined the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) -- the place where much of his ground-breaking computing research would take place. Among his (and his research team's) many inventions made at SRI are the mouse, bitmapped screens, hypertext, networked computers and elements of a modern, windowed GUI.

    I have simple rule in life. I do not care about actors, singers and directors. Most of this guys have no real value and time you spent on them is just wasted time.

    I read and learn about guys like Douglas.

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • wow @Viyaliy that's an unbelievably old hypertext going on!

    I have simple rule in life. I do not care about actors, singers and directors. Most of this guys have no real value and time you spent on them is just wasted time. I read and learn about guys like Douglas.

    other that the documenting (of time) itself, the incredible/funny thing is that this video has the looks of a 70's noir sci-fi, alphaville came to mind (65). the semi-metallic and yet warm voice, the expressions, the tech, the rhythm, the way of presenting, the fact of having time to talk and not rushing...

    anyway, all people open minded and hearted that push things forward and care for why and how we do things and then improve the way of doing (sometimes inventing new ways of doing it), have my respect.
    so R.I.P. Douglas Engelbart

  • The guy was a genius and for decades could not get funding for his research.