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RAW mode like Magic Lantern guys did for Canon cameras?
  • Is there any chance such thing could be done for GH2?

  • 53 Replies sorted by
  • @Brian202020 many thanks for that workflow explanation.

  • lol...I think I found a new catch phrase.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev LOL...what exactly is "Waxing my Carrot?"

    You don't have to answer. But I am suprised that you are commenting on some of these off the wall comments.

  • RAW on 5D - an armchair DP's wet dream. Have we all totally maxed out the capabilities of our current gear?

  • Video-ish?, Im tired of hearing that argument from canonboys.

    It was just hard for them to be rated behind the GH2 in challenge after challenge with DSLRs rubbing shoulders with real cine cameras. They're enjoying their time in the sun.

  • @CFreak

    It varies a bit from project to project, but the biggest time saver that is constant between all the RAW projects I've worked on was recording a proxy format real time. Example: RED ONE records proxies internally. Otherwise just use an external recorder and record ProRes or DNxHD to use as proxies. This allows you to edit right away and link up the RAW media in the final edit. That way you are only transcoding the media used in the final edit. Not sure why others don't discuss this workflow, but it's a time saver for sure.

  • @producer, of course I'll use whatever is available that helps me achieve a look I want. We were discussing expectations, that's the difference. Its ridiculous expect such a thing, or demand it, or make purchasing decisions based on the hope of it.

    @stonebat nailed it!

  • @Brian202020

    I'd really like to know your workflow...

    Quote: As for RAW being time consuming, it really isn't that bad. I've edited several RAW projects on my 2008 MacBook Pro. I'd say from ingest to final edit, it's at most a 15% increase in time over an H264 acquisition, and maybe a %30 increase in time over a ProRes acquisition. It's all about finding the most efficient workflow possible for the project.

  • Video-ish?, Im tired of hearing that argument from canonboys.

    I bet that if we do an exercise in different shots by cameras of different brands without first know the model, probably we cant distinguish mark and model in many cases.

    One man known as Francis Ford Coppola probably dont know about cinematography.

  • If you ignore the troll he will trip trap away.

  • Does anyone actually know at which write speed the GH2 maxes out?

    I think the 550D's RAW is comparable to what would be theoretically possible for the GH2.

    I would never use that on a project.

    Ridiculous Resolutions, its just too slow writing to SD Cards.

    Picture Profiles may be the only option left to hack. :)

  • @producer You are nothing but a patch troll.

  • @kellar42: And you'd be first one who will use such a patch if existed (although you'd never admit that).


  • i think that what raw is desirable because of:

    1. sharpness,
    2. high dynamic range,
    3. high color depth....

    with the current hack and the high end patches, we have the sharpness;

    if Vitaliy manage to understand the film modes, we could have an increase in dynamic range.

    So we now have 1 of 3 of what raw means, in a friendly to the hard drive avchd... if in the future the film mode gets hacked, we could have 2 out of 3,

    i hardly think that's a bad thing, comparing the advantages and the disadvantages against the raw output.

    i much prefer compressed files that have a comparable amount of information

  • If you can't get a film like image out of the GH series then you are doing something wrong.

    Using a "plugin" to crush the blacks and ruin the color balance is not going to create a film like image.

    Having raw(not an acronym) would be great. Having the ability to edit the picture profile settings would be great.

    Neither the inability to shoot raw or the inability to edit the picture profile settings are true obstacles to creating meaningful footage.

  • @producer you need to check yourself with regards to 'expectations', especially when presuming to speak for the community.

  • There might be a correlation between financial crisis and moaning amount on the interwebs... Great to hear you are still investigating profiles. RAW would indeed be wonderful, but there is more important things on the world.

  • You personally replied to me long time ago that the profiles and film modes are one of the hack targets. Later you wrote me to quit because this would not happen. Now I read in the Development status topic about film modes again.

    I think you have strange fluctuations in your mind. Making changes to image processing and understanding it was goal from the very start, and it keeps to be goal. In fact very big time had been spent on it.

  • Vitaliy, the fact that this topic exists speaks by itself about what the GHs users expect.

    You personally replied to me long time ago that the profiles and film modes are one of the hack targets. Later you wrote me to quit because this would not happen. Now I read in the Development status topic about film modes again.


  • @producer

    I think you started going in circles quite long ago.
    If you look at plans and knew hours spent on profiles research you'll be be quite surprised.

  • Don't you get it, guys?!?

    The patches development for GHs are in a vicious circle - no much sensible difference between them at all, no any significant direction.

    Why don't you want to see that whatever patches are developed concerning only the higher and higher bitrates (and details), the GHs would ever produce nothing but thin & sharp image!!! The bitrate patches would never change that as they didn't do it for GH1, then for GH2 and wouldn't do it for GH3, GH5, etc.

    Ok, the sensor, the 8-bit, etc. - we all know that. But if the point and direction of the patch development will not be changed at last to the profiles and increasing their parameters, it will be the same even for GH10 someday...

  • Think GH2 hacking has come to a plateau where taking it to raw is just belaboring the point. I applaud all the guys who have contributed to real working patches, and am grateful for every single effort. But I also use other cameras, and am glad to hear VK is working on Pentax and NEX. Just wondering if VK and friends have found a way round the NEX sensor. I use the VG20, and even without being hacked, the camera yields quite stunning imagery. I cant imagine if someone eventually finds a way to crack the sensor's potential. It'll be awesome.

  • I'm surprised Vitaly even has to field responses to this kind of crap.

    I think raw on the Lumixes is probably the wrong rabbit whole to be going down, anyhow. We've got 'affordable' raw cameras now for those who feel they need it that are actually designed for it. Sure the ML thing is interesting, and now we're not the 'coolest' kids on the block anymore with hacked imagery that beats the shit out of the majority of the Canon using micro-budget DSLR filmmaking populace. Who cares? The game has changed. We're there, all of us, with image quality for whatever price point we can afford.

    Meanwhile if the GH3 bitrate can be increased, wonderful. It's a smaller, cheaper, weather sealed, fast autofocusing beast as it is and it would be fun to see it get better. That's as much as I dare hope for and it's not a make or break scenario either way.

  • @GravitateMediaGroup

    We are small team of guys who helped me very much.
    And we will be changing developing approach quite soon. But, it no way guarantee any improvements and require big time for arrange and coordinate. Believe me as I used such approaches before and are using them now on NEX project.