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Near new wave
  • 118 Replies sorted by
  • The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee was organized in the fall of 1998 to expose, oppose, and litigate against collusion to control the price and supply of gold and related financial instruments.

  • @driftwood The usual suspects are naked short selling paper gold.

    And in relation the current falling price of gold and The Fed's manipulation...

    This is causing many physical investors to panic and dump their physical gold.

    There are now shortages of physical gold and silver. Either someone is buying most of it (physical metal sales are indeed strong) and/or the big physical gold holders are hanging onto the real stuff while they spook the smaller guys into dumping their physical so they can buy it up cheap. China has been buying a lot of gold.

    On the face of it the current rampant fiat money printing ponzi scheme should be causing gold to rise, not fall.

    At some point when it is revealed 'The Emperor has No Clothes' gold will rally again but by then it will be consolidated in the hands of the few.

    When Goldman Sachs tells you gold is finished and to get out of it should you heed their advice?

    Cast your mind back just a few short years ago when Goldman Sachs said...

    "These mortgage backed securities are triple A rated and are as safe as 'houses'. Trust us... after all we're doing 'God's work'!"

    Then at the same time Goldman were selling their mortgage backed 'in'securities to pension funds they were placing bets that they were going to blow up because they knew they would. So they made money (fees) on the sales and money on the bets.

    Nothing but manipulation at its finest!

  • This is a newsmap of April 15, 2013, world news events.


    960 x 545 - 160K
  • It looked like Black Powder to me which concerns me. I shoot a lot of it and it's hard enough to get now. The sad thing is with all these tragedies is that I get a few minutes to feel compassion for the victims, then start covering my backsides because I know the Government will use it to but bang us all.

    I guess now we'll have to register our pressure cookers and get strip searched before watching public races.

    I was wondering if it even made a blip on the overseas radar..... apparently a small one.

  • @stonebat

    Nothing is boring :-) Especially alternative theories (btw conspiracy is shitty word).

  • Conspiracy theories are boring.

  • One rumor says... the gold capitulation is due to unwinding of yen carry trade on gold investment. I'm pretty sure physical gold street price hasn't plunged. If gold is treated as a commodity, copper hasn't been doing well either. This year might be bad year for commodity groups.

  • Interesting just in:

    and here the original column although it goes on about consumers

    The funny thing is is that most of the investment cos are 'puzzled' by the collapse!

  • China triggers Gold collapse, then they step in and buy it all up on the cheap.

    Issue is that China can't do it. And biggest previous slam in ten years was in July 2008.

  • China triggers Gold collapse, then they step in and buy it all up on the cheap. Nice doing business. :-)

  • @squig

    No 9/11 things here, I already asked for this.

  • It's the wolf pretending to be the shepherd you gotta be wary of, and the sheep of-course. It's gonna play out one of two ways, either we get slow cooked or gamma waved.

  • This is showing up on many financial blogs.

    Oil is also down and the economic news from Europe is looking rather grim. Its a good thing that the spring weather has finally arrived.

  • Remember that story about the boy who cried wolf....? If you keep crying wolf every time you see your shadow, when the real wolf comes no one will believe you, and a lot of people will get hurt.

    knock it off.

  • @Oedipax @Aria

    Let's go without blaming somone for conspiracy theories. As it could turn out that fundamental things everyone belived are in fact conspiracy theories and some conspiracy theories are true.

  • I watched that video and the explosion looks very strange and after reading "POWERFUL DEVICES" I had to laugh (even as this is not funny)...

    look at the video, all but one or two windows a intact - not even a crack! What will they call a normal explosion that rips out all windows of the next couple of buildings....nuclear war?

  • You conspiracy guys are funny. Yes there are very real government propaganda and events designed to fool and control the masses, but this isn't part of some plan to subjugate the common people. Over the years there have been many such attacks both domestic and foreign terrorists and it doesn't always lead to Martial Law or War. Every U.S. administration isn't bent on lying their way to taking over countries. I'm more worried about Stop and Frisk, Judicial inequities and the Industrial Prison complex at this point.

  • @Oedipax Maybe you should attack the BBC or ITV where these unedited clips came from. But I'm sure you won't even look at them. You'd just rather attack the messenger and remain smug content in you own cognitive dissonance. How about calculating the odds of these coincidences?... Nah just take blue pill and go back to sleep...

  • Conspiracy theorists are the biggest suckers and the most ineffectual, laughable lot going. Join us grown-ups in the world of real politics sometime, would you?

  • And this...

  • I challenge you to test your cognitive dissonance and suspended disbelief with this...

  • Next....Someone shakes a 2 litre diet cola bottle. Explosion wets everybody' pants. National Emergency declared. 24 hour drones will watch out for diet soda shakers. Sad days!

    "Watch the patriot movement get the blame for this. "