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New music vid shot on GH2
  • Hey all,

    A while back my short The Boss won a few awards and got a load of views, well here's my latest bit of work, a music promo for James Yuill shot in the desert of Tabernas in southern Spain. (Where a bunch of films have been shot; the good the bad and the ugly, lawrence of arabia and mad max 3 amongst them).

    We used a few choice lenses, mostly the Voigtlander 25mm f0.95, Canon FD 85mm 1.8 and a random CCTV lens (26mm f1.4 I think), coupled with one of the Sanity hacks (I think version 5).

    Had lots of comments about the look, few people (and experienced people!) mistaking it for Red footage, so we got something right!

    Thanks again to this site for the hack and knowledgable advice which helps indie filmmakers out no end . . .


  • 5 Replies sorted by
  • Still not quite sure how the camera survived to be honest, had fine dust blown into it from every angle, but it seems to be holding up well.

    Glad you picked up on the Sisyphus angle, that's where the idea originated from!

  • This is great! I like the opening, it gives the viewer a disorienting feeling, like waking up. Well shot, nice compositions. How were you able to get dirt out of the camera? That must have been a pain in the arse haha Nice play on the Sisyphus myth :)

  • Cheers for the criticism, I'm not over the moon about the opening either but feel it does pick up as it gets going . . .

  • Really enjoyed it, I thought it looked very nice! For the first bit, I felt a slight disconnect between the song and the locale, but once the tire came into play, it started to really work for me! Great job!

  • Great looking footage, I also like James Yuill's music.. double bonus! :)