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$100,000 prize for Liberty documentary -- open world wide
  • If you are skeptical about the current globalist and capitalist world government, then here is something that might interest you. Alex Jones and his Infowars web site are offering a first prize of $100,000 for a documentary or short film on the topic of "Liberty."

    I certainly plan to be entering. Note that it is NOT only for US citizens, but is available world-wide. You have THREE MONTHS to make the film -- and it has to be new, i.e., not previously shot footage, with all necessary releases. Entries close April 30, 2013.

    If you're concerned about the Police state, global government, and curtailment of liberty, then make a video about it.

  • 9 Replies sorted by
  • @ahbleza thanks, interesting

    So Paul Revere didn't go on his midnight ride unless he could win a prize from the Founding Fathers? :)

    There are some critical moviemakers that make their movies for pennies and post them on Youtube. ( these two don't use original footage, just ripped remixes)

  • Maybe we need a documentary about video competitions.

  • @Tobsen You're welcome. It's actually an interesting coincidence. I'd just started preproduction on a documentary I'm shooting about the topic of Liberty -- so I was going to be shooting anyway on this theme. I've found an interesting community of libertarians in New Hampshire who are genuinely trying to change the way they live their lives, and liberty and less government is a large part of what they believe. I'll probably put together a cut with some lines for Alex Jones, while continuing to make the film I originally planned to make.

  • hmmm....basically a lot of CASH for whoever promotes HIS (since he is the only judge) opinion and idea of liberty BEST.

    Dear "Freedom-lovers" (best line ever lol),

    Please include the following words either spoken or as text inserts: "Evil elite", "New World Order", "FEMA", "slavery", "Bohemian Grove" etc. in order to increase your chance of winning.

    I am not doubting that there is a lot wrong with capitalism (just as with socialism and other forms) and I am SURE there is a lot happening "behind the curtains", but I would rather promote critical objective thinking (by oneself!) instead of some guy trying to sell his opinion as truth and making money with it.

    I think I go for the next doritos film competition ;)

    @ahbleza still, thanks for posting! Always good to inform people about competitions - I would totally have missed it!

  • Capitalists have duped other people into believing there is no liberty without capitalism. Ironically you find a more pure form of capitalism, in a way, in the realities of doing business in China. Capitalism says it's okay to fuck over your local community and neighbor if it means lowering cost and maximizing profit. Capitalism says it's okay to make and sell children toys with leaded paint. Capitalism says it's okay to exploit labor. Capitalism says it's okay to do anything without external oversight and the "market" will correct any error. It's pursuit is evil and selfish and it wants everyone to believe that it is the light and the way and to ignore both history and current realities (the same as a lot of competing cultures).

    Yes, Corporatism is bad. But Capitalism benefits the same people. The "new world government" and progressive movements like that is why children no longer can be put to work, by their parents, government or businesses, in the developed world. It's why businesses can not get away with selling meat from livestock they know to be sick or otherwise contaminated. Some still try but it is not the norm or "just how it is" anymore and there are certain basic guarantees to people that prevent their daily lives from being a never-ending episode of victimization at the hands of Capitalists.

  • Well, for starters, I can assure you... the new world government is not going to be capitalist. :) Capitalism means that people can own their own property and run their own businesses as they see fit, this is not where things are headed. The elites simply want to OWN everything. Which is not capitalism. Capitalism also works better with little government, where as the new world government is going to be HUGE, and they will tell you "they need" to run everything. I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Corporatism, which is what people usually mean by "capitalism". The media has duped people into believing capitalism is the enemy, so people will allow the new Corporate-State-Socialist agenda to take place. Liberty and capitalism, actually, go hand-in-hand. As liberty cannot exist in the planned/controlled environment that Socialism, or any Marxist derived, systems would require.

    I think that could be a good idea in itself for a documentary here. The mis-mash of terms that the media and leaders throw at the public to dupe and confuse them into supporting systems against their own interests.

  • @subco Did you ever buy a lottery ticket? This has much better odds for $100k. :-)

  • Alex Jones is confused about what documentary is. This is a contest for video editorial...editorial in the journalism sense, meaning opinion disguised as news.

    Incoming: lots of talking heads with or without tinfoil hats.