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Interfaces and eye tracking
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    Most end users are not aware how pricey are eye tracking systems. :-)
    As such system offered for end user together with new interface additions can be very useful.

  • 8 Replies sorted by
  • @duartix

    Most of the sales of such systems now goes into research. As your gaze an greatly help interface designers, etc. It is real future of computing and interfaces where new possibilities will be standard and integrated.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev: I wasn't humoring, and the rest of my post will tell you why. I admit that sending the PC to sleep might not be the top priority command, but I'm thinking that some people unfortunately aren't able to move a mouse, and others can't move (voluntarily) anything below their neck. :(

    IIRC this kind of interfaces was born in the field for integrating people with physical disabilities. If they prove useful for everyone else, all the better. @chenopup's suggestion (even though posted with a tongue in cheek smiley) would be interesting (and useful) but I think that might not be technically possible unless by using a "look" modifier (something like a predefined facial expression).

  • JAJajajaj, :) you have to admit Vitaliy that rectangle selection an drag and drop moving around the screen with the eyes is funny. Even though I can imagine myself retouching in Photoshop with this technology, or colour correcting in resolve. NICE

  • @duartix

    Guys, it is not your humor training place.

  • @chenopup: That would be a good one too, but I'm afraid it won't be possible, because I suspect you'll loose the ability to triangulate your target position on screen ! But... can I send the PC to sleep if I close both eyes?

  • Or hold left eye shut and drag? ;)

  • They merely scratched the surface with that video. One big doubt remains... Can I wink to click? If so, can I right wink to right click?