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Governments and filters
  • The UK government's been pushing ISPs to make a bigger deal of adult content filters for quite some time, and today BT has fulfilled its commitments, joining other major providers like TalkTalk and Sky. A new tool from the telecoms outfit, cleverly named "BT Parental Controls," blocks unwelcome traffic at the router level -- BT has provided similar services before now, but this improved effort will be more conspicuous, especially for new broadband subscribers.

    If you check around all across the world you will see governments doing highly unusual thing - caring too much for their people.
    Of course it is not coincidence, as to stay firm with upcoming problems you need right tools to block all unnecessary information sources and places. And major corporations are also working hard pushing huge money to AI filtering so machine could find and block any potentially harmful content.
    Block can be also soft, of course, as Google can do it sometimes. Just pushing it to 126th page :-)

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • All kinds of technologies and legislations are being installed that are for sure going to serve for much more than just pornography.

    I am even assure you that 2014 can be first year were it'll be used in mass. And I am sure we'll realize how many strange things this guys passed on 278th, 1724th and 2543th pages of some harmless sounding bill.

  • Yep, governments found the perfect excuse in child pornography. All kinds of technologies and legislations are being installed that are for sure going to serve for much more than just pornography.