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  • 52 Replies sorted by
  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev Capitalism is nothing more then free voluntary trade and property rights. I am not sure where your compering Capitalism to Cannibalism. Unless you just want to say something cool instead of making sense. If you against free trade and property rights then I should be able come over to your house and just take your camera because I think I need it more then you do.

  • "Civilisation" - Socialism is nothing new it was tried by the Greece, Romans, French and Germans always ending up in with and chaos. Only people call socialism civilization who doesn't read history. The only thing we learned from history that we don't learn from history!

    You so oversimplify things. Advanced social structures are common to all social organisms at their peak and during stable rich state, as soon as problems arise, they just no can longer support it, but "free market" that happens next never got good trace in history :-)

  • @jrd American healthcare is far from a free market since the 60s. Societies closes to the free market created the greatest civilizations in history but as they got wealthier they got also spoiled voting them self in to bankruptcy. "Civilisation" - Socialism is nothing new it was tried by the Greeks, Romans, French and Germans always ending up in with chaos. Only people call socialism civilization who doesn't read history. The only thing we learned from history that we don't learn from history!

    “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.” ― Alexis de Tocqueville

  • You can LOL, but you are wrong.

    He is not wrong.

    You think that free market regulates everything for the best automatically? So if the free market gets to decide which medicine to put the most budget into research, do you think it does what's best for the people or what's best for the companies goals?

    Who will keep researching a cure for that more rare deseases if it's uneconomic?

    There are areas in a social society that, in a true democracy, are supposed to be regulated by government, like science, school, art and others, including health care.

    If you give these areas away to the wills of the free market (which already happens more and more by outsourcing government tasks to private companies), then you reallocate all the political and creative power from the democratically voted government to the interests and goals of the most influential and powerful companies.

    And their interest is naturally the companies (or the share holder's) welfare, rather than the people's welfare.

    Total deregulation is as dangerous as total regulation.

  • @eclipp

    Please understand, no one here want to change your position, as it is pointless. :-)

    You cannot kill capitalism. Capitalism is part of humans. Socialism is not an alternative it is simple just a management system what creates distortions on the market. Capitalism always comes back, under socialism we call it a black-market.

    Let me rephrase a little so you start understanding that you are talking about.

    You can't kill cannibalism. Cannibalism is part of humans. Modern society is not alternative, it is simply just a management and organization system what creates distortions. Cannibalism always comes back, in modern society we call it maniac :-)

  • Socialism is not an alternative

    Tell that to the Scandinavians, the Germans, the French, etc. Sure, these are mixed systems, with capitalist and socialist elements, but they're far more "socialist" than we are, and average citizens do far better than they do here. Quality of life, infant mortality, life-expectancy, and even basic stats like how tall people grow. We're the least socialistic, and yet we're at the bottom of the heap.

  • Just an example:

    Unfortunately there are many people die in socialist healthcare system in the waiting room, I know from the my experience with my dad in the hospital, there were couple of patients in who lied in the next room to my dad who never made it to the operation. Saying cameras should be subject to markets but healthcare not is like saying the apple should be a subject to gravity but the orange should not be because I like orange so there for the orange should float in the air. You cannot kill capitalism. Capitalism is part of humans. Socialism is not an alternative it is simple just a management system what creates distortions on the market. Capitalism always comes back, under socialism we call it a black-market. People will always trade and follow they own selfish interest.

    It's not a matter of how I feel about poor people is about the reality of human action.

  • But the free market is the best even for healthcare.

    Which no doubt explains why American healthcare is 2-3 times more expensive than anywhere else in the rest of industrialized world, all of which is run on a socialized basis and manages to offer everyone regular medical care, not just people who have money or get insurance through their employer. And despite covering everyone, it's still 2-3 times cheaper, per capita, than here. And their medical outcomes are on average better than what we get here.

    Of course, doctors in the rest of the industrialized world don't graduate with $300,000 worth of student debt like they do here. So we'd have to make some other changes as well -- such as "stealing" more of people's money to offer free higher education, like most other civilized countries do.

    Bro, you either want civilization, or you don't. Depraved as Mr. Obama is (viewed from a left-wing point of view), the things you lament as heinous violations of your freedom have very little to do with the actual quality of life or real freedom. Viewing money as the be-all and end-all, and markets as the answer to human need, is the best way of ruin what little happiness you may find in your limited span of years. And to ruin it for others as well. If there was an example of your system was working anywhere in the world, you might have a better argument. Unfortunately, wherever it's been tried -- Chile, Russia, even Iraq, post-invasion-- it's been an utter disaster.

  • Yes the price is going up globally because all governments trying to intervene. When people have free access for a doctor they will abuse it even if its not necessary.

    Do you have experience were doctors make many people die (while being free and having all to save them) ? They just happened to have not enough money :-) No? I did.

    Government is not from Mars. Governments try to do that society wants, more or less. Mostly less lately, as they need big amount of resources themselves.

    I understand young people with absolutist positions to dismantle all medicine and let people pay for all. Thing is as you become badly seek you could not have money, or could be fired, or many other things can happen. People who have very small life experience try to judge things in absolutes.

  • Its like this: "Give Me Your Sandwich" Great Explanation of ObamaCare

  • You can LOL, but you are wrong. Yes healthcare is just like cameras and computers. There is no difference, made by humans just like all products no difference. You take something off the market there is less incentive to improve the product If the government insures the purchase for a given rate. If I make a camera and the government forces everyone to buy it from me I don't have to do anything to fight for consumers. Yes the price is going up globally because all governments trying to intervene. When people have free access for a doctor they will abuse it even if its not necessary. You will have more demand and less supply. Economy 101. Plus on top of that the cost of the bureaucratic apparatus you have to pay for.

  • There is no perfect system. But the free market is the best even for healthcare. Look at the markets what are not regulated like Computers, cameras..The prices are keep dropping and the products are evolving in super speed. Now look at the markets where the Government is involved like Healthcare, Banking, Housing where all the economic problems are happening. US used to have the best healthcare system on the world when the there was no Government involvement in the system.

    LOL. You need some time to understand that healthcare is not cameras and is not computers. As it is not symmetrical market. In fact, it is sole purpose that all around the world healthcare costs rise (US is just ahead of the pack here). You just can't bargain for price here or make negotiations. Worse even, all medical facilities in so called "free market" countries have tight connections, so you never ever get something cheaper / better.

  • Healthcare is not a right, its a good just as anything what made by humans. Someone have to invent it and produced it. You don't have a right to steal someones labor to pay for your shit just because you want or need something.
    There is no perfect system. But the free market is the best even for healthcare. Look at the markets what are not regulated like Computers, cameras..The prices are keep dropping and the products are evolving in super speed. Now look at the markets where the Government is involved like Healthcare, Banking, Housing where all the economic problems are happening. US used to have the best healthcare system on the world when the there was no Government involvement in the system. The visits operations were cheap because the doctors used to be subject to the market. Socialized medicine only make it more expansive. You are still paying for it but from your taxes. In EU you pay 30 - 50% taxes and the big part of it is the "free" healthcare. I grew up in Europe and moved to the US. The US system is still more superior but it is in decline since the 1965 when the government started to get involved more and more. For all those who think that the European or the Canadian system is better it's bullshit, Canadians coming over to our side to get surgeries done quicker. My dad had to get a heart surgery in EU he had to wait 6 month. We had to pay of the doctor the get him to surgery took us 2 weeks to fight and a lots of hush money. Otherwise my dad would have not lived today. "The grass is always greener on the other side." Btwy agree Obamacare is not even a socialized healthcare, its even worse I would call it a Fascist healthcare its like putting a gun someone had and force him to buy a fully loaded BMW even if he doesn't have the money.
    I was laughing when fat Michael Moore made the movie Sicko. He went to the presidential hospital in Cuba and try to prove that Cuba has a better healthcare system. If you are not in the communist party in Cuba and you need a complicated surgery your only choice is to swim to Miami just ask any Cuban. If I would be a business man with employees I would definitely fire anyone righteous little turd who supported Obama and Obamacare because they are ignorant of economics. They can go and start they own business and show us how they would do it. I prefer the free market but if we have to have a system in place Singapore is the most successful system out there. They have a total 3% tax and they have a mandatory investment saving account what is not taxed and thats also act as your security for your healthcare bills. This way the people still subject to negotiation and the doctors have to obey the market what is lowering the cost plus the money is yours and the politicians cannot steal it for wars and other stupid shit like what they did to the social security and other tax collected money. Remember when ever you have tax collection the politicians and corporation will eventually steal the honey pot. It is a lot easer to steal from one piggy bank then go to everyones house separately.

  • Funny thing about people's views on Obamcare is most don't have a clue on what it is.

    Seems so. Funny (or sad) to watch it from outside.

  • Discussing politicians is pointless business, really.

    Discussing economics fundamentals is another matter.

  • Aria...Amen.

    And that at least a couple of years old But it's still funny.

    Funny thing about people's views on Obamcare is most don't have a clue on what it is. it's the name attached to it that rings in the

    I don't put my trust in any politician and Mr. Obama is not immune. But he certainly does not deserve the hatred that has been coming his way. The "other side" (whoever that know who you are) hate the man so much (for reasons i can't seem to figure out...oh wait.....nahhh) that they refuse to help him pass a bill that THEY put together in a think tank 20 years earlier. Say what?? The aim is clear and make him look like a failure at all costs. Even if it meant shutting the government down. What a bunch of idiots.

  • Politics is complicated business. I've lost faith in the current crop of politicians in Washington these days. In my humble opinion, ObamaCare appears to be more about increased government dependency, wealth redistribution, reduced freedom and centralized political power than health care. A pox on all their houses. Forcing the public to buy a flawed product with little competitive choice is anathema to the principles upon which this country was founded. Also, more and more health care providers will elect not to participate, forcing fewer and fewer facilities and doctors to provide services to increased numbers of people. I think that Obama and the Democrats want the exchanges and insurance companies to fail so they can try to enact emergency federal measures (a single-payer system) on the public. This will likely reduce the quality and availability of health care even further. Not good.

  • @Aria

    I think you took it all too serious. :-)

    Government spending is decreasing at a very fast rate.

    Government and FR are injecting unprecedented amount of money and buying unprecedented amount of junk.

    The Deficit is decreasing at the fastest rate in recent history.

    Deficit is highest in the history with debt increase highest than any US president ever. If you mean recent year 'decrease" it is not decrease, sorry. It is part of injections going via taxes and other input :-)

    Corporate profits have never been better under any U.S. President.

    Corporates situation had never been so bad (mergers, corporate bonds market dead) with huge bubble, especially in IT required to keep uneducated public calm about stock market.

    Government Jobs have hit all time lows.

    Government already spend huge money making jobs. Right now they want, but it seems like can't.

    Reagan and Bush facing a recession actually increased spending and Government Jobs, so the conservative talking points are pure BULL.

    It is nothing to do about parties and personality. It is all about energy and resources (debt and stuff as consequence).

    Stock market is hitting all time highs.

    In reality it had been much better for all if it were all the time lows. :-) Why?

    Despite obstruction, more job creation than under 8 yrs of Bush. Can't blame Obamacare for anything going on in any large business in the U.S. unless they want to give him credit for their record profits.

    One thing I agree here is that Obama is good guy, he properly read speeches written by others on TV, make some clown acts (same as previous presidents, nothing new), fights for things that are not important at all.

  • Tired of the lies and B.S. about the current President. There are no U.S. Presidents who are immune to the Commercial system and how it controls everything. However, the hate for Obama is totally misplaced. The Healthcare plan is a conservative created plan for the most part and was a huge gift to the Private Insurance industry. It's the best any President could possibly hope to do under the circumstances of our current political climate. Just remember Obama didn't create this system or this mess. So far with ZERO help from the opposing party, he's fixed a lot of the issues he was left with.

    Government spending is decreasing at a very fast rate. The Deficit is decreasing at the fastest rate in recent history. Corporate profits have never been better under any U.S. President, Government Jobs have hit all time lows and Reagan and Bush facing a recession actually increased spending and Government Jobs, so the conservative talking points are pure BULL. Stock market is hitting all time highs. Despite obstruction, more job creation than under 8 yrs of Bush. Can't blame Obamacare for anything going on in any large business in the U.S. unless they want to give him credit for their record profits.

  • Of course it's not real. It's some rightwing email chain dumb people forward to each other.

  • Time for a regime change

  • Obama is the worst - he betrayed everybody

    He's turned out to be a liar and a corporatist but he's still not the abject failure and embarrassment that W was and knowing what we know about him now I'd still rather it be him than "Songbird" McCain, another worthless daddy's boy that's failed upwards their whole career.

  • Obama is the worst - he betrayed everybody

  • Of course...(big) companies always threaten with having to cut on employees. That's how they put pressure on government to make them dance as they wish. They kept doing it for years and all governments in 'democratic' countries indulge. Democracy is reduced to your right to go to elections, which means s*`t. Most 'democracies' right now have turned to postdemocracies. Basically we're going back to something similar as before the french revolution, kings and his friends don't pay any taxes but have all the political power, farmers and ordinary people pay all the taxes and have no power at all.

  • I guess the answer is to let employers do whatever they want, like in the 19th century. Or the way U.S. companies behave today in Mexico -- a dollar a day, no bathroom breaks, and if you're too sick to come to work today, don't bother coming tomorrow

    I guess destination where we are now going will be more close to 12th century :-) about dollar per week. :-)