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Foldable car
  • 8 Replies sorted by
  • @pundit interesting flick, need to see if I can find it.

    Wired just did a write up on the car and somethings make more sense. The car is electric, top speed 40mph and range around 60mi. You park the car remotely once you fold it via smartphone app.

  • I like this car better ;)

    'Malcolm' (1986)

    From 1:10...

  • No glass damage, but no protection from rain or snow either. The concept is kind of interesting, but I'm not a fan of the added weight of the folding motor, plus the potential structural weakness of the folding design.

    It also doesn't make sense why it folds since how do you park it once it's folded? You can't get in or out until it's extended. Do you fold it then park it by pushing it in place? If you look in the related videos, middle row first on the left, that's the correct concept for a folding car. One that folds and you can maneuver into place while still inside it and then get out.

  • @ leonbeas oh snap! I think we have a winner!

    it would need the same space to get back into to drive off right? close but not quite there =)

  • You don't get the point guys... Its for parking in the corners and hidden places... let me show you...

    1415 x 1036 - 307K
  • So it's a fold-able golf cart. Got it. The rich people in the Hamptons and Laguna have a new toy now! :) I know the US is far from the center of the universe because, amazingly enough I've lived around the world but you can count the US out on this one and that's where people can afford something like this.

  • @stonebat

    In mass usage it is not pointless, and it looks like shell, so no accidental big glass damage.

    If somehow big countries manage to get enough energy, it'll be possible solution for individual cars.

  • Um... pointless?