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RAW makes obsolete all your skill
  • 287 Replies sorted by
  • On Nokia Meego and Windows Phone 8 CameraPro offers full manual control and real RAW images as only known from professional DSLR cameras.

  • @burnetrhoades I tend to think you take life way to serious. calm down, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that everything is going to be alright.

  • @vitaliy_kiselev maybe I'll wait till the iPhone offers something. 5s is rumored to have more MP and maybe by then something will be developed.

  • GMG, are you kidding, this is comic gold right here. Democratization in action. If you're for it, there's something for you here. If you're against it, you'll find what you're looking for as well. Plus, I applaud your huevos for taking an indefensible position and just not letting go. It's almost endearing, lol.

  • @burnetrhoades deep breaths, but slow and steady.

  • @GravitateMediaGroup i see your point.

    Pro foto is not the ABILITY of prossesing raw, as i see in your pictures heavy prossesing and just subjects you have near you.

    You may be called in the analog days, an amateur chemist on dark room, experimenting with own paper and prosses of chemicals for diferent looks, and hell they doo look nice in the finished product.

    Pro foto is getting paid for capturing images.

    Tech this days can make ANYONE take a good picture...but are you getting paid for it?

  • not that is matters WHO said it, but that is was said.

    "How have I made all my best shots? By noticing something cool and taking a picture. The important part is noticing something cool. Taking the picture is easy." - Ken Rockwell

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

    so....I imagine what is possible with raw, more so than know how to operate a camera? (although I'm pretty familiar with my camera ; )

  • @endotoxic I'm not calling myself a photographer, and not every picture has heavy processing, the picture of the jet flying sideways had nothing done to it except crop.

    could I find paying photography gigs? any day of the week. but it's just a hobby more or less, something I like to do in my spare time.

  • could I find paying photography gigs? any day of the week. but it's just a hobby more or less, something I like to do in my spare time.

    So find paying gigs and try to work few weeks making it your own income. After this it'll be very interesting to know your opinion about raw and postpocessing in general.

  • @vitaliy_kiselev I don't want to turn something I like to do, into something I hate to do. I like to play guitar, but I'm not looking to join a band, if that makes any sense. I have a hobby, I will keep it a hobby. Everyone should have one, even if it's collecting stamps. IF by chance I decided to take up photography as a career, I wouldn't dare charge somebody $2k for 2 hours worth of work, $1k maybe ; )

    Also, I don't HAVE to add post processing to any image. It's a look that I like, just as some people prefer to shoot B&W.

  • I used to associate personal view with intelligent views... I guess owning a bmcc for a week dilutes your logic and makes you an expert on everything. For the sake of those around me, I'm glad my preorder hasn't shipped yet. :)

  • @pinger007
    LOL a bmcc for a week dilutes your logic

  • @ahbleza so is she a photographer or not? i'm a little confused. either way, I give her credit for having passion in something, even if she doesn't know everything their is to know about photography,.

  • and as I further my photography research, it looks like there is no such thing as a "perfect" photo according to people among the photography world. but with the help of RAW, you can get it pretttyyyy close ; )

  • @ahbleza bet you weren't expecting that response.

    156 x 117 - 2M
  • @burnetrhoades the story of a girl that has developed a new hobby? she never said she was going to be the next best thing, she simply said she was "getting into photography" you never know if you don't try....try again.

  • It's so tragic...if only these poor souls had gone to a photographer with a RAW camera...

    400 x 572 - 386K
    560 x 840 - 583K
    560 x 372 - 241K
    406 x 604 - 279K
    471 x 610 - 327K
    560 x 842 - 394K
    560 x 704 - 321K
    450 x 600 - 295K
  • @burnetrhoades other than the first photo, they look fine to me. RAW could have REALLY helped on the first one though. Its very possible the family picture with white backdrop, the pic with the chick in the black dress may have had the help of raw.

    my next movie will be a biography called "Sean C Cunningham: hollywood graphics guru turned troll"

    animated pics and excessive amounts of "argument material" pics puts you in the troll boat as far as I'm concerned.

    my opinion on the whole matter still stands. RAW was a game changer for the good and the bad for multiple reasons. It caused the old schoolers to appear as "just another photographer" and it's caused "just another photographer" to be able to fool the average person that doesn't know much about photography into making them think they are a photographer, thanks to the help of technology.

  • Being a photographer has almost nothing to do with the camera. It has to do with how you look at the world, your vision and viewpoint and your ability not only to facilitate the kind of situations that make your visual style happen but also your human skills. Not to mention your business skills as an agent, producer, accountant, and bill collector.

    In fact as far as I am concerned there is nothing more amateur than believing that you are a photographer based on the camera you shoot or the kind of format you choose.

    People don't hire me for my camera, they hire me for my style and the kind of work they think they can get from me that they cannot get elsewhere. This includes my lighting, choice of talent, the way in which I interact with my subjects and my capacity to make choices in art direction as well as later in post production.

    There is so much more to being a professional photographer/filmmaker than equipment or technology. Taste and vision count more than Canon or Nikon. Getting the right picture might only take 1/50th of a second, but sometimes 20 years and a million shot frames are needed to recognize it.

  • @BurnetRhoades Nice pics. I like the kid in the green shorts. Gotta admit I'm jealous...he's got a SWEET boom box resting on that has DOUBLE cassette decks! Mine only has a single.

  • @yoclay yeah, but at the end of the the ability to shoot RAW helps to create a nicer finished product.

    i'm not disagreeing with anything you said btw. I'm making the claim that RAW has had a major impact in the photography world, and has made it much easier for anybody to jump in, and for some reason folks are finding a hard time to agree with me, but a quick search of the internet will show that the world is full of amateur photographers that are actually taking some pretty nice pictures.

    i'm sure 40 years ago there was damn good telephone operators, but now everyone has a smart phone and are pretty good at making calls with them.

  • "Looks like everyone is a photographer now days, when RAW reaches smart devices, game over. lol"

    That's right, just like the web's made everyone a writer. When INTELLIGENCE reaches the masses, roll over Plato...

  • @spacewig they may not be "good" writers, but I would says blogs are at an all time high. lol

    they may not be good photographs, but I would say photographers are at an all time high as well. insert card, turn on camera, snap snap snap, put card in PC, do what you want "I'm a photographer!" thank you RAW, once again.