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48 hour film comp winner Autumn Elegy
  • Hey, Took part in a 48 hour film competition recently as part of the Clones Film Festival in Co. Monaghan, Ireland, and won both jury and audience awards. Used a driftwood hack, and my trusty 20mm f1.7 Lumix and 35mm Canon Fd lenses. Thanks for the helpful resources guys.. enjoy..

  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • @cattleforker You got heart. Thanks for posting. Rock on.

  • @cattleforker

    Thanks for that. It is good to see that not all low budget filmmakers want to mimic Hollywood blockbusters. I would say that this is the best thing to date that I have seen shot on a Gh2. Very well done.

  • Thanks davhar

  • Thanks for sharing, pal. Very nice indeed