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stable 1080 p25 recording
  • Hi! I´m using a GH2; firm1.1; Sandisk extreme pro 64GB (95MB/s) and ptool3.exe. First I tried a patch called "non adverse effects" but my camera froze pretty often while recording, so I´m using ptool v.3.65 on it´s own: I´m just listing up what I have modified:

    30min removal checkt max iso checkt Pal/NTSC checkt 24H=42000000 24L=32000000 FSH=42000000 FH= 32000000 That´s all.

    I´m most interested in a 1080 p25 Format. The only mode providing this format is the HBRmode. Is this mode altered by the modifications I made? The Quality is great but my camera freezes often when I use this mode :-( I also need the 1080 i50 format. When using FSH my camera stops recording after 15min all the time. It does not freeze and the quality is good - interlaced... only when I use the FH mode recording is reliable and I can record 1h nonstop. I absolutely need this reliability because I´m filming interviews and stuff like this and mostly there is no change to redo a take.

    So what can I do If I need a absolutely stable 1080 p25 recording for at least 2h in one take. Are there any patches? Should I alter the ptool settings? Try another SD card? Thanks for your help!

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • @panini

    This is link not to answer but to place where such questions reside on this forum.

  • Thank you for this link, but I did not find there a spezific answer to my spezific questions.

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