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The Definitive Hackintosh topic
  • 359 Replies sorted by
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  • Hi, all! I'm in the research stages of putting together a hackytosh, and I have a few questions related to CUDA and OpenCL with Resolve/FCX/Logic X. First, is it correct that Apple's programs don't take advantage of CUDA? Second, if that is true, would an AMD 7970 be a better option with these programs over the Nvidia 6xx cards? Or is CUDA with Resilve just too good to pass up?

    I'm hoping I can put together something that would be able to tackle 4K content down the road, or at least something that will be upgradable to that level when the time comes.

  • B3Guy, I thought that Resolve 10 was supposed to have OpenCL support. If that's the case then I would guess you'd be perfectly safe with an AMD7970. In time I think all Apps will be OpenCL ready.

  • @B3Guy i think the amd will be a better card for fcpx but @alcomposer has hands on experience with that card and how it works with fcpx if i'm not mistaken. There is also a golden build on tonymacx86, the rampage extreme iv that has an amd variation build

    I did read that with the new 10.8.5 it is having problems but i'm sure it'll be figured out. At the moment i'm awaiting the release of mavericks and what that will do to the x79 builds. Hopefully they'll become as easy as the others.

  • @Aria yeah, I know Resolve has both. But with 4K down the road, Resolve will be the program doing a lot of the heavy lifting . . . I'm mostly trying to figure out if it is faster with OpenCL or with CUDA. IF there's not a big difference, then I'll go with an OpenCL card, seeing as FCX will benefit from that also.

    Is there any reason/need/benefit to having multiple cards? Or is that just overkill?

    @andrevanberlo I'm also waiting until after Mavericks to build. I won't have the funds for it 'till then anyway :)

  • @B3Guy I'm hearing that the 79xx card on Mavericks is great, better than CUDA. Also heard that there should be lots of love for OpenCL in Resolve once the Mac Pro comes out.

  • Anyone know if there´s a motherboard that supports thunderbolt that could serve as the foundation for a hackintosh?

    I´m looking to phase out my iMAC over the coming months, get a good macbook (first) and monster desktop (a bit later). Basically I want to know if I should bother investing time (money) in such an endeavor.

  • @RRRR The Thunderbolt board (ga-z77x-up5-th) Tonymac was recommending was for Z77 processors: I'd guess it's EOL now.

    I don't see one listed for the new Z87 processors. Watch at TonyMac for developments.

    My build was on a GA-Z77-UD5H board, it was pretty easy after the initial hurdles were overcome and the USB 3.0 is so fast, I think only an SSD in RAID 0 can take advantage of the Thunderbolt speeds. At $40 a cable Thunderbolt sounds too painful for my wallet.

  • I'll second that Gigabyte board if you can find it. Love the usb 3.0 to offload my BMCC SSDs.

  • +1 @vicharris It's a great mobo. BTW - I just sold mine over the weekend... sniff sniff, miss that old beast of a computer. iMac and laptop are more than enough for me these days.

  • I am an independent documentary filmmaker and still use a Mac Pro 2008 , 2x 3 Ghz Quad Core intel Xeon (with SSD, etc). I need a (much) faster computer to fluently edit HD (and preferable 2K) AVCHD, MTS, MXF material in Premiere Pro CS 6 (Afx)

    I am considering the i7 4930K, GA-X89 for the 32 GB extra RAM, and 2 extra cores that should be very useful for PP. But as a hakintosh 'n00b' I wonder if I will get that system running 100% stable at all. (There is nothing on about this exact hardware yet) and I don't prefer to buy outdated hardware like the X79). In the end I would spend more money and still don't have powermanagement speedstep, sleepmode, Thunderbolt (2), etc

    @Shaveblog @vicharris @driftwood @dtr @CFreak @jleo @5thwall

    How is the i7 4770K (or i7 3770k) doing? (Please be factual and honest ;-) Would it be "professional", fast and future proof enough in my case?

    Does a complex timeline with some layers and a bunch of HD (2K 1/2 resolution) files with audio effects + visual effects (color correction, stabilization) play (back) fluently in the reference monitor ? (without rendering/ previewing)

    I know the i7 4930K is 1.4 times faster in rendering, but I don't care that much if it will take 6 hours or the whole night. I can spend around €2000 / €2500 Euro, (except from data drives, monitors, etc) but perhaps a i7 4770K and two graphic cards are a better investment?

    @alcomposer I am considering the GTX 770, so would you suggest the Titan in my case as well? I thought (for the future) to buy another GTX 770 (if it appears not to be fast enough)

    @ninetto I read you have the X79 board. If I would go for the 2011 socket I would go for the X89, but I suppose it is a similar setup right? Are there more difficulties/ drawbacks like power management, and installing, etc for a hackintosh 'nOOb' like me ? Once the system is running I don't feel any difference from working on a real mac? (except for upgrading) Or do you think the i7 4770K will work fine for me?

    @andrevanberlo What did you choose? 1150 vs 2011 socket?

    Everybody, Please let the community know your thoughts and experiences ! THX

  • "Does a complex timeline with some layers and a bunch of HD (2K 1/2 resolution) files with audio effects + visual effects (color correction, stabilization) play (back) fluently in the reference monitor ? (without rendering/ previewing)"

    My build is from Feb. 2013: an i7 3770k on the GA UD5H mobo, 16 GB RAM with a 1.25 GB GTX 570.

    I have just finished editing a wedding video that a still photog shot who is trying to break into video. He's admits he F'ed it up and asked for my help. All 1080 29.97i. Lots of shaky handheld, and cameras in Auto WB. I had to stabilize every handheld shot in a 2 cam multicam shoot of the ceremony and then CC on top of that.

    I am relatively new to PPro CS6 coming from FCP 7.

    Previous edits have been 2 streams of AVCHD multicoated, edited natively. I was blown away by the performance. I never had to wait on the machine while editing, it was waiting on me!

    (Soon I will be editing a project with 3 streams of GH2 AVCHD multicam. I am interested to see how the machine performs. I also have an overclocked GTX 470 which performed better than my GTX 570, but, ran hot and would eventually become unstable. It needs some new paste, a better cooler or to flash the card with a slower clock speed. I am on a $125 ebay MSI GTX 570 for now with zero GPU problems).

    That said, this was the first edit that challenged my machine: I had 3 hours of material, from 2 different cameras. I edited natively. I also worked in chunks, with the Eastern Orthodox ceremony taking up 20 minutes and requiring Warp Stab on every other shot (handheld cam). Everything worked brilliantly until I added the warp stab to all the shots that needed it. That really bogged the machine down analyzing each clip, took up all the RAM, I left it over night to curn through it. It did it. It also bloated the project file with all that anaylize data (typical) and that made saving the file take ca. 2 minutes at a go. The 20 minute project was still responsive to work with, but a little slower to display if I jumped around a lot. I then pasted it all together in to one 42 minute time line for the export. Then I experienced a display lag if I jumped around in the timeline, sometimes waiting 1 minutes for the machine to catch up. I don't know if that's typical. It was my first long, complicated edit with lots of Ken Burns effects on stills and patched up poorly shot video.

    To export a H264 version of the 42 minutes took 2 hours to render out.

    I think the machine did great and I reached the limits of what one can expect from PPro with such crap footage. PPro has a habit of hogging your RAM and I could see that in the activity monitor. I would think more RAM would have helped. Seriously the Photog said it's the customer's fault for hiring him. He's an idiot, but, a colleague.

    Other than that, I think eventually I will go for a stronger GTX7xx graphics card when they come down in price and another 16 GB of RAM (Ram prices spiked after I got the initial 16 GB).

    I feel it's the best mac I have ever owned: It's the fastest and the cheapest and stabler than the early intel MBP laptops were. I would just suggest to alway have a clone of your boot drive (put extra $ into having a bulletproof back-up plan). Always clone before you upgrade the OS. Also I think the recent 10.8.5 inc. update 1.0 broke USB 3.o for a lot of people. A fix is coming I am sure, but, if you rely on those drives, you might be better off just using internal drives.

    Also I would stick to the TonyMac golden builds. There you will find the most help if you get into trouble. I was torn to go for the Thunderbolt version of my board, but am glad I didn't. The cables alone make it not worth the price. USB 3 is faster that the mechanical HD inside, and is working best if you have it running off your Intel Mobo port (not the Via Hub). Going into territory they aren't exploring with new processors, no speedster, etc. sounds like trouble to me. I am a DP, not a computer engineer and I want to keep it that way.

    Out of curiosity I looked recently and didn't see a Haswell Thunderbolt mobo recommended by TonyMAc anyway.

    I would say if you can afford a mac, go buy one and be done. I know the new coke can MacPro is not my choice of a machine either. I want it all in a box. If you can't afford or wait for a MacPro AND YOU HAVE a tech aptitude for computers and don't mind testing your system and reading forums, you can build an awesome stable machine. Just be ready to invest some time instead of money. You also need to know how the Mac works pretty well, and the TonyMAc guys are counting on you wanting to learn the extra mile to get yourself up & running. Like here, there is some serious know how there.

    The Hackintosh is essentially the same hardware as a mac, with a bootloader that allows you to boot your choice of OS. I also have Win7 on my machine (in case I need it).

    I also have a 2008 MacPro 2x2.8 GHz which I have never bothered to try using PPro on. I will soon when I try to sell it and will experiment with my GTX 570 in it, to try and sell it as a PPro machine. I bought it for FCP7 and I was disappointed to see FCP 7 could only use 1 of the 8 processors. FCP X didn't utilize the full power of the GPU and was, not my kind of editor, so PPro it is for now. It's fast and snappy on my Hackintosh.

    Good luck and let us know what you settle on.

  • BTW, I spoke with Alexis Van Hurkman at BMD day in NYC in August, where he demoed the noise reduction feature of Resolve 10 on a 2 year old 27" iMac with a crappy GPU. He said his main CC machine is a 2010 MacPro with a GTX570 2.5 GB GPU (the unsuporrted PC card version). He said he doesn't need a boot screen and that card is plenty of GPU for him. He does CC all day. Food for thought, A GTX Titan might not be necessary for you.

  • @CFreak Thanks so much, For your detailed story about your experiences.

    It sounds good, and positive, although some things worry me (like waiting 1 minute for the machine to catch up...). My timelines will be sometimes more complex, so I wonder how your machine holds up with 3 streams of GH2 etc.. If I eventually choose for the 'consumer' socket, it will be at least a bit faster than yours, i7 4770, better GTX card and 32 GB Ram. I hope that will do for me

    You wrote: "I also have a 2008 Mac Pro 2x2.8 GHz" Mine is 2x 3.1, and I put a SSD boot drive in that made a big difference already.

    My geekbench is around 11K (which I think is not bad for an almost 6 years old machine), but many of the i7 3770/ 4770K only get a 15 -17 K compared to i7 3930K that get around 19-21K geekbench

    About your "Alexis Van Hurkman food for thought", are you suggesting to buy a 2nd hand Mac Pro from 2010, or?

    Thnx , I hope some more people can Share their experiences.

  • @tommy

    The extensive use of the warp stabilizer really bogged down the ability of the computer to jump around in the timeline. I've read that this is normal. I also noticed my 16 GBs of RAM were getting maxed out. Before I applied the Warp Stab. I could jump around the timeline all I wanted w/out lag. The machine was really only waiting on me. I like it that way :-)

    My 2008 MacPro 2.8GHz x8 could have used some upgrades, SSD, more (expensive) RAM, USB 3 card, Sata III card, but I decided to put the money into the Hackintosh. The MP 2.8x8 GB's at ca. 10k and the hackintosh GB's at ca. 13-14k. That's GB for Geekbench and the free 32bit version. The nice thing is the parts to expand the Hackintosh are waay cheaoer than the parts for my 2008 MacPro. Since I made that decision in Feb. 2013 the RAm for the MacPro machine has come down, while the Ram for the Hack has only gone up. I don't get it.

    Regarding Alexis V. H. I only mean to say, that's guy is a pro and he doesn't need the latest & greatest to get his work done, we can all take a lesson from him. I always try to think if my computer gets bogged down that there must be a better way, and, not to forget about operator error.

    Also remember a Hackintosh is only as future proof as Apple or the TonyMac guys let it be. Apple could shut it down with a software update I believe. TonyMac could disappear. Just as and a dozen other site it all relies on.

  • Never let your Hack auto update on anything. Check manually or ask before it updates anything.

  • @tommy What @vicharris said +1. Always read up on TonyMac before manually applying an update, and update only after you have a fresh clone of your boot drive.

  • QUO anyOS motherboard is available at discount today via

  • Alright, here's what I've got in the mail:

    Asus Maximus VI Gene MOBO

    Intel i7 4770K

    HSI AMD 7950

    8GB RAM

    Seasonic +Gold 560w psu

    Noctua NH-U12s CPU cooler

    Corsair 350D case (I actually have two due to an unforeseen bundle deal if anyone's interested)

    I'm also considering a Blackmagic Intensity (one of the external ones), and a second 7950 in the future.

  • The first Late 2013 Hackintosh Pro is here... in body and spirit, but not in performance. Granted it's not blazing fast and may melt down at anytime, no need to throw it in the trash since it's made from a trash can anyway:

    Ha, ha, ha :-)

  • Yeah that one 's hilarious :]

  • With a temp of 127 degrees celsius, you could also dry your hair and heat the room with it! lol!

  • Hi there, i need to upgrade from my 2006 mac pro. My main concern about hackintosh is, of course, stabilty: do you think something like that is ok or is it better to go with a second hand 2011 imac?

  • You want to see pictures of the inside. I thought about modding a G5 case, but ended up very happy with a PC case b/c you can put more 3.5" and 5.25" drives in and swap parts much more easily. The interior of a G5 case needs a lot of modding to work and then it's tight. It's really a lot of work to do it well and then you've short changed yourself, since you don't have much room.

    You also want to see a picture of the back panel with in/out ports, than can be done nicely for $ or can look like shiiiit. My guess is they aren't showing what they don't want you to see…..