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Happy Idiots
  • 28 Replies sorted by
  • @markussen

    Yep, not fully on the subject. But yes.

    I like to say: "How many of your friends fluently speak on three languages? Yet any programmer is expected to know at least two, sometimes up to 5. So you must not be surprised then you look at produced code.".

  • "Keep IT simple!"

    "Intelligence is to keep complexe scenarios simple, stupidity is to make simple things complex"

    "Dont make systems to control systems... which are controlled by other systems controlled by systems..... just prevent the failures in your basical system design!"

    " we dont look for problems, we dont look for solutions, we prevent problems!"

    "The majority of highly educated specialists tend to complicate the systems as an intellectual challenge instead of simply develloping goalorientated features."

    "The teacher tend to complicate the subject to indirectly gain honor for teaching such a complicated matter, instead of making a simple logical approach to understand and handle the complexity for the students."

    "overeducated - nonskilled" yes, we need more PhD taxidrivers!

    "if YOU gain wealth,position, power, prestige, it is OK to fool your costumers, students, clients, voters" (investment advisors, politicians, parents, sales, +++)

    build YOUR own oppinion!! and do not let people fool you!!