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The Big Thing
  • 437 Replies sorted by
  • edit: what's today's date again? doh!

  • Wow, it's going to be lonelier on Rocket #2 than I thought. Now I feel bad.

    Okay, you guys on Rocket #1 get TWO weeks of Red Bull and churros. And some Cool Ranch Funyuns.

    Cue Vera Lynn - "We' agaiiiiin....don't know where.....don't know wheeeen..."

  • "It would be nice to have a sort of Tethering like Canon/Nikon. Where external computer via USB could adjust shutter/aperture/ISO/start/stop, etc. "


    Or better yet, wireless control from iPhone or iPad type device.

  • the tone of the posts is already changed ... it's not "what can WE do" anymore ... it's "PLEASE panasonic can we have" using VK as a middle man... sad...

    350 x 289 - 26K
  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev At what time does the Panasonic rep come online?

  • Custom aspect-ratio on-screen guides would be great. The GH2 already has a similar feature in stills mode (albeit poorly implemented). All we need is two thin horizontal lines with selectable aspic ratio (i.e. 2.39:1, 2.33:1, etc.). The “overscanned” area of the picture could be slightly darker (but not too dark to render it invisible).

  • This is the funniest fucking thread I've read on this site. Its a combo of jokes and toy from pram throwing shinanigans!

    I've a question... which one of you in the team speak fluent Japanese? Its gonna help if your dealing with Japanese corp types...wont get far with just engrish!

    You going to uncover some secret money laundering at Panasonic HQ? ;-)

  • I second @Mr_Moore 's request. Custom aspect-ration guides would be really helpful.

  • @Mimirsan -San

    Fasuto fudu! Makudonaldsu! Sugoi!

  • :-) You got me there for a sec. But also :-(

  • In Russia 1st of April arrives a bit earlier than in US - 8 to 11 hours earlier or so. Time difference and such

  • @oscillian

    YOU'RE HIRED! ;-)

  • Though the chips for Bluetooth and wifi are cheap (look at all those cell phones) I think hardware additions are less likely than software feature integration. Software features are just limited to how many man hours of programming Panasonic will spring for. But more importantly, I think VK will finally get to see what perimeters withing the firmware can actually be played with.

  • Managing hacking to a controllable level to give industries lead time to compete with each other, Good luck!

  • Comrade Kiselev, I suggest your first order of business as a Panasonic employee be to hack the new Olympus E-M5. Большое спасибо

  • It is now past midnight in Russia, for good or bad can we put an end to the speculation of the Big Thing being an April Fool's joke or not?

    Please :)

  • For me, priority suggestions would be:

    1) API for developers, maybe with Android on the camera (yes, seriously.) 2) Custom color curves with pre-sets for popular cameras, so the GH2 (and its successors) can quickly and easily be set up as the "B" camera to things like RED, 5D, D800, Arri, etc. 3) P-Log.
    4) USB tethering controls with API 5) Official support for "settings", with ability to switch between multiple setting profiles in camera

  • Good for Panasonic, great for VK, sucks for the end users. The hack is dead, the spirit of freedom is gone. Panny could have gone lawsuit\firmware lockdown way, but they are not stupid, this hack sold a lot of cameras for them (I bought two). By giving a retainer to VK Panny hopes to win over the community of this site's followers and gain a competent developer while at it. I doubt GH2 will have anything new developed for it, I hope nothing will be taken away. If Panasonic were smart, they would have an SDK for us in future, don't want to talk for all of us, but that's how you win me.


    Good luck with your new gag, i mean GIG. NO FUTURE

    • 1 for Focus checking (punch in) during recording and actually the rest of oscillian's suggestions.

      and -1000 for those that think Panasonic doesn't have fluent English speaking translators, or even Russian.

      Dari ni mukate y terunda?

  • On balance, I think this improves the potential that the GH2 will further expand its recording possibilities. I would like to see higher bit rates with spanning for HBR25 as one improvement to evidence that the relationship works. Congratulations Vitaliy and team. You have served this community well, long may you continue to do so.

  • Its already April 2 in Russia

  • Plenty of good development suggestions here already.. But a couple of things would make for substantial development:

    1. Remote control (via usb protocol?) which could be made to serve as sync-mechanism for stereo- or multiscopic shooting.
    2. Raw output (this would most likely entail a new interface / recording device for future models)

    motivation1: a small camera body (that can produce wonderful pictures) would be perfect for stereoscopic shooting. Genlock is available only to cameras in a much higher price range. USB remote protocol (or some other solution) would be very handy for many things - especially if software can be developed externally. motivation2: raw output is available only to cameras of a much higher price range. It will be a game changer when raw output is made available from dslrs and interchangeable lens camcorders.

    There is also big emphasis on clean hdmi output.

  • I don't see what Panasonic gets out of the 'partnership.'

    The hack is great for end users and Vitaliy (and vTeam) have given us something worthwhile, but

    the hack is, for the most part, merely changing some parameters in the firmware...

    which Panasonic can very well do on its own. (saving VK from numerous headaches)

    Panasonic, quit asking focus groups of soccer moms what they think they want in a camera, and simply ask US, or...

    Run a survey of Professionals...

    Appoint a Customer Representative to handle the howling dogs... or, ...???

  • Congrats VK and team. I'd like to see the new GH3 or what ever it's going to be called with weather sealing and just made out of something more durable. This might seam nit picky but have a mounting hole for the pin for the tripod QR plate just like a video cam. When you have to use a fallow focus it pushes or turns the cam from it's centered position having to over tighten the plate and eventually it fails, again. I made a bracket for the GH2 and the 7D for the pin on the head plate.I use a Manfrotto 501PL sliding plate. I like making things but would be great if it just worked. All the DSLRs don't have the second mounting hole for a pin. Would be great if Panny had the first. I love this little cam and what it can do after the hack. Plus HDMI out clean 10bit 422 (I know dreaming) better sound and most of all Just listen to VK and to your costumers. Best LukeV

  • I feel like alot of people are getting dragged into this hope that now the gh2 will be completely unlocked and we can get anything we wish for with VK at the helm. The way I see it, is that now we will get firmware 2.0 with new features, but no amazing patches for that firmware, basically, the ride is over. This is an attempt by panasonic to buy out VK. Now who knows, maybe after NAB the gh2 wont be such a big deal, because something new with a great price will come along and steal the entire low budget market, but I dont know, we have to wait and see. I just dont think this is all that great a thing. I would have much more prefer panasonic to stay out of this community and let the developers continue to work on things like unlocking picture profiles and what not.