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Capitalism: Microsoft's Pluton - new T2 like chip to lock Windows PC market
  • Microsoft is creating a new security chip that’s designed to protect future Windows PCs. Microsoft Pluton is a security processor that is built directly into future CPUs and will replace the existing Trusted Platform Module (TPM), a chip that’s currently used to secure hardware and cryptographic keys. Pluton is based on the same security technologies used to protect Xbox consoles, and Microsoft is working with Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm to combine it into future CPUs.

    Pluton acts as a hardware root-of-trust, which in simple terms protects a device's hardware from tampering, such as from hardware implants or by hackers exploiting flaws in the device's low-level firmware. By integrating the chip inside future Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm central processor units, or CPUs, it makes it far more difficult for hackers with physical access to a computer to launch hardware attacks and extract sensitive data, the companies said.

    "The Microsoft Pluton design will create a much tighter integration between the hardware and the Windows operating system at the CPU that will reduce the available attack surface," said David Weston, director of enterprise and operating system security at Microsoft.

    In reality chip will have almost nothing with real security, but almost all to do with hardware interlocking preventing any repairs or parts reusability.

    Main target will be Windows notebooks that already suffer from Intel and AMD locking techniques.

    Btw if you trust any TPM and this upcoming shit - never do this, authorities have tools for direct access to keys stored in them.

  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • Stingy !

  • Use linux and a single core machine if you want freedom!

  • I still and Rest In Peace with my old Mac Pro 5.1. I am a vintage guy.