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Sometimes good things return
  • British games icon Dizzy is set to return.


    His modern arrival comes in the form of an iOS remake of 1991 title Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk for iPhone and iPad, as well as for Google’s Android platform.

    Furthermore, the release is nearly upon us – it will arrive on Friday December 9th.

    “It always astounds us what a loyal fan base Dizzy still has,” Dizzy co-creator Philip Oliver stated. “Even after all these years people remember Dizzy fondly and it’s great to see him return for his older fans and introduce him to a new generation of gamers.”
    Brother Andrew Oliver added: “Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk was one of the most popular Dizzy titles and it’s exciting to see him making his debut iOS and Android for the holidays.”

    This new version is being developed by DNA Interactive, with original project director Paul Ranson saying: “20 years on and Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk remains one of the most memorable games in the series for its puzzles and humour and it’s an absolute pleasure to return to the director’s role for this HD edition.

    “For once, this is a retro classic that doesn’t require rose-tinted glasses to appreciate its design and gameplay – Dizzy: Prince of the Yolk is simply a great puzzle-solving romp that’s been brought up-to-date with glorious visuals.”

    400 x 280 - 78K
  • 9 Replies sorted by
  • Guys, spread the world about Dizzy page, as they seems to be quite slow gaining funding.

    As I have personal interest here, want to play Dizzy game again :-)

  • @karl

    Boulder Dash also? Cool game!

  • This somehow reminds me that I should publish an as-of-yet unreleased C64 game that I still have stored in my drawer.

    I programmed it back in the 1980s, but the company that had paid the development somehow opted to only publish the Amiga, not the C64 version (though the manual was already printed...). That company went out of business many years ago, and had no legal successor.

    There's probably still some C64 nostalgia web site that would like to host it... ;-)

  • best video game ever, all games free for download with pc emulator:

    224 x 225 - 6K
  • I'd far rather see the same classic graphics with a creative new storyline, or at the very least, an option to toggle the graphics one way or another.

    If you click on link you'll see that it'll have retro 8-bit mode with exactly old graphics :-)

  • It always saddens me a little bit that when old games like this are brought back, the very first thing that gets changed is the graphics. For me, that is a large part of the experience, and the part that carries the most nostalgia. I'd far rather see the same classic graphics with a creative new storyline, or at the very least, an option to toggle the graphics one way or another. Just my PV :-)

  • another nice way to play again the best ever points-and-clicks games : ScumVM. You will be able to play to "Day of the Tentacles", "Sam & Max : Hit the Road", and others LucasArts productions.

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