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  • 45 Replies sorted by
  • @kurth Wikileaks can rant all they want but World War 3 is not happening anytime soon. The big guns know very well the consequences of such a war and they will not let it happen. The next few years will be about something else altogether. And the biggest losers will be Islam extremists but sadly many more Muslims that are not affiliated with the radicals will suffer very dire consequences. The world is about to become even more dangerous but WW3 ain't coming yet.

  • @zcream

    QUOTE I am an Indian Australian. I am aware of the killings in India (I am Hindu). A historian found 80 million missing kaffirs during the attacks by Ghazni and Tuglaq. This excludes those killed by Babar and Aurangzeb. However, we had millions killed by the Judeo-Christian imperialists as well (Britian and Portugal).

    RESPONSE BTW I am not a Christian, so I am not promoting their cause, I follow a system of yoga and meditation. Anyway as to what you are saying..I agree to some killing is good (I think we would agree on that) But sheer numbers of deaths, slavery, persecution, breeding into Hindu families after killing the male...etc..all of these atrocities belong to Islam alone.

    You would know that Hindus (being polytheists) in the eyes of the Islamic fanatics were lower on the totem pole than Jews or Christians and therefore often killed. At a later point Hindus did quite well under British Rule whereas Islam did not, because of their inability to adapt.

    No one is saying what the British did was good, but as I said before Islam holds the grand prize for being a bunch of mass murderers. Christians often denounce their history of violence and are open to criticism about it, even ex Nazis often express regret at their involvement in that regime. But Islamists never apologise for their bloody history, in fact fundamentalists follow it, and wish to repeat it.

    QUOTE ISIS was born from Syrian rebels. The money and the weapons for these rebels came from the Judeo-Christian empire (British and US). The ideology from the Wahhabi (Saudis are allies of Britian and US)

    RESPONSE Partially agreed.. Money and weapons came from misguided and greedy imperialists but the ideology and the hatred is pure Islam. Suadis have their own agenda, they are under Sharia...many beheadings each year, beatings in the street etc.. If the US and British think they are trustworthy allies...good luck with that.

    QUOTE So lets correct your propaganda. Arab civilization was more advanced than any Judeo-Christian civilization. And maybe you should point out that the entire mess in the Middle East relates to borders drawn and policies followed by the British American empire.

    RESPONSE Propaganda? Hello...I said right back to the time of Muhammad (Islam) they never built much. I also said Mecca was already there, so was Medina, in other words there already was an Arab empire. Mecca was a multicultural city (many Hindus traded and lived there, along with Christians) before Islam changed everything.

    I never said anything about Arab said that! I know they were advanced in a lot of areas, and they indeed thrived for a while under Islamic rule, but it eventually choked.

    Statistics? There are roughly 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, but only two scientists from Muslim countries have won Nobel Prizes in science (one for physics in 1979, the other for chemistry in 1999). Forty-six Muslim countries combined contribute just 1 percent of the world’s scientific literature; Spain and India each contribute more of the world’s scientific literature than those countries taken together. In fact, although Spain is hardly an intellectual superpower, it translates more books in a single year than the entire Arab world has in the past thousand years.

    Bottom I said...islam is a retrograde primitive, non negotiable totalitarian ideology...and Churchill and many others are right about this

    QUOTE Europe is an advanced civilization today - primarily because people rejected the violence and hatred of Judeo-Christian imperialism. Its really pathetic how a war started by Judeo-Christian imperialists is used as a method of propaganda.

    RESPONSE Hello? Maybe you have been reading too much Socialist propaganda...this is largely total nonsense, but I am not going to argue endlessly with you on it. Yes so called Christians did some terrible things and yes many of them were hateful too.

    BUT!!! The Crusades lasted approx 200 years 1096 to 1244 approx...and were a request to the pope for a response to the growing threat from Islam by Christians residing in the "Holy" land.

    Now again look at the statistics!... Jihads for some 1200 plus years..and ongoing area conquered that was larger than the Roma Empire and millions killed because they are commanded to in the Koran.

    The Crusade response was for some 200 years and that largely stopped Islam taking over Europe, contrary to your claims. If Islam had taken over Europe, it would be a lot worse than it is today, thats a dead certainty. The middle East has had periods of stability but its more or less always been a hotbed of unrest, even if the British had not drawn borders, the Sunnis and Shi'ites would still be killing one another...when they run out of infidels.

    QUOTE If the US stops supplying money and weapons to the Syrian rebels, ISIS runs out of weapons and Putin will clean them out.

    RESPONSE Agree with this...hopefully that will happen. BTW many say ISIS is Radical Islam, its not...its Fundamentalist Islam..or pure Islam according to the Medina Section of the koran

  • What I find scary is my FB newsfeed is full of the ignorance I know is out there. I feel very isolated. I have been posting for last 3 years about the atrocities that the Western governments have been making by funding and creating groups like ISIS and other 'moderate' rebel groups. So I wonder how many people are really awake to this stuff? 150 souls killed in paris is tragic but where is the understanding that this is simply a blip in the bigger picture of the blood that is on so many peoples hands in the West? Thousands and thousands have been killed in syria cause of a pipeline to iran and the moderate Assad being demonised when all he has been doing is trying to fight these Sunni sand monkey scum.....which we are supporting!

    I can't seem to break through and I know if I said anything on FB like this I would only be hated cause no one would understand my factual viewpoint. I don't see why i have to take shit cause of their ignorance.

  • @johncaballero ...I wouldn't be so sure. The usa is aggressively pushing 2 fronts, with russia and china. Here's what wikileaks say -

    @robertGL you think netanyahu's warning to france that their would be dire consequences if france supports the palestinian statehood agenda might have had something to do with this ? Mossad is famous for controlling islamic terrorist.

  • Everybody's tripping over each other to pray for Paris.. what about the Lebanese victims the other day? What about the Russian airliner that was bombed? Charlie Hebdo mocked victims of the Russia airliner !!!

    Furthermore I do recall France being one of the leads in destroying Libya and demanding regime change for Syria.. More still, I notice how France is the most colonial country remaining in Europe. Even more !! I notice that French weapons have ended up in Syria, and have read continual bits about how France has assisted in supplying and training 'rebels' to fight in Syria...

    So yeah, this terrorist event is irrational - shouldn't have happened; I mean French leadership isn't culpable at all, right?

  • One fact is sure, THERE WON"T BE A WORLD WAR 3 for now. What we are witnessing is something completely different. Don't get the facts confused by the optical illusion.

  • VK wish you had a "Like" button on this forum to like some of these replies

  • I've been reading about your prophecies for years.

    :-) Which ones exactly?

  • The middle east was mostly contained and stable before 911. Libya had free medicine and education. Iraq was our controlled opponent of iran. We set up Saddam when he invaded kuwait, just so bush sr could invade. The pentagon didn't want to complete the job, thus 911. The usa wanted more oil and to redraw the maps. Thus began turning what was once a more or less stable world, into a world of war and refugees. Gen wesley clark let the cat out of the bag....syria was on the usa's hitlist even before we immorally invaded iraq. This is all a globalist plan for a world government. They've been working on this for a 100 years, an advance here, a setback there. ISIS are our surrogate terrorist. They were funded by qatar, turkey and SA, all usa allies, so they could overthrow assad. Don't think the globalist didn't know that 10% of the refugees are terrorist. Of course they knew. This will get ugly fast. Most of the terrorist are low level operatives who only want blood revenge for the death of their own families. They have no idea they are being co-opted by western intelligence. Either Europe is done, or this is an anomaly, which I serious doubt.

  • @Astro I am an Indian Australian. I am aware of the killings in India (I am Hindu). A historian found 80 million missing kaffirs during the attacks by Ghazni and Tuglaq. This excludes those killed by Babar and Aurangzeb. However, we had millions killed by the Judeo-Christian imperialists as well (Britian and Portugal).

    ISIS was born from Syrian rebels. The money and the weapons for these rebels came from the Judeo-Christian empire (British and US). The ideology from the Wahhabi (Saudis are allies of Britian and US)

    So lets correct your propaganda. Arab civilization was more advanced than any Judeo-Christian civilization. And maybe you should point out that the entire mess in the Middle East relates to borders drawn and policies followed by the British American empire.

    Europe is an advanced civilization today - primarily because people rejected the violence and hatred of Judeo-Christian imperialism. Its really pathetic how a war started by Judeo-Christian imperialists is used as a method of propaganda.

    If the US stops supplying money and weapons to the Syrian rebels, ISIS runs out of weapons and Putin will clean them out.

  • Generally most Muslims dont work, thats a fact ...and supported by history. I have read a lot and studied their psyche and teachings and actions for a few years now, and its not pretty. Their scripture teaches they are superior and therefore they conquer and either kill, charge the Jizya or convert. Here in Australia they all get on welfare and their wives also do the same, its breaking the system here, and also in Sweden and just about everywhere else they go, if they cant collect the Jizya they are more or less useless. Historically for example...when they went into India, they murdered millions (and that was hidden) just search negationism in India (The record of Islam) to find out what they did. But even that mass murdering (up to 10,000 a day in some cases... Hindu Kush was an example) even that eventually became too hard, so they imposed the Jizya on the population, and thats how they survived...thats what they the Koran or the Sira, read the history of India. Right back to the time and example of Muhammad they never really built any societies, they never had much of a social structure, (mecca was built long before Islam was founded) nor do they work much or anything else..jihad is pretty much what they do, its there in their history books. Of course there are exceptions, but many of those are not considered to be genuine Muslims because thats not whats strictly laid out in the Koran, they pray for victory over the infidels. You cant appease them, they are largely nutjobs and fanatics...and totally ignorant as well. Its not a religion, it's a totalitarian regime with a religious veneer, and its taking the West far too long to realize this...far less act on it. Islam has declared war on developed societies...plain and simple, its not the jews fault (they werent there in India) its not the Russians fault, or the US.... even tho Imam Obama is useless at best...yeah none of these are perfect, but compared to Islam they are great nations. Thank God Putin is showing some balls in all of this...Mufti Merkel, Clinton and the others will probably do a fairy dance, have a candlelight vigil, amke some noise about solidarity...and their work will be done, they are useless left wing wafflers and Muslim apologists at best, at worst they are actively destroying the societies they govern. Churchill who inspired the English to fight the Nazis had it right...Islam is the most retrograde movement on the earth...his words on Islam at the beginning of the 1900's are chillingly accurate.

  • I've been reading about your prophecies for years.

  • Well them are not working at least in Finland.

    For now. And you do not need to make them work initially, just to push mentally.

    Thing will be changing fast very soon.

  • Well them are not working at least in Finland.

  • This one is simple.

    Flood of refugees won't stop (in short term it can, but not long term) and will increase, as all capital is interested in ultra cheap workers (or at least in someone who will pressure existing ones).

    You need similar acts to make people believe in conflict that is not important (if exist at all). It also allows to drive workers and most people from their true enemies, who are not in some distant country.

  • no need for war at all.

    no citizens I know in the US would be upset if the middle east permanently kicked out their foreign US corporate counterparts.

    I know no billionaires, and the americans are tired of war and being lied to by their leaders on both political sides- crazy as it sounds, many americans approve of Putin's actions lately over their own leader...

    but who cares about the us, it is for France to grieve and decide what they want to do or not do...

  • France/Germany/Sweden have four choices -

    1. Kick 'em all out or lock 'em all up
    2. Live under an indefinite police-state
    3. Lay down and die when attacked (status quo)
    4. Carry sidearms for self-defense

    Personally, I would choose (4) and continue to live as a free person. Unfortunately, I have a strong feeling that (2) and (3) will be selected instead.

  • let's hope so bro, cos 5 to 8% of those "refugees" are trained terrorists. Now you can see their actions, perfectly manipulated to the micrometer. Europe is fool to let this happen.

  • OR... a much less radical response: perhaps finally Europe will stop the flood of "refugees" that are invading their nations.