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Obvious things
  • "We would've predicted that farm dust would change the immune system, but in fact, it's not working directly on the immune system, it's working on the structural cells of the lungs," says Bart Lambrecht, a pulmonologist at Ghent Univerisity in Belgium and a co-author of the study. When these cells are exposed to farm dust, they get "numbed or cooled off," which causes them to stop recognizing common allergens later in life. "In this way, you don't develop allergies anymore," Lambrecht says. But that only seems to be true if a person has high enough levels of A20 activity in their lungs. "It's an entirely new mechanism by which we can explain how farm dust protects from allergies," Lambrecht says.

    It was quite long known and obvious that overprotection of modern children, use of various antibacterial things, not enough play in the mud and less real life lead to enormous rise of allergy and other abnormal reactions. But researches do not want you to stop buying various shit intended to "protect" you and throw out game consoles, no way, as it can cause big trouble for them.

  • 14 Replies sorted by
  • @nomad big secret is that excess carbs can leed to high triglycerides and high oxidized cholesterol. In newest research triglyceride levels are more dangerous than high cholesterol. Who knew: sugar ups fat in your blood- and fat reduces it??!

    As again: ymmv, not advice- read pubmed it's free.

  • We all have to die, but not prematurely for the profits of the pharma industry!

    Not only pharma industry, but large medical institutions also have their own plans and limits for all major diagnosis and treatment methods. :-)

  • @Vitaliy: yes, I saw those docu videos from Australia, wasn't it you who made us aware of them? The best way to phrase it was from one of the doctors trying to explain the big scientific mistake in that story: "If you always see firemen coming to fire, do you believe it's them who started it? So, if there's always cholesterol to be found when a blood vessel is inflammated, is it really the cause?

    Actually I found proof in a very good friend who's a few years older than me, skinny and athletic, doing off-road biking in competitions, skiing and such. He has very high cholesterol, quite clearly from genetic disposition – his father had the problem too. Doctors kept telling him that he should lower it, he first tried diet to no avail, but he refused to take any statins. That was years ago and he's still alive and kicking', while is father – pumped with statins by doctors who believed in that myth – never reached the same age.

    Myself I'm skinny and swimming 1000m a day and go to work on bicycle is weather is not too bad – IMHO the best thing to do for folks sitting at a keyboard most of rest of the day. My cholesterol is a bit high, as my doctor told me, but I give a damn when I want to eat an egg or shrimps…

    We all have to die, but not prematurely for the profits of the pharma industry!

  • @dbp see attached. Not the best study but one nonetheless.

    The metabolic advantage is that you can burn fat & carbohydrates if you are athletic. Ketosis occurs when you deplete your stored glycogen (which if you are a carb eater would take 3 days of fasting). Once that happens your body oxidises fat to make ketone bodies.

    At the same time your liver will make glucose to keep certain cells alive that are unable to transition into burning ketone bodies- (a few brain cells and some CNS cells).

    Once you begin doing athletic things- your liver will create more glucose to pump into your muscles as glycogen, (and more ketones from fat). Remember that insulin is needed for glucose to be placed into cells, (Insulin regulates many cell pathways).

    So the strange thing that happens is if you eat more fat - and less carbs- your body makes less insulin, and your body gets better at burning carbs. So if you are moving your body lots (athlete) then you can run on both Ketones AND Carbohydrates.

    There is some Keto product called superstarch- but I'm sure having a slice of bread wouldn't be any different.

    In relation to your comment about "metabolic advantage"- I think there was a urban myth that it was harder for your body to make ATP from Fat than Glucose. This is rubbish, and if anything its the other way around. But what does happen is that when you body starts to make Ketone bodies from fat your insulin goes down. (This makes sense as if it didn't you would die from too low blood sugar). Remember - you only have about 1 teaspoon of sugar running around your blood at any one time. If it goes too high your body needs to make more insulin VERY fast to bring it down. A standard soft-drink has 9 teaspoons of sugar. So your body has to push 9 x more glucose into your muscles- and if it can't do that- it has to make fat out of the sugar.

    Once again - not medical advice- don't do it without consulting a doctor- YMMV.

  • @alcomoser Nice, congrats on the weight loss. Many people do really well on them, as it tends to regulate hunger really well for certain folks, and you still get to enjoy some tasty favorites (steak!)

    I know one area of controversy is that some folks claim there is a metabolic advantage with keto diets, but it's never substantiated in controlled research where protein is matched. So it's another tool in the box, appropriate for some, not for others. Kind of like cameras =)

  • @dbp I personally have been following a ketogenic diet (except for some off days that I drink too much red wine- once in a blue moon). This came about ever since my partner was diagnosed with cancer. Currently everything is going fine. That was the main reason I was away from the internet and cameras for a year. Anyway: very low carb and very high fat. I normally start day with butter coffee- (ghee and coffee + blender).

    Not suggesting anyone follow this for any medical reasons- but it helped me loose 40kgs. And I can now do quite a few push-ups as well!! ;-) YMMV

  • @alcomposer in many circles, the pendulum has swung and now carbs (particularly simple carbs) are the source of obesity and all of our health woes. Equally myopic.

  • When the topic of allergies comes up, I usually tell that I have none, so my mother was probably a sloven ;-)

  • How statin drugs really lower cholesterol & kill you one cell at a time

    Statins are antibiotics. Because antibiotics are anti-bios and kill ‘good’ vitamin-producing bacteria in the gut, most are prescribed for as short a term as possible. Statins, on the other hand, are often prescribed for life. Most antibiotics also have specific action on specific microbes. Not so with statins. Statins indiscriminately kill any cell including human cells.” This could explain the warnings about gut health on statin patient leaflets.

    Cell renewal is continuous throughout the body – cells lining the gut are turned over every 10 hours to 5 days; skin cells are recycled every two weeks; liver cells are replaced every 300-500 days and bone cells last a decade.

    Without the cholesterol and isoprenoids made by the mevalonate pathway, none of this cell rejuvenation happens. Isoprenoids make our cells replicate and renew. Without mevalonate and without isoprenoids, cells age and die. They cannot be replaced.

  • @nomad

    Plus eat all those expensive anti-cholesterol drugs when you want to live a bit longer…

    As I remember, modern research shows that cholesterol is normal and used to repair blood vessels, actual problems is the health conditions and other things that cause such damage. But fighting it is too complex and requires individual approach, and does not bring billions instantly.

  • @jleo

    He is fully right.

    Many years ago smart child doctors already told this. As some mothers are overprotective and it shows on health of their children (it is not better - but worse).

  • Worthy Parasites: A Villain's Silver Lining,

    "[Some parasites] teach the immune system how to regulate itself, how to control itself," said Graham Rook, a medicinal microbiology professor at London, England's University College. He says when humans distanced themselves from the environment and parasites, huge numbers of people started suffering from chronic inflammatory disorders.

    This is the correct link to the radio show:

  • Plus eat all those expensive anti-cholesterol drugs when you want to live a bit longer…

  • Similar to the low fat madness of the last 40 years. Remember you have to buy all the "low fat" foods- and eat lots of bread. That is very healthy.