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Driftwood Cluster X Series 4:│Moon T8│Spizz T7
  • 691 Replies sorted by
  • Cynacism is just a sign that this forum is maturing nicely. Shaveblog's posts are the most artist expressions found on this particular thread (at least more than the cliched videos) and if there are people getting butthurt out there because it makes them harder to feel proud of and post the material they have been making, so be it. I have also made my share of toddler videos with the 12mm SLR magic the 25mm Nokton and the Anamorphot 50 on my GH2 without proper lighting and sickening grades that makes my kids look like green and grey trolls, but when someone comes along as says "Hey, wake up! Look at the big stupid fractal you are sitting in that you can't even see cause you are right in the center of it" it ends up being kind of like doing acid for the first time when you are 43, thinking you are just going to get super duper high while your wife and kids are off with her realtives and you are hanging out with your buddy from high school who you haven't seen in three years, but instead end up spending 8 hours in existential terror/exctacy as you realize that your career, marriage and friendships are all a big sham (I'm 32 and I've known my life is a sham for years so this metaphor has nothing to do with personal experience...). Poetry circles have always been plagued with this problem too as they tend to drive out anyone who raises a critical voice or who asks them to consider the possibility that their poems are not only socially irrelavent, but also just simply poorly written. As the great Rev. Bob Dobbs once said, "Fuck em if they can't take a joke."

  • I think Shaveblog's bitterness is just bemusement over the years and years of bickering on here about the minutia of patch differences when 99% of the users here are hobbyists who have never taken their GH2 out of the backyard. We have hours and hours of grass blades, rappers, and toddlers staring at the camera fighting for that "film look" when the first step to getting a cinematic look would be to push your kid out of the frame and put yourself on a film set. But none of us will ever get to do that, instead putting our efforts into debating matrices and color profiles to feel like pros.

    I've been a GH2 user since its release and it's still my goto camera for low-budget shoots. I appreciate Driftwood's continued support for patch updates but honestly I agree with Shaveblog that there have not been any huge upgrades in quality after IV2. And I get a laugh out of users on here getting nasty with each other and blaming their own poor footage on nonsense like Vimeo compression. Gotta love the password-protected test footage videos too; gee it'd be a shame if your footage of a daisy got leaked, better throw a password on it.

  • I agree with the IV2 comment. I have moved on to the Gh4, but everytime I watch that IV2 footage it still blows me away with the look/texture..its just..... dare i say "Filmic" right out of the box. You must get it white balanced properly, but when that happens....magic.

  • @shaveblog: i think i haven't posted here for a year or more, but your recent posts have tempted me too much. Why are you so bitter and why do you think you are entitled to be some sort of world police and smash everybody on the head who you think knows less, has less understanding than you or just a different opinion? are you that omnipotent, omnipresent super creature we read about in the old books? Do you have the divine legitimation to define who or what is stupid and to punish those that you consider to be?

    While your recommendation to switch to 24L is pretty solid and there are diamonds of knowledge in the bitter cynic selfrighteousness around it, i suggest you keep posting and sharing your valuable knowledge, but spare people the rest and dedicate your time instead to something wholesome like charity for orphan puppies, world peace or buddhism.

    Yes, its obvious that there are no major improvements to be expected from the latest or next settings. That has been the case for maybe 2 years now. If someone wants to believe in a cult, ffs, give him a break and let him live in peace as long as he does not poo on your front lawn. If there are people here, who believe that a new hack will make them the new Sven Nykvist, Michael Ballhaus, then so be it. Some people believe if among many other things they leave cows in peace they will have a positive reincarnation and why should they not?

    You are a very witty guy with technically a good sense of humour and a feeling for the word and more knowledge about cameras than many others here. But be so kind and give people a break...and rather use your skills for something constructive...

    and now back on topic: why do you consider IV2 to be the best hack apart of the fact that you have to grade less? I have never tried that one and sticked to Moon7 since its release as it is stable and does a good job.

  • Never tried the Sanity patches, so I can't comment. Personally I think the Driftwood patches peaked with IV2, which is what I use, and that's been a very reliable patch, never had a hiccup with it. To my eyes IV2 looks better straight out of the camera and needs less grading to get what I want than Nick's later patches.

    To my eyes the biggest jump in quality was from the stock firmware to Chis Brandin's 44Mbps patch. That was jaw dropping. Since then it's been a game of inches, maybe not even inches. Given that the 24L setting of most of the latest patches equals or exceeds that early 44Mbps patch, I'd say GH2 shooters are in good shape moving forward, T9 or no T9. Personally I'd love for Nick to do T9 with halved bitrate, drop the mic and be done with it. That would mess with so many heads here. It's T9 so it has to be better, except it's lower bitrate, but it's newer, but geez it's only hitting 50Mbps on high detail scenes and my kids playing in the backyard need at last 130Mbps to look filmic, but damn it looks perfectly fine on my monitor, but it can't really be that good if it's half the bitrate, you win Vitaliy, we'll keep arguing about it for another five years of YouTube tests.

  • @shaveblog or just install Sanity X and be done with it.

  • Moon T8 24L looks pretty good to me (Looking forward to testing out T9 though)

    A short video clip, recorded with Panasonic GH2 with Driftwood moon T8 hack, shot on 24L, panny 14-45mm lens at F3.5, auto ISO, auto WB. Edited on Vegas pro 12, applied Neat video, Film convert, and the red turned down -5 with Boris CC 8 color balance.

  • @Maya I've shot T8 dozens of times on both a Sandisk 64GB 95MB/s SD card as well as a Sandisk 64GB 45MB/s SD, and I've never experienced any failures whatsoever. If you are having issues, you either have a bad card, a bad camera, or you aren't formatting the card in-camera before every shoot. The problems caused by a bad card/camera/practices aren't fixed by a certain bitrate target. Certainly not 130 vs 140.

    If you guys are having trouble with these patches, or you foolishly expect to be able to shoot for 3 unattended hours straight on a consumer DSLR instead of buying the right camera for that task like a camcorder, you should be shooting your favorite patch at 24L, not 24H. For what you're shooting you'll never see any difference whatsoever. In a pinch I've shot T8 and IV2 at 24L on my cheap backup 64GB Transcends and any quality difference was difficult-to-impossible to see. 50-60Mbps is what all of these patches should be doing anyway when it comes to 1080p.

    140 is just brute force inelegance, "because he can". In a perfect world, maybe, but if Nick was doing this professionally instead of as a free hobby, you can be sure that these patches would feature much lower peak bitrate, most likely nearer to what's currently 24L than 24H. Successful consumer products are designed to protect even the dimmest end users from themselves, not push the envelope of best-case scenarios. It's why Apple doesn't overclock its CPUs. The few end users who might benefit from faster computers are far outweighed by the masses lined up at the Genius Bar with charred MacBooks.

    Do yourself a favor. if you're having card/camera issues with these patches, try shooting 24L. You'll be much happier.

  • for me priority number 1 is continuos shooting, long time...2-3 hours...for concerts and leaving the cameras unattended so the hack has to be reliable, that's why I still stick to Moon T5...if Moon T9 offers some improvement AND stability I will be so happy

  • @Shaveblog i know what u mean. but, see 140+ mbps is actually not working good for most shooters. try to make a single recording with moon t8. it will stop within 2 minutes even in fastest sdxc cards. i have 95mb/s cards i am facing playback problem with long duration files. sometimes it stops recording and hangs up in 2 minutes. 130mbps is a safe zone i feel. above 130 will always have a trouble in long plays and in cam play backs. gotcha buddy. be cool.

  • @Maya Why stop at 130? Your home videos deserve the best. How about 131Mbps? That's one better. Or why not shoot the moon and ask Nick to hit 135? FIVE MORE. How amazeballs would THAT be?

    One time, I smoked some Kowloon opium and imagined Nick increasing Moon's bitrate to 140. It was glorious, but also terrifying. It took eight hours to come down, and when I did I was naked and sweating bullets, cradling my GH2 to my chest and mumbling gibberish. You know what I'm talking about.

  • @driftwood Any News on Moon T9. please take the maximum bitrate to 130mbps.

  • Moon T8. Nikon 28mm

  • Grading test of Moon T8:

  • There's no crop, I used two cameras with 25 and 45 lenses slightly different angles. Recorded in 1080p but for this trial only I edited in 720. The sound is done separately with lavaliere but again here is just the one from the camera with rode mic, didn't sync yet. Cheers

  • I thought the camera did excellently with the video quality, especially with the crop-in shot. Did you edit this in 720?

    Curious if you have a plan for cleaning up the audio? I still don't know how to do that when I get some audio like this...

  • This a short clip from a doco that I'm working on atm. Moon T8. Thinking to switch to Space it gives me tones of footage on 32 n 64 GB cards.

    Pass: TRIAL12 Cheers

  • I was trying to do a doco last week, with Moon T8 24p. I got two GH2, once with a 32GB and 64BG both Extreme Pro 95mb/s. Problems encountered: - 32GB one doesn't span more than 4-5minutes, probably when reaches the 4GB. However once I formated in the other GH2, with same lens Oly 45, same settings, apart from ISO from 320 to 400, it did span for 25 minutes. Strange - 64BG one, did span with no issues, but once I recorded few clips of 20+ minutes, didn't record anymore saying something like: CAN NOT RECORD, EXCEED THE LIMIT, even though there were another 20 minuted left for recording and plus 10GB left. Did anyone find the same problems as I did, if so any clues how to avoid these issues, please? Thank you

  • Re-uploaded the comparison test Moon T4/T7/T8 it will be online till February 28th:

  • I hope Shaveblog can take some time out to read this article reviewing my latest film. I would hate for him to think that some us aren't actually doing real film work.

  • Any comments on my T4/T7/T8 test posted on February 13th? (Should have been taken automatically off wikisend already, files "live" only for 7 days) Difference is hard to tell isn´t it? All I expect from Moon T9 is the ability to span at least with 384kBs AC3 audio and not to lock up in PAL HBR. If you record Music to the GH2 with pro microphones, pro mixer using the excellent Pasadena Audio hacks, the stock 192kBs is NOT sufficient.

  • I think it is very entertaining!

  • Wow. If that is a grown man typing I am both confused and intrigued. To your best estimate, how many veins in your forehead do you burst in order to spew seething hatred to absolute random strangers online, say, on an average day? Ballpark it.

  • ...rhapsody in gray.................

  • You were a few posts too late Olli but thanks for finishing my countdown. I knew I could count on you.