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What Exactly is a Deal With the Devil?

One of the things I've started doing when writing is going over a list of plot devices that I haven't tried that I might want to use in my own work. This week, I have been playing around with making a deal with the devil. Not the literal devil, my Catholic School upbringing would not allow it, and trust me, I have tried. Rather, the idea of a Faustian deal inside the world story. Let's dig a little deeper on this topic. The Deal With the Devil ExplainedA Deal with the Devil is a popular cultural motif and narrative trope in which a character makes a pact with the Devil or a demonic figure in exchange for worldly desires like wealth, power, knowledge, fame, or other personal gains. This pact typically involves the character sacrificing their soul or moral integrity, leading to dire consequences in the long run. Faustian PlotsThe legendary figure of Faust emerged from the historical Johann Georg Faust, a 16th-century alchemist, astrologer, and magician. While the historical Faust was known for his travels and claims of possessing various knowledge and skills, the legend surrounding him grew and transformed over time.In the late 16th century, the first "Faustbuch" (Faust book) was published, compiling various tales and anecdotes about Faust's exploits. This book established the core elements of the Faust legend: a scholar who makes a pact with the Devil, represented by Mephistopheles, in exchange for knowledge and worldly pleasures.The Faust legend gained immense popularity throughout Europe, inspiring numerous...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Thursday, 16 May

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