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Manipulating Time Perception – the Storytelling Potential of Frame Rate (with Film Examples)

Time is relative. In films, even more so. As filmmakers, we have developed a huge bundle of tricks for speeding it up, slowing it down, freezing it, or disrupting it. We can even glimpse into the past or future if we need to. Film time is a huge topic on its own. Here, though, we’ll narrow it down and take a renewed look at one of the most basic settings every DP or videographer encounters daily: frame rate. Where do conventions like 24fps come from, when can we ignore them, and how to use frame rate as a storytelling tool? Let’s explore it together by breaking down some exciting film examples.  The reason why we – filmmakers – alter time in movies is simple. Our goal is not to depict reality 1:1 but to create a dramatic story. That’s why we include only those moments that contribute to the narrative, leaving out the rest. However, even without the editing, we sometimes manipulate time directly within the shot. Why? Hopefully, your answer is not just “because it looks cool” but “because it enhances the story”. Conventional frame rate camera settings When you start taking the first steps in cinematography, you quickly learn the basic camera settings. Frame rate is one of them, alongside ISO, aperture, and shutter speed. As world-renowned DP and educator Philip Bloom mentions in his MZed course “Filmmaking for Photographers”, creating a “filmic” look requires certain rules and limitations. They include, for instance, that cinematic videos are filmed...


Published By: CineD - Friday, 24 May

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