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How to Create Natural Looking Moonlight

In a werewolf movie, it’s not uncommon for a lot of the scenes to take place at night, under a full moon, since that is when werewolves come alive. Moonlight can have many different appearances though, so how does the filmmaker know which to use? For Dark Sky Films’ new werewolf tale, Blackout, DP Collin Brazie and director Larry Fessenden had many conversations about this topic during pre-production and what approach they wanted to take. The duo quickly ruled out deep blue moonlight that was prevalent in the lates 80s and early 90s in films such as Beverly Hills Cop II and Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Collin explains, “Blue moonlight feels a bit hyper real to me and even though we were making a werewolf movie, a lot of our approach lighting and camera wise we wanted to come from a place of realism.” They landed on a more naturalistic, silvery vibe explaining, “We both felt that held a sense of realism of what a full moon actually feels like.” To achieve this look, Collin used a mixture of different LED units, mainly a few different sizes of Arri Skypanels among other things.We spoke with Collin below about everything from Blackout to his desire to work on a neo-noire crime drama in the below interview. Blackout - Official Movie Trailer (2024) No Film School: Can you tell us some info about yourself. How did you first get into cinematography? When did you know you wanted to make a career...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Thursday, 18 April

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