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Get Your Horror Feature Funded With Unknown Nightmare

Need a new, not-so-scary way to get your horror feature funded but in a frightening spot? Luckily, Thomas Verdi (Founder of The Film Fund) is here to save you from the beast of low funds. Verdi's new AI-powered horror film development program Unknown Nightmare has a simple business model: Submit a film pitch. Gain Equity. Produce a film.The ultimate goal is to discover new screenwriters as well as find funding for their films, rather than staying within secular stages of the filmmaking process. How Does Unknown Nightmare Work? In a nutshell, Unknown Nightmare's goal is to equity crowdfund $250,000 from industry investor and producers who will submit a pitch package for an original horror film. Unknown Nightmare uses patent-pending software called ProducerScore, written by The Film Fund founder Thomas Verdi, to project potential box-office revenue scores for submitted screenplays based on real-world, historical horror film box office data. The AI angle? The software is trained on previously-produced screenplays and correlates submitted horror screenplays with real-world, historical box office performance. Essentially, aggregating date from box office numbers and seeing how scripts submitted to Unknown Nightmare compare on paper. From there, ProducerScore software uses this trained AI model to analyze new horror screenplays and project box office revenues for each original horror screenplay submitted by interested investors and producers. According to Verdi, the beauty of ProducerScore is that it can do this screenplay analysis in bulk, in a matter of minutes, and then rank the screenplays quickly and efficiently. Finally, the ten screenplays...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Monday, 22 April

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