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4K Medium Format Video Is Here: Meet the Fujifilm GFX 100

Fujifilm skips over full-frame and goes straight to medium format with the GFX-100 coming in under $10,000 this summer. It's not secret we are excited about the promise of medium format mirrorless cameras. Between our tests with the Hasselblad platform and our general appreciate for all things large sensor, we've known that we were getting closer and closer to having useable medium format cinematography solutions. Why is that so exciting? Well, as seen with the popularity of "full frame" cameras like the Alexa LF, Sony VENICE, and RED Monstro, a larger sensor really does create a different image. You get better low light performance, and you get a whole different view on the scene. Of course nothing good comes without drawbacks; you need lenses that are designed to cover the sensor, you have a smaller depth of field, and generally, things cost more. A lot of those drawbacks are about to be overcome with the new GFX-100 from Fujifilm, shipping this summer for under $10,000. Read More...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Thursday, 23 May, 2019

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