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US: Default Comedy Part 2
  • CME on Friday told traders that it would increase the amount of collateral required to trade Treasury futures by 8% to 22%, as the debt crisis was seen ramping up volatility in the government issues underlying the contracts.

    How much damage the U.S. debt ceiling scuffle does to the United States' reputation in global financial markets boils down to two increasingly plausible but very distinct outcomes: downgrade or default.


    And this one is from my reply in previous US topic:
  • 59 Replies sorted by
  • A right wing nut Bush screwed the US economy and now a right ring nut Boehner is trying to prevent it from being fixed.

    This is because the right wing nuts prefer to take the USDs away from the treasury and the people and to put them in the hands of the private corporate giants.

    The private sector claim to bring prosperity and employment but they are actually just black holes. Similar thing in nature. We use so much water at the moment in our industry, pipes, taps, kitchens that Africa is actually measurably drier.

    As Daniel Day-Lewis would say:

    "Milk shake... I suck it ALL up!"
  • @EOSHD

    Kind of strange to read this from you.
    First chart is made by Obama goverment to force average people to make wrong conclusion.
    Second chart is here to clearly say that this is not Obama or Bush problem.
    I already wrote what this is the same as making scratch on painting near your seat responsible for the fact what you are heading directly to the ground :-)
  • image

    595 x 378 - 86K
    700 x 356 - 9K
  • @Vitaliy
    In your estimation, what is the cause of the trendline in the second chart?
  • @brianluce
    That's easy. US Economy is terminally ill.
    In small scale - debt money partially stopped flowing into system, similar to clogged drip.
  • @Vitaliy
    errr...yes of course. But there are many pet theories about why money flowing to debt is decreasing. Anyway, the second chart is interesting, here's a blog on it, some of the comments are interesting -- some suggest the chart shows a false cause and effect relationship between debt and GDP, in other words, just because the rooster crows in the morning, doesn't mean he caused the sun to rise.
  • @brianluce

    Nothing interesting in your link.
    Diminishing returns correlate quite good with problems in real economy.
    The more problems you have, the more people become unqualified for any serious work (as no actual learning happens in real plants and firms) and the more you need to invest to get any progress. And as each investment dollar could go to virtual economy with good profits and to real economy with small or negative profits problems become even worse.
  • @Vitaliy
    >>>Diminishing returns correlate quite good with problems in real economy.>>>>>

    But the point in that blog is that a chart can also show the correlation between the sun rising and the crowing of a rooster. That's one of the problems with putting up a chart and saying it explains everything.

    <<<<The more problems you have, the more people become unqualified for any serious work (as no actual learning happens in real plants and firms) and the more you need to invest to get any progress. And as each investment dollar could go to virtual economy with good profits and to real economy with small or negative profits problems become even worse. <<<<<<br />
    I agree, very sad. (Sad that I think it's true, not that I'm agreeing with you :) )

  • >But the point in that blog is that a chart can also show the correlation between the sun rising and the crowing of a rooster. That's one of the problems with putting up a chart and saying it explains everything.

    Don't see any real point.
    I understand that it is easy to believe in fairy tales. You can see very good correlation to real life.
    So try to use KISS principle here.
    As for this chart, it expains 100x more than all this who-is-reponsible-for-more-spending bullshit, made to distract average Joe.
    As I already said, no good exit strategy can be made, any solution will lead to worse life.
    But best solution, most probably, will lead to terrible life in short term with quite acceptable life in the longer term.
  • A lot more wishful thinking here, Vitaliy, but let's see where everything stands in a couple of years. I'll take our embarrassing mess of a government over most others... And very thankful to be surrounded by free minds who just might be able to continue to help.

    @EOSHD. Nice, post Andrew.
  • "As I already said, no good exit exist, any solution will lead to worse life."

    Maybe, but science, technology, and progress would argue... a good life is not always represented by dollars. Again, I wonder, why does your prognosis sound so gleeful. Axe to grind?
  • @cosimo_bullo

    I am expressing my personal view that is based on facts and theories that I know.
    Nothing gleeful about it.
  • Pleased to hear that, sir.
  • @Vitaliy
    >>>Don't see any real point.
    I understand that it is easy to believe in fairy tales. You can see very good correlation to real life.>>>>
    The point is a single chart as an KISS explanation can be misleading.

    <<<<<As for this chart, it expains 100x more than all this who-is-reponsible-for-more-spending bullshit, made to distract average Joe.<<<<br />
    assigning Responsibilty for the deficit isn't just opium for the average Joe, the politics determine a lot of social policy used to address the problems. We have two competing ideologies in America with two totally different approaches -- one side thinks deregulation and lower taxes are the solution, the other side thinks infrastructure investment, more taxes, and managed capitalism is the way to go. It makes a difference which course the country takes. Figuring out what and who got America in this mess can point the way out.

    >>>As I already said, no good exit strategy can be made, any solution will lead to worse life.
    But best solution, most probably, will lead to terrible life in short term with quite acceptable life in the longer term>>>>>

    The way things look now, I agree 100%.
  • >We have two competing ideologies in America

    Sadly with same sponsors and owners :-) So, I call them "competing" idealogies.
  • @Vitaliy,
    <<<Sadly with same sponsors and owners :-) So, I call them "competing" idealogies. <<<<br />
    You got me there :(
    And it's going to get worse since our Supreme Court thinks people and Corporations are the same thing. They're so wrong, people are the things that serve corporations.
  • >And it's going to get worse since our Supreme Court thinks people and Corporations are the same thing.

    Wasn't that because of the Anti-Slavery act- which was used to justify that a Corporation is a Person?
    (there was a doco about this... can't wait for a serious doco to be made about this in 1 years time... so I can actually understand what is going on?! :-( (If we can still afford to make video then... maybe shot on the GH2?.... :D)

    On that note... maybe someone somewhere should work out how much money could be saved if all of Hollywood/Worldwide cinema / news/ everything was shot on GH2vk? I am guessing $Bln's!
  • They have the rights of a person but feel few of the consequences. If a 'natural person' knowingly risks another's life for financial gain, and it leads to a fatality, they're in big trouble. Same if they defraud a hundred people to make a fortune. Never seen a corp get sent away for 20-to-life, though...
  • >Never seen a corp get sent away for 20-to-life, though
    sounds like a good idea...
  • @madact
    <<<<<They have the rights of a person but feel few of the consequences. If a 'natural person' knowingly risks another's life for financial gain, and it leads to a fatality, they're in big trouble. Same if they defraud a hundred people to make a fortune. Never seen a corp get sent away for 20-to-life, though... <<<<<<br />
    Correct, they don't get 20 to life, but they do get a government bailout.
  • Too Big not to Fail
  • Capitalism is deeply flawed system.

    Like all systems with a high level of complexity you get chaos. It's entropy. You can't stop it.

    Solution is to split system up into smaller simple ones. When one fails it doesn't bring the others down with it or start a chain of chaos that effects the whole world. Like chopping the ropes on that cartoon above.

    Main problem at the moment is that private companies are growing too large and too powerful, as a result people are too dependant on them.

    The banks are already at Skynet levels of problematic evilness.

    HSBC made $11bn profit last year and $11.5bn profit this year. Result for staff? 30,000 fired. 10% of entire workforce dispensed with in drive to find $3-4bn more profit next year. That's capitalism at it's finest - 30,000 lives ruined because $11.5bn profit isn't quite enough.

    A complete lack of social responsibility or care for those responsible for the profits.... Us.

    Capitalism was created to serve us, instead we are serving 'it' to the benefit of fat men on yachts everywhere and to the misery of billions of normal people. In this system, normal people are essentially slaves.
  • >Capitalism was created to serve us

    Where did you got this strange thought?

    >Main problem at the moment is that private companies are growing too large and too powerful, as a result people are too dependant on them.

    It is not problem. It is solution as larger companies are more effective.
  • @EOSHD

    "HSBC made $11bn profit last year and $11.5bn profit this year. Result for staff? 30,000 fired. 10% of entire workforce dispensed with in drive to find $3-4bn more profit next year. That's capitalism at it's finest - 30,000 lives ruined because $11.5bn profit isn't quite enough."

    They sold their banks in the US. They didn't close them. They found that their banks in Asia are more profitable. The 11bn dollar figure is their worldwide profit.

  • I know but look at the big picture. 30,000 people have lost their jobs because a corporation believes $11.5bn profit per annum isn't satisfactory.

    Coke want to double their sales in the next 5 years. Has anyone followed capitalism through to it's logical conclusion and realised the damage it does to our way of life? They enslave people in offices whilst raping the environment, and there is no end to the scale of it.

    Worryingly, human nature (or rather monkey nature) means people are more than happy to be enslaved by corporations as long as they get a nice pay cheque at the end of the month.