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A GH2 Hack response rant
  • Im frankly shocked by the sheer negativity by some posters in regards to the GH2 hack & settings (not just here but on other forums)
    Be it using low gop vs high gop...wierd "complaints" about low bitrate when patching high bitrate settings (avchd is a variable codec its not going to stay permantly at 60mbs!)
    ANY testing ANY output settings is valid...petty remarks about using AVCHD vs MJPEG...fer christ sake can we just all grow a pair and try to act like adults?
    It clogs up important threads (hence why I made this one)

    I truly commend VK not only for the GH2 hack for also putting up with this shit!

    What we have here is a hack thats free to you that has given the ability to produce outstanding results...yet some still bitch.


    Sorry! ;-)
  • 15 Replies sorted by
  • I totally agree. But there is something to be said for testing strategies and what we spend time on and what we don't. How many more MJPEG table bitrate related settings do we need?! I am a big motorsport fan so here is the test team analogy again :) An F1 team has a new car and a strict test program. They concentrate on what they know has potential and what gives them the biggest performance gain. They also concentrate on understanding the car, getting more knowledgable about how it works. If all our energies were strategically coordinated like that and more focussed it would be much better :/
  • Ah don't worry about it. Once this bad boy is perfected those same detractors will be the first in line to benefit from using it. They'll never fess up to it. But you can bet their silence will be a sign of their concession.
  • People love to complain, rant. This is nature. You can't change nature with logic :-)
  • @Ian_T

    You guys both hit the nail on the head. I guess that's why you alone VK is smart enough to dissect the GH1 and GH2 from all the mayhem around it.
  • Hey Guys, you are all sooo great.... I really enjoy the progress, the knowledge, the trial and errors, and very entertaining as well...

    Yes, we cannot change nature and elementary hardware limitations..... as well in cameras and humans.... ;-)

    I just yesterday shot the following... just ooc unhacked 1080P / 24H.... and reading the AVCHD/MJPEG discussions.... do you see the paralels in atitude???

    have fun and respect eachother

    be aware this video contains scenes which show violence between animals and viewers discretion
    is adviced

  • I am totally at odds with posts that are horrible, but that said there aren't that many... More like enthusiastic groupies on speed...

    If anyone wants to help the cause more- simply donate I would say, VK can't really float his own boat himself... this sort of thing takes 1000's of man hours, and all the good will won't help if no-one donates... so if you are readying this, and want to say thanks to VK, buy him a beer, (or whatever he wants to buy with the money)
  • It seems to me that things on the forum in general have been heating up a bit lately, and I suspect this may be a result of people eagerly seeking out the "best" settings. The thing is, I don't think (correct me if I'm wrong) that is where we are at yet. Once again, I encourage the testers (for whom we are all very grateful) . . . to systematically test, exhaustively document, and logically deduce from the results what might be going on. Make sure you get sustenance and sleep, and above all, have a bit of fun :-)
  • @markussen

    "respect eachother" said someone, who don´t respect animals. Pervert...
  • @markussen: Do you mean that the people in the discussion are locked up and forced to fight each other without any means of escape for the pleasure of others? I'm sorry, but no.

    I've created an account specifically for the purpose of confronting you with your immoral act. The only valid reason for filming this abhorration is as a means to make it end.

    I will post later to thank Vitaliy and others for their work, and to ask on topic questions and remarks, but I had to get this out of my system.
  • @Angry_C @Retina Yes! Why the hell he put this video and said "respect eachother"?! Oh my gosh! Sorry, but this is just so wrong!
  • @all.... seems you do get things wrong on my motivations and to correct this misunderstanding pls read fully!

    the Stallions fight about their territory.... to mate... and they are not directly forced to , sure probably they are trained somehow.

    Like noone here is forced to do, but still there where some stallion fights going on between VIPs of this forum, showing the "this is my lolly" attitude.. fights about "territory" " honor" " prestige" "money", instead of honoring the very positive and unique forum here, where pros from all parts of the world and cultures contribute and participate.... and the video show an example of this deeply programmed attitude, to fight for territory, in our genes

    I my culture it is absolutely unacceptable to be cruel to animals or humans (I am from Denmark originally)

    Sometimes it helps you to see the detail when you magnify by an extreme example... "pixel peeping" but dont loose the overview.

    In this forum the territorial fight are just funny to observe, I do hope it will not influence the progress, I am impressed by the way Vitaly "rules" in his unique way. Thanks Vitaly...

    About the cruelty.... you need to know about it before you can do against it... and people have very very different levels of tollerance.. I have been traveling in many places of this world... and the cultures are defenately very different with very different levels of tollerance! The crusades and many more examples are given where the stronger try to dictate his "worldview" to the weaker cultures.

    I will give some few contradictionary examples about how force and violence is seen in different cultures... I will not comment as every reader shall have the option to draw his own line of tollerance...

    Stallion fighting, cockfighting, spiderfighting, dogfighting... goes for me in one cathegory... amusement for the spectators and money for the arranger misusing the natural territorial behavior of animals
    Bullfighting.. still ongoing in Spain today
    Boxing.... widely accepted to be a sport
    Table dance bars... closely relation to the organiced human trafficing and prostitution but even in Hamburg Germany widely accepted in the community
    Family blood fights in Hamburg, with the result of killing a sister/young woman because she did mishonor the familyrules
    Circumsition of women in too many countries... based on tribal traditions and the power of elderly women
    Milking cows in close stables
    Wars... too many to mention...
    Politics causing inflation by printing more money, and in this way letting valuables vaporate
    Imprissoning of political enemies.... or more easy just the disappearance of....
    or right here in the Philippines where i am now, old, very old men with young girls where obviously it is not a matter of respect in the relationship..... but the girl obey the wish of the family to get well situated and bring wealth into the family....

    I am from a farm, I was a hunter, I do eat meat, enjoy, I can kill a chicken or fish and still anjoy the taste.... and most people sad to say today enjoy the taste of a good steak, medium rare pls, but they forget the reality where meat comes from....

    A mother seing her child being misused will become a killer to help...... so even I am a pacifist, still I give myself the right to fight for my ideals and values when I see these treatened, but I do not use any kind of violence to force others to share my values.

    so open your eyes to the cruelty, and fight against it, I start by not supporting Tabledance bars, and asking people who throw used cigarettes in the streat to bring these to the trash can... and to show what is going on in this world, e.g. stallionfighting

    Take your position, and be aware that any change in this world starts by ourselves

    Still have fun!!!... filming. picturing or what ever you do for living.... and RESPECT each other...

    and fight against cruelty where ever you see it....


  • Kurt,

    true words, I guess some just misunderstood you. For the territory fights, for me there is a handful of guys I'm most interested to read what their findings for the hack are as I think they really know what they're doing.
  • Wow, you're all worked up over a couple of stupid horses kicking each other? Take a look at what goes on in Darfur, Afghanistan and other nightmarish places where human beings (us) are suffering at unimaginable levels. I don't give a f*ck about these horses -- most of them are probably better fed and get better medical care than the people watching the fights! No sense of perspective whatsoever.
  • no one cares^^
  • @EOSHD
    >If all our energies were strategically coordinated like that and more focussed it would be much better
    Totally agree. A couple of months ago I actually set up an online software-development CMS, (Mantis) specifically for the Stalin project, hoping testers would benefit from the coordination it offers. But then I gave up on it, seeing we were intent on using the "give enough typewriters to enough monkeys for enough time..." principle :-) . So I am hoping the good stuff will somehow bubble to the surface. (The "give enough bubbles enough time" principle" ;-) )