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Service for DV tape -----> HDD ??????
  • I've found plenty of services that will convert your old DV and HDV tapes to DVD, but I can't seem to find a service to capture tapes to a hard drive or flash drive.


  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • but I can't seem to find a service to capture tapes to a hard drive or flash drive.

    Are you serious? I am pretty sure that it is not a problem for service or you to transfer DVD files to any destination you like :-)

  • Connect a dv-cam to a fire-wire port, use (for example) quick time pro to record at highest quality. You're done. That's what I do for my clients who want tapes on files. A mac book pro does it very well.

  • Yeah - rather than hiring a service to convert your DV tapes to hard drive files, it'd most likely be cheaper to just buy a used DV camera on craigslist or similar and dump them yourself, assuming you still have a computer with a firewire port. If you don't, USB3-firewire adapters are not too expensive either.