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    Energy: Fuel prices related protests in Bangladesh
    • Students in Bangladesh's capital, Dhaka, took to the streets to protest against hikes in gasoline prices, the Dhaka Tribune reported. It is clarified that due to the decision to increase the cost of fuel, the cost of travel in public transport has also increased.

      The students demanded that fuel prices be lowered to their previous level within 48 hours, as well as that the decision to raise public transport fares be canceled and student discounts be made.

      The cost of 95th gasoline in Bangladesh rose by 51.7% to 135 taka / l ($ 1.42 / l), while diesel fuel and kerosene - by 42.5%, according to Reuters. According to Bangladeshi media, this is the biggest increase in gasoline prices since the country became independent. The last time the country's authorities raised prices for diesel fuel and kerosene in November last year by 23%, which was accompanied by a 30% increase in transport fares.

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    Fast meat production drop in Germany
    • According to preliminary results, commercial slaughter companies in Germany produced almost 3.5 million tons of meat in the first half of 2022. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that this is 7.9% less than the same period last year. In total, 25.8 million pigs, cattle, sheep, goats and horses, as well as 353.2 million chickens, turkeys and ducks were slaughtered in slaughterhouses in the first half of 2022. 10.1% less pork than in H1 2021

      In the first six months of the year, German farms slaughtered 23.8 million pigs. This corresponds to a year-on-year decrease of approximately 2.3 million animals slaughtered or 8.9%. The volume of pork produced in the first half of 2022 amounted to 2.3 million tons, which is 10.1% lower than in the same period of the previous year (-253.8 thousand tons). The average carcass weight of pigs also decreased by just over one kilogram to 96.31 kilograms. One of the reasons for the decline in pork production is the reduction in the number of pigs in Germany.

      Beef production is 9.1% lower than the same period last year

      In total, farms in Germany slaughtered about 1.4 million cattle in the first half of 2022. Compared to the previous year, this represents a decrease of 8.1% (-127,200 animals). The volume of beef produced for the reporting period decreased by 9.1% to 476,100 tons (-47,500 tons) compared to 2021. With a weight of 329.53 kilograms, the average weight of cattle was about 3.6 kilograms lower than the weight of the same period last year.

      Poultry meat production is largely constant

      Much less than the production of pork and beef, the amount of poultry meat produced decreased in the 1st half of 2022. At the level of about 771.6 thousand tons, 0.2% less poultry meat was produced than in the same period of the previous year (-1,800 tons).

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    Capitalism always comes with firewood and candles, just as company
    • President of the Swiss Federal Commission for Electricity (ElCom) Werner Luginbühl called on fellow citizens to stock up on candles and firewood before winter. He made this statement in an interview with NZZ am Sonntag.

      He warned that a harsh winter awaited the country. According to him, a power outage is not ruled out.

      “Everyone should think about what they will do in the event of a power outage for several hours,” he said. In this regard, he pointed out that it is desirable to have a sufficient number of candles in the house. In addition, residents of the country who have a wood-burning stove "should make sure they have enough firewood."

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    Capitalism: Another patent troll with video patents attacks
    • Various products from Acer, Asus, MSI, Motorola Mobility and Lenovo may be banned from sale in the US.

      The US International Trade Commission (ITC) has decided to launch an investigation into patent infringement by these companies. The lawsuit was filed by VideoLabs, which thematic resources call a patent troll.

      VideoLabs claims that the PCs and other devices of the above companies infringe patents that belong to it. We are talking about four patents, three of which relate to video encoding methods, and another describes a way to play video on portable devices with automatic adjustment when the screen orientation changes.

      VideoLabs was founded in 2018. It does not produce anything, but specializes only in the collection of patents from the field of video processing.

      Patents must die, all of them.

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    War: Patreon blocked in Russia
    • Roskomnadzor, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office, restricted access to the site for the distribution of creative works Patreon, follows from the register of the department to check the blocking of pages and resources in Russia.

      Article 15.3 of the Law "On Information" is called the basis for entering into the register.

      "This legislative norm regulates the procedure for restricting access to sites on the Internet that contain information calling for mass riots, extremist activities or participation in mass (public) events held in violation of the established procedure, unreliable publicly significant information disseminated under the guise of reliable messages ', according to the website of the registry.

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    Energy: Netherlands energy prices inflation
    • Residents of the Netherlands, who have to sign a new energy contract, will pay almost 6,500 euros for gas and electricity annually.

      This is more than 4,000 euros more than a year ago (160% more, or 2.6 times more), said, based on data from the comparison site

      According to the comparison site, an annual contract for gas and electricity cost an average of 6,466 euros per year as of August 1st. This includes the VAT reduction that the Cabinet of Ministers has introduced to help bring down energy prices (that is, the net sum after deducting part of the VAT).

      Last year it cost 2308 euros on the same day. The comparison is based on the average consumption of an average household.

      Energy prices have been on the rise since May last year, but Russia's NWO in Ukraine has greatly accelerated this rise.

      “Energy prices have been exceptionally high for seven months. The longer they stay high, the more people will have to deal with it,” said founder Ben Waldring.

      People with fixed energy contracts notice an increase when their contract needs to be renewed. People with variable rates see this when energy companies raise their prices.

      "Wholesale electricity prices are now 8-10 times higher than usual. Last year, 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity cost 20 euro cents, and now it is from 50 to 70 cents. For gas, it was 80 cents per cubic meter, and these rates are already rising from 2.50 to 3 euros per cubic meter,” Waldring said.

      On Thursday, Statistics Netherlands reported that inflation in the Netherlands topped 10% for the first time since 1975 in July, largely due to high energy prices.

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    US: Huge issues with IPO and other stuff
    • The volume of issuance of high-yield bonds (HY bonds) in the United States amounted to 1.8 billion dollars in July - this is the minimum level since January 2009 in monetary terms and the lowest issue volume in 25 years (since the start of statistics) in terms of total debt - at least 2 trillion Doll. Since February 2022 to July 2022, only 48 billion were issued, compared to 273 billion in 2021 and 191 billion in 2020.

      From February to July 2021, IPO volume amounted to 89 billion, and in 2020 - 29.5 billion. This is the worst half-year in the modern history of the market.

      IPO statistics have been tracked since 1988, this has never happened before, when compared with the capacity of the financial system and the capitalization of companies. From 2000 to 2007, the volume of primary and secondary placements averaged 1.35% of market capitalization, from 2010 to 2019 already 1%, and every year the ratio fell, reaching 0.63% in 2019.

      In 2020 and 2021, there was an IPO/SPO boom of $390 billion and $437 billion, respectively, which is almost twice as high as in 2015-2019 (224 billion), but this was only 1% and 0.8% of capitalization, because. the market has not grown adequately.

      In 2022 (Jan-July) IPO and SPO is 57.7 billion compared to 284 billion in 2021 and 213 billion in 2020, which is 3-4 times lower than the norm.

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