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    War: Ordinary EU people will pay extra 2 trillion euros only for electricity
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    Energy: Issue with aluminium in Europe
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      Lot of aluminium plants will be stopped or are already stopped, as with such energy prices they can't keep any production.


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    EU: Huge industrial products inflation
    • Industrial producer prices in the euro area in July 2022 compared to July 2021 increased by 97.2% in the energy sector, by 21.6% for intermediate goods, by 13.8% for consumer durables and by 7.9 % on capital goods. Prices in general for the industry, excluding energy rose by 15.1%.

      In the EU, industrial producer prices rose by 96.2% in the energy sector, by 21.7% for intermediate goods, by 14.8% for consumer durables and by 8.1% for capital goods. Prices in the industry as a whole, excluding energy, increased by 15.7%.

      Industrial producer prices rose in all Member States, with the largest annual increases recorded in Romania (+67.4%), Bulgaria (+55.9%) and Denmark (+55.1%).


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    UK: Winter energy rationing coming
    • Today it emerged that Britons could be asked to limit energy use this winter to head off blackouts by avoiding using gas and electricity at peak times in a move that will hit every part of life.

      At home people may be encouraged not to use washing machines, dishwashers and ovens between 2pm and 8pm while charging cars before 9pm is also not advised when similar measures were imposed in the US this year. Abandoning the family weekday dinner at 6pm or the Sunday roast at 5pm may be required and moved to after 8pm or swapped for a cold dinner or leftovers.

      The NHS Confederation has predicted that the solution for the health service will 'have to be made up by fewer staff being employed, longer waiting times for care, or other areas of patient care being cut back'. NHS England guidance says staff must turning off equipment and lights and better control temperatures in hospitals and surgeries.

      Schools have even discussed three-day weeks and classes could be combined to reduce the number of rooms that require heating each day.

      While care homes are being forced to take drastic action to absorb soaring living costs such as reducing menu options, using washing machines less and cutting down on entertainment and outdoor trips for elderly and vulnerable residents.

      Pubs are already turning out the lights as soaring energy bills hit the ailing hospitality sector - with last orders at 8.30pm and closing by 9pm, food service being stopped and skeleton teams running venues to avoid financial ruin. Beer gardens are even being shut at night to save costs.

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    War: Welcome to energetic hell - new oil price caps by G7
    • The finance ministers of the G7 countries (USA, Canada, Great Britain, Japan, Germany, France and Italy) agreed to impose a limit on the price of Russian oil, a corresponding statement was published on the website of the UK Treasury. It is clarified that insurance and financing for carriers of Russian oil at prices exceeding the established “threshold” will be prohibited. The new measure is expected to take effect in December.

      “Today we reaffirm our joint political intent to complete the development and implement a comprehensive ban on services that allow for the sea transportation of oil and oil products of Russian origin around the world - the provision of such services will be allowed only if oil and oil products are purchased at prices equal to or below the limit, which is determined by a broad coalition of countries,” the report said. It is specified that with the help of this mechanism, officials expect to maintain the supply of oil and oil products from Russia, while reducing its income. At the same time, Russia's influence on world energy prices will be limited.

      What is similar between 2008, 2014 and 2022? All three introduced some new form of energy and resources price controls. In 2022 it is first open price regulation by energy and resources consumers, because they are bankrupt scammers and nothing else works.

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    UK: Boris Johnson is degenerate
    • Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson advised Britons to buy new kettles to save on electricity and cut costs.

      According to him, old kettles use a lot of electricity to boil. Johnson advised to replace them, but it is better to purchase new ones.

      “If you buy a new kettle, you will save £10 a year on your electricity bill,” the politician said during a speech on energy security in the UK.

      Are they all insane?

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevSeptember 2022Last reply - September 2022 by Duncanario Subscribe to this blog
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