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Mainstream issues on other forum...
  • Why is it that if you speak of DSLRs in a positive light or express your opinions on how "professional" cameras seem to be under-performing you get banned?

    Has anyone else ran into this problem on that "big blue colored" forum that shall remain nameless? It use to be great back in the day (before DSLRs made the mods insecure) and now they're just banning people left and right if they don't "obey" and play along with the DSLRs bashing. Isn't this just counter productive to everyone? I feel that many younger minds are being warped by the disgruntled authority around there. I don't like it.
  • 17 Replies sorted by
  • Just remember that forum is community.
    Many professionals who shoot regularly and know that camera amounts only to small cost of talent, lighting, have different view of DSLR revolution.
  • That forum is run by fascists. I like it here in the Union of Socialist GH Republics. We are equal here. The fascists hate the DSLR's because they can't make DVD tutorials to sell because of the relatively short shelf life of consumer marketed products. In other words, by the time the DVD is ready to sell, the GH2 will be long gone.
  • @brianluce

    haha very true... although technically, you could also say that we're fighting for the return of true capitalism in the video marketplace. Any time you have an authoritative figure (i.e. Sony, Panasonic, and Canon) deciding what technology should be released, when, and anti-competition agreements... you're flirting with socialism and unionization. True capitalism would not have them holding back. They would release the very best technology possible and compete against each other. We would probably have RAW video by now... but they decided to draw the market out a while back. They're using socialistic ideals (set pricing and technology tiers) to create a planned market place to create more capital for each individual corporation. This contradiction is what lead them to the problem of their stills division to catch up, and even surpass, their video division. Socialism tends to lead to stagnation (video market), and capitalism tends to lead towards more competition and rapid advancement/lower prices (stills market).

    Corporations are actually more collectivist in nature than capitalistic...

    Either way though, yea, that forum is very fascist... there is no room for opinions of other view points.
  • Yep, planned obsolescence. Lynch pin of our system. Gotta keep them shares price growin!
  • The strange thing is that Camera Companies make 'most' - correct - 'all' of their money from consumer cameras... how many cameras does James Cameron need? 5? 10? 30? That is it! How many does the rest of humanity need? Exactly.

    Would be nice if they made product that could have 2 modes: "user" mode and "I know what I am doing" mode. Akin to Apples new hidden User Library folder,- if you are a pro- you would know how to unlock it anyway!

    Or at the least they could cut down on the silly stupid offset in pricing... up to 100-200 x for certain models... :/

    As for performers costing more @VK yes they do, but camera systems shouldn't compete with their human counterparts, (which is really what is happening). Also- this leaves very little room for new talent...

    Then again, lots of video guys in Australia now have Red's etc, so the ice is breaking- (Irony is that most of them LOVE the GH2 as well! Go figure!)

    We are moving into a world wide epoch of downsizing to get to the really important things... (good bye DVD - hello internet)... Even poor old Blu-Ray can't make it in todays world- new tech needs to be lean - mean - and eat the cake to!

    Getting back to my original idea, Panny should (as VK mentioned before) just make Lumix & Lumix Pro. End of story. Make lots of them- and make them cheep.

    (however this does break Japanese business law: don't kill your competition- but come on!- if its not Panny it will be VK!) mmmm... Lumix GHPro - coming to a cinema near you.
  • @bwhitz "Any time you have an authoritative figure (i.e. Sony, Panasonic, and Canon) deciding what technology should be released, when, and anti-competition agreements... you're flirting with socialism and unionization."

    LOL, please do some homework if you want to draw parallels to historical political movements. The global expansion of corporate hegemony was one of the major causes of the decline of both socialism and unionization.
  • "LOL, please do some homework if you want to draw parallels to historical political movements. The global expansion of corporate hegemony was one of the major causes of the decline of both socialism and unionization."

    Actually, the way I see it, Corporate Hegemony helped cause both Socialism and Unionization. The fact neither Socialism or Unionization is sustainable financially for more than a few decades is the cause of their decline. Though I don't see Socialism on the decline yet, they are still doubling down like gambling addicts.

    Now as for the other forum,... it's their sandbox. If one doesn't like it they can leave or have fun and get banned first. LOL
  • It's like that everywhere.

    I do moonlighting as an audio recording engineer. The big name in Digital Audio Workstation(DAW) software is ProTools(tm).

    They started simply enough and then Apple started growing and with that, ProTools quickly became "apple only" in order to be certified(allowed) to be run on Apple systems. The way Apple works is that they "certify" software and that usually means licensing agreements that keep those products "apple only". The windows version of ProTools went away soon after. I think it has recently come back though.

    Anyway, a few years ago I visited some friends who work as professors at a big name A/V school which will remain unnamed.. At the time, they ONLY taught using Apple products, due to Apple's extraordinary pricing agreements for educators.. But that comes with the licensing agreement to be "apple only", and therefore can only teach ProTools.

    And because of all this, it's the only thing these students know once they reach the real world and suddenly there is NO competition and if you aren't Apple/ProTools, you are not considered professional and I've even lost potential clients because of it.

    People actually ask me what version of Pro Tools I'm running before they even ask anything else about the studio. they don't even ask IF I'm running protools.

    And I'm not, and won't. I don't even own Apple products due to their rough business practices, not to mention how they treat their employees..
  • @johnnymossville

    Yea, thats how I feel too. You summed it up better than I...

    Although, it does depend on your perspective though... as with most philosophy and politics.
  • Unionism is definitely sustainable over the long term - Hollywood provides an excellent example...

    As for Socialism, its post-war heyday was over by the 90's. Where Socialism once reigned in over two dozen countries, it's currently down to the diehards: China, Laos, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba.
  • What's new in digital revolution? It sounds like same old same old.
  • @LPowell "Unionism is definitely sustainable over the long term - Hollywood provides an excellent example..."

    Yes, but only because there was no competition. The unionization of the industry only worked because it was a monopoly. The current studio system is basically 50 years old for shits sake. Once more people like Gareth Edwards (Monsters) start making blockbusters from their basement... hollywood is going to collapse overnight. Just like the American Auto industry. The problems we're seeing in the world right now are all the result of empires that were built on the principles of capitalism being run into the ground by socialist agendas and unionizing.

    The internet is already taking down television... Hollywood will be the next to go, unless they adapt. Which they won't. They're in to deep now.

    Socialism is a dangerous road to go down. We're not ready for it. Until we practice some serious eugenics and eliminate all genetic anomalies and disease... and literally create 100% perfect humans that are all equally capable, intelligence, attractive, ect... then it will not work.
  • @bwhitz "Socialism only worked because it was a monopoly."

    Of course, that critique can be leveled at any sovereign state...
  • @bwhitz
    >and capitalism tends to lead towards more competition and rapid advancement/lower prices (stills market)
    no - capitalism tends to bankruptcy - is a betrayal of the poor of the society
  • @Butt "no - capitalism tends to bankruptcy - is a betrayal of the poor of the society"

    haha, the poor don't have any money though... they wouldn't be buying anything anyways!

    Seriously though, most people these days confuse Capitalism with corporate corruption and collectivism. They're not the same thing. Capitalism is basically just the right that everyone is entitled to the product of their own work. It's the only naturally occurring system, because it's not a really a system at all. It's basically economic/social Darwinism. Saying capitalism leads to bankruptcy is like saying that evolution leads to a dumber species... ;)

    Socialism would actually lead to a less advanced species as resources are expended on preserving the "lesser specimens". That's why it will only work once we're all 100% perfect...

    This sounds really cruel, but hey, it is what it is... Whenever I talk about politics/society/economics I like to pretend that I'm an alien looking down at earth with no emotional attachment. I promise... I'm actually a nice person in real life!!!
  • @bwhitz "Saying capitalism leads to bankruptcy is like saying the evolution leads to a dumber species..."

    Agreed on both counts.
  • @LPowell

    <<<<<As for Socialism, its post-war heyday was over by the 90's. Where Socialism once reigned in over two dozen countries, it's currently down to the diehards: China, Laos, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba. <<<<<<br />
    Yes, a lot of people think countries like France and the Scandanavian countries are socialist because they're run by parties that have the world "Socialism" in their moniker. The USA is the only country that get rabid and psychotic at the mention of the word. And those countries aren't socialist at all, they have private businesses and free enterprise just like we do. In socialist systems, the government and business are one entity.