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Idiots: German bureaucrats will ban words racism and race
  • In a June op-ed in the tageszeitung (taz), the bureaucrats wrote “It is time that we unlearn racism. All of them. A strong sign of this would be to delete the term “Rasse” from the Basic Law.”

    In a press release on the measures, Minister Lambrecht cited similar arguments. At the drafting of the Basic Law in 1949, she said that “this sentence was a resolute contradiction to the National Socialist racial mania,” but “today […] the use of the term is no longer appropriate and can give rise to misunderstandings.”

    The catalogue of measures says that it will establish a working group between the Justice and Interior Ministries to develop a new phrasing. On this point, Lambrecht was certain that the group will create “a formulation that is both contemporary and in keeping with the spirit of the Basic Law: never again racism.”

    Idiots paired with idealism always ends bad.

    Most fun is that this exact same bureaucrats who now support rising war machine, sponsor lot of anti communist research and books (where it is 100% of lie) and also cherish and support right wing resurgence.