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US: Sitting in a chair
  • Sitting in a chair as “the next smoking” in terms of negative health consequences including coronary heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis. Medical costs in the United States due to inactivity have been estimated at $76 billion per year, minimum.

    Comparing the NSGA’s participation numbers from 2000 to 2013, cycling’s 17 percent decline actually looks pretty good compared to in-line skating (down 74%), skateboarding (down 45%), baseball (down 25%) and golf (down 28%).

    According to the Physical Activity Council, only 32.9 percent of Americans are now active an average three times per week in any activity. A desk calculator confirms that this means that 67.1% are NOT active an average three times per week in any activity.

    Echoing some of the NSGA’s numbers, the council notes declines from 2007 to 2012 of 15% in team sports, 6% in outdoor activities, 14% in water sports, 23% in individual sports, 21% in golf (8 or more times per year), and 4% in tennis.

    Btw digital camera usage also require time and will of activity and communication.

  • 5 Replies sorted by
  • What makes me wonder about the struggle to get people moving (at least as much as required to stay healthy) is that usually, only "sports" or other artificial forms of movement are considered as a counter measure. At the same time, people avoid normal activity during the day and are even encouraged to do so: Elevators (instead of stairs) being established as the "normal" way to reach a floor, cars being used for distances one could walk or cycle in a matter of minutes, everything being "remote controlled" and "electrified" instead of reaching a few meters to push a knob or using a handle to turn a spice mill manually... and so on.

    The most bizarre thing to me is when people use their car to drive to a gym, take the elevator to its entry on the second floor, only to then mount a "stepper" or an ergometer. Just not avoiding movent would probably do more for the public health than all those appeals to do more sports...

  • The most bizarre thing to me is when people use their car to drive to a gym, take the elevator to its entry on the second floor, only to then mount a "stepper" or an ergometer. Just not avoiding movent would probably do more for the public health than all those appeals to do more sports...

    Do you want to improve health with simultaneous GDP reduction?

    Seems like thoughts of terrorist. :-)

  • My favorite online Video Producer is Rooster Teeth, they made Red vs Blue the longest running Sci-Fi series in the U.S. Their founder, Burnie Burns, was a touch overweight and decided to make a standing desk setup for work. He also put a Xbox and TV in his garage in front of a treadmill so he could walk while he played games.

    After 4-6 months he lost a significant amount of weight. He also went through a divorce right around this time, and I'm sure the fact he was back on the dating market had nothing to do with his desire to get healthy.....>_> Here's a pic of him and his ex in 2009.

    And here's a pic of him and his current girlfriend:

    So yeah....I'm buying a treadmill and a standing desk.

  • What are the medical costs per year to pay for injuries related to inline skating, skateboarding, team sports, and cycling?