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    War: Finland - back to fascist roots
    • Iltalehti: Finland will announce its decision to join NATO on May 12

      First, the president of the country will speak out in favor of joining the North Atlantic Alliance, and then the parliamentary parties will agree with his position, the publication clarifies.

      Finnish President Sauli Niinistö will announce the decision to join NATO on 12 May. This is reported by the Finnish newspaper Iltalehti.

      “The President of the Republic wants all parliamentary groups to know his public position on NATO at the same time. The date was set for May 12, when various parliamentary committees decided to discuss the report on foreign and security policy," the newspaper writes, citing sources.

      According to the newspaper, Helsinki's decision to apply to join the North Atlantic Alliance will be made on May 12 in two stages: first, the President of Finland will speak out in support of joining NATO, and then the parliamentary parties will agree with his position. Prime Minister Sanna Marin will also approve a decision on this issue on May 12.

      Earlier, Life wrote that Finland and Sweden would apply to NATO on May 16-20. According to Iltalehti, Finnish leader Sauli Niinistö is scheduled to visit Stockholm on May 17-18 at the invitation of King Carl XVI Gustaf.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMay 2022Last reply - May 2022 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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    EU: Manufacturing can stop due energy shortages
    • The EU will be able to stock up on gas for the winter without supplies from Russia, only by turning off the industry - Der Spiegel

      According to European scientists, in order to fill gas reservoirs by 63% by August 1, excluding gas supplies from Russia, it is necessary now and until the end of July to turn off gas from all metallurgical, chemical and cement plants in the EU. Gas-fired power plants will have to be completely shut down for the whole of July, according to Der Spiegel.

      It is possible to reach the indicator of 80% filling of storage facilities by November 1, which is necessary for a comfortable wintering, only by cutting off the gas supply to industry for the whole of October.

      Experts believe that without these measures, it will not be possible to stock up on fuel by the beginning of winter, despite Ursula von der Lein's statements about her readiness to replace Russian gas with supplies from other countries.

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    Poland: Life will be bad for normal people
    • An embargo on Russian coal in the European Union will ruin Polish farmers and millions of people in the country, writes Agnieszka Zielinska, a columnist for the portal.

      As noted in the article, the situation in Poland is deteriorating due to rising prices for fertilizers, gas and electricity. Coal has risen in price by one hundred percent in a year. People buy it for the future, fearing a shortage.

      According to the journalist, the sanctions on the import of this energy carrier from Russia, planned for August, will deal a blow to enterprises and the poorest segments of the population. Small farmers and rural residents, including pensioners and citizens with the lowest incomes, will suffer from the decision of Brussels and Warsaw.

      "It's not just about houses. In the agricultural sector, many greenhouses and chicken coops are still heated with coal. <…> It was cheaper and more affordable than gas. Now many farmers have big problems because they have no alternative. Switching to gas, which constantly rises in price, it is very risky for them," said Viktor Shmulevich, president of the National Council of Agricultural Chambers.

      Russia supplied fuel to Poland, which was cheaper than local fuel and had a higher heat transfer. Zelinska recalled that in a few months it will end, and this will lead to an increase in energy poverty in the republic. According to the Institute for Structural Studies, the problem already affects about 4.6 million Poles, who live mainly in small towns and villages, the columnist concluded.

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    Huge issues with edible oil
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      In one of the most extreme cases of food protectionism since the start of the war in Ukraine, a ban on the export of palm oil from Indonesia went into effect on Thursday.

      The largest supplier has imposed a total ban on the export of vegetable oil, covering palm oil products along the entire value chain. It's hard to overstate the importance of this tropical oil as it can be found everywhere today - in food, soap, lipstick and even printing ink, making this Indonesian step important for the whole world.

      The decision exacerbates the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has thrown the global edible oil market into chaos. With food prices skyrocketing, governments around the world are taking steps to secure their own supplies. The United Nations has urged leaders to keep trade open, warning that protectionism will lead to higher prices and empty shelves in import-dependent countries.

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    Capitalism: Hunger is coming
    • 'No turning back' - UN predicts hunger and poverty for more than one-fifth of humanity

      The generous lands of Ukraine and Russia fed almost all of Europe. Ukraine is the fourth country in the world in terms of harvested corn: in 2021, farmers harvested 23 million tons, 55% of which were sent to Europe, 30% to China and South Korea. Also this year, they predict a decline in the volume of cereals by 35% - to 27.7 million tons. The wheat harvest will fall by half - to 16.7 million tons. Ukraine was the second grain supplier to the EU countries and one of the largest - to Asian markets and Africa. Sunflower will be harvested 30-40% less. The difficult situation with the sowing season continues in the rear territory of Ukraine - farmers cannot work without fuel, seeds and fertilizers. Already paid goods also do not reach them due to broken logistics.

      Prices are forced to rise and rather low temperatures in April in four of the five corn states of America. With a delay, farmers from Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and Indiana entered the fields. Only 2% of the cultivated area was sown by farmers in Nebraska. And livestock and poultry farming is based on grain and corn. Accordingly, the market will also reduce the amount of meat with milk.

      Suppliers, feeling that they can get rich on a scarce commodity in the future, are already raising prices - corn futures in Chicago broke a decade-long record of eight dollars per bushel (a box of 38.6 kg).

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    EU: Real role of gas
    • Norwegian Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt said Europe can no longer switch from gas to green energy.

      Green energy became super costly due to metals inflation and transport fees.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2022Last reply - April 2022 by sebolla Subscribe to this blog
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    Russian content creators are leaving western social networks
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      The number of active Russian-speaking authors on the YouTube platform decreased by 21% in the period from February 24 to April 20. This is indicated by the results of the Brand Analytics study, which also noted a significant decrease in the interest of users from Russia in Instagram* and TikTok services.

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