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    War: Freedom of speech in UK no longer exist
    • London imposed sanctions against British journalist and video blogger Graham Phillips for covering the situation in Donbass. This became known from a document published on the official website of the British government.

      The document alleges that Phillips created and published in the public domain media content that supports and promotes actions and policies that destabilize Ukraine and threaten its territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence.

      It is noted that the accounts of the video blogger in British banks will be frozen.

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    War: Strange war in Ukraine and COVID
    • First - you can see how all major news outlets cancelled COVID right at the moment of Ukraine performance start.

      Second - strange things during Ukraine war:

      • Withdrawal of forces right at the moment they could cut major Kiev railroad hub (60-80% of all supplies go via this hub)
      • Withdrawal from around major eastern cities right at the moment the fuel and ammo supplies had became short
      • Use of Mariupol as reason for withdrawal - but this had been only city that had huge supplies and had been prepared since 2014
      • Constant reduction of mobility from Russian side to allow Ukraine forces to keep positions with lack of fuel and enough trucks
      • Any rise of mobility and the front will fall, as other side don't have means to mirrors such moves
      • False use by domestic press of references to western intelligence to oppose the rise of mobility - but it makes zero sense, as it still requires other side to do mirror moves and they can't
      • Focus on Donbass aglomeration and forests near Izum - the only prepared fortified areas
      • Stop of advancements (orders came from the political top) where Ukraine had unprotected fields and where it had been impossible to hide
      • Even most of military factories are still working good
      • None of the valuable bridges touched (totally opposite to that opposite side is doing), except 2-3 that make no major impact on the outcome

      Third - as speed of conflict is subsiding (while waiting for major Western supplies) major outlets again started COVID and smallpox talks.

      If you ask me - we now observe some kind of major theater spectacle where both parties are on the same side and people are used as consumables.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJuly 2022Last reply - July 2022 by Eno Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Huge drop in computer sales in Russia
    • According to one of the market participants, 528,000 computers worth 33 billion rubles were sold in the second quarter. This is respectively 40 and 45 percent less than in the first quarter of the year. MTS calculated that in April-June, 15 percent fewer computers were sold than in the same period in 2021.

      An employee of one of the retailers attributed the fall to a shortage of devices on the market, as well as a reduction in purchasing power and the desire of the population to save money.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJuly 2022Last reply - July 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    COVID: Vaccination rate and amount of boosters will increase
    • Scientists at the University of North Carolina have confirmed that effective protection against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is short-lived. The results of the study are published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

      It is known that the risk of breakthrough infections, in which a person becomes infected despite vaccination, depends on the type of vaccine. Current mRNA vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna) provide the longest duration of protection, nearly three times the duration of the immune response after natural infection, as well as after the Johnson & Johnson and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines.

      According to the authors of the article, mRNA vaccines provide the highest level of antibodies, which is associated with more reliable protection. However, for a long-term effect against COVID-19, additional stimulation with booster doses of vaccines is required, which promotes antibody responses to new strains of coronavirus that appear during natural evolution over time.

      They just don't want to tell you that each new booster makes huge hit on immune system and depletes its reserves.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJuly 2022Last reply - July 2022 by firstbase Subscribe to this blog
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    War: On colonies and metropolies
    • The exploitation coefficient shows how much cheaper each country gives resources and labor in the exchange on the foreign market than they really cost.



      Countries in between state


      Colonies - donors


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