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    UK: Life level degradation
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      “The next few months of skyrocketing inflation will be an inconvenient period for the [Bank of England] monetary policy committee,” said Paul Dailes, chief UK economist at Capital Economics.

      Since wage charges are not growing as fast as inflation, and employers are likely to want to stick to a hard line on wages as they face higher national wage insurance taxes, households will feel income disadvantaged.

      It is clear that working-age households with lower incomes will face the greatest difficulties, as they will be fully affected by the contraction in universal credit in October and will be hit harder than richer households by rising food and energy costs.

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    Capitalism: On global debt
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      In the second quarter of 2021, the volume of global debt reached $ 296 trillion, follows from the results of a report published last week by the Institute of International Finance (IIF). Over the quarter, this figure increased by $ 4.8 trillion, and over the past 18 months, i.e., since the beginning of the pandemic, by $ 36 trillion.

      The largest contributors to the rise in global debt in the second quarter were developing countries, which borrowed $ 3.5 trillion and brought their total financial liabilities to nearly $ 92 trillion. China borrowed faster than other developed countries, whose total debt, with the exception of China, reached a new record of $ 36 trillion.

      The debt of developed countries, especially in the Eurozone, began to rise again in the second quarter after a slight decline in the first.

      US debt in the last reporting period rose by $ 490 billion, which was a record low quarterly value since the start of the pandemic. At the same time, household debts grew at a record pace.

      The total debt of global households rose by $ 1.5 trillion in the second quarter to $ 55 trillion. In the first half of the year, IIF recorded an increase in household debt burden in almost a third of the countries studied.

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    Good quote: Gorky on exploitation
    • It is high time to understand that the source of all evil and grief, all misfortunes and deformities of life, this source is the greed of an insignificant minority of people who have gone wild, mad with a thirst for accumulation of money and lawlessly, senselessly command the life of the working majority, wasting its forces, destroying the treasures of the earth that belong to you ... The bourgeois press is an obedient instrument of the bourgeoisie, bourgeois journalists are bought people; they cannot tell the truth, and if they wanted to tell it, the owners of the newspapers will throw the journalists out into the street, just as the manufacturers will throw you out.

      Stupidity is an ugliness of reason, brought up and brought up artificially by means of pressure on reason by religion, by the church — the most difficult weapon of all that the bourgeois state is armed with to tame the masses of the workers. This is irrefutable, and I do not regret in the least that on this occasion none of the clever people is able to say a “new word”. A foolish person is absolutely essential for the "beautiful life" of the bourgeoisie. He is good because he is extremely convenient for the exploitation of his physical strength. It is precisely on the basis of the stupidity of the working masses that the rule of the world philistinism is rooted. The bourgeois system of educating the masses is a system of fabricating fools.

      (c) Maxim Gorky

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    China: Tracking Evergrande collapse
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      Up to 10 big Chinese Property Developers can crash within next two weeks, including largest of them - Evergrande.

    6 comments 7 comments Vitaliy_KiselevSeptember 2021Last reply - September 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Mordor: Image and video based total censorship coming
    • The Main Radio Frequency Center (GRCHTs), subordinate to Roskomnadzor, plans to launch the Oculus system for searching illegal content in images and videos on the Internet. It will work on the basis of artificial intelligence (AI), which, according to the department, will increase the efficiency of detecting extremist materials and pornography. But the introduction of such a system threatens to slow down the work of the analyzed resources, experts fear.

      The system will be called "Oculus", it is planned to launch it in 2022, it will detect the distribution of extremist materials and pornography, drug propaganda, calls for riots and suicide, described in the terms of reference.

      System will be linked to latest generation traffic filtering systems installed recently that had been used to attack VPN usage. Idea is to kill in real time access to any site or page in social network that is spreading image that is not liked by ruling class.

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    China: Tiktok for young is literally banned
    • According to the WSJ, Douyin’s “youth mode,” which follows the imposition of new limits on younger Chinese users’ access to online videogames, will restrict under-14s to using the app between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. The app will be inaccessible to all users in that age group outside of those hours.

      While Douyin had introduced some of the features beginning in 2018 on an optional basis, the latest rollout will apply to all users registered with their real names and as being under 14 years old, Douyin said Saturday. It said that the mandatory measures were designed to protect younger users from harmful content, which however prompts a question: if the online content served by the platform is "harmful", which would it exist in the first place. In that vein, the up-to 40 minutes a day of Douyin for younger users will henceforth serve up "edifying content such as science experiments, museum exhibitions and history lessons, the company said."

      Tiktok is real black hole of shitty stuff, it is designed such.

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