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    Capitalism: Independent science does not exist
    • Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine reviewed one hundred and eighteen authors who published thirty-one clinical trials in JAMA and NEJM in 2017 and declared that they were not financially interested.

      In fact, it turned out that pharmaceutical companies paid a total of $7.48 million to the participants in these publications. Of the one hundred and six authors who received payments (almost 90% of the total), eighty-six (81%) did not receiving payments from pharmaceutical companies.

      Fees ranged from $6.36 million to $1.49 million. Pharmaceutical companies paid for travel, meals, speeches, and consulting services for study authors.

      According to the decision of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), researchers must provide information on financial disinterest and payments received in the last three years before the publication of the article. However, most authors do not.


    5 comments 6 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJanuary 2022Last reply - January 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Mordor: Asking vaccines data? You are toxic criminal!
    • Last November, in an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper, Ashmanov said he wanted to create a "catalog" of toxic content .... and presented the idea when he met with Putin. He discussed this idea with Valery Fadeev, head of the Human Rights Council, and Aleksey Goreslavsky, director general of the Dialog ANO under the Moscow government.

      “The idea of ​​the project appeared in the course of the work of the autonomous non-profit organization Center for the Study and Network Monitoring of the Youth Environment to search the Internet for prohibited content about “school shooters” and “suicides,” said Ashmanov. He explained that there is a huge gray area on the Web, due to which people are involved in activities that are already prohibited. Ashmanov sees the creation of a registry of toxic content as a way to do something about this gray area, that is, content that is not yet banned.

      In a presentation with illustrations of his ideas, Ashmanov explained that he considers information about violence, discussions about dangers of vaccination, radical feminism and refusal to have children to be toxic content. He also included the promotion of LGBT people and bestiality in this category.


      Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to report by June 1 this year on the results of consideration of the idea of creating a registry of toxic content on the Internet to protect children. This is stated in a message posted on the website of the Russian government.

      They will ban all of this soon.

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    Mordor: Population is vanishing fast
    • The natural decline in the population of Russia in 2021 amounted to 1.04 million people, according to Rosstat.

      According to the agency, in January-December 2021, the death rate in Russia increased by 15.1% and amounted to 2.445 million people (in 2020 - 2.124 million people). The birth rate for the same period decreased by 2.3% and amounted to 1.4 million people (against 1.43 million last year).

      In 2020, the natural decline in the population of Russia amounted to 688.7 thousand people.

      Numbers similar to war years.

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    MAGA: Trade deficit sets new records
    • The U.S. trade deficit in goods topped $1 trillion in 2021 for the first time ever, as an economic recovery enabled Americans to snap up a record amount of imports such as toys, cell phones and appliances.

      For all of 2021, the trade gap in goods rose to $1.08 trillion from $893.5 billion in the prior year. The deficit in 2020 had also been a record high.

      The deficit in goods increased 3% in December to $101 billion from $98 billion, according to an advanced government estimate. It was the biggest monthly increase on record.

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    Mordor: Huge inflation and currency devaluation
    • Rising prices for raw materials, logistics and packaging components are forcing baby food manufacturers to raise prices as well. The largest player in the Progress segment (FrutoNyanya brand), with a market share of over 30%, notified chains of an average price increase of 15.5% in February. The company's example will be followed by competitors, analysts are sure. Kommersant has a copy of the letter from the company's CEO Natalya Medunova to retailers. She attributes the indexation to the continued rise in prices for key raw materials due to the shipping crisis, market expectations amid the pandemic, and adverse weather conditions for crop production.

      According to Ms. Medunova, prices for fruit concentrates increased by 26.8-33.3% on average. Fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables went up by 30.9%, raw milk - by 20%, buckwheat, oats and rice - by 19%. Also, the cost of tin lids more than doubled, prices for cardboard and corrugated board increased by 50%, aluminum and plastic - by 25-100%. Finally, shipping costs rose by up to 30%, the letter says.

      Being colony, despite energy prices, all big corporations are managed such way that they send 80% of money back to US and EU via offshores intermediaries. Such way it is also possible to devalue currency, so local citizens won't be competitive and such good reason arises to move lot of produced food and goods into land of real owners.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJanuary 2022Last reply - January 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Idiots: Google finally declared numbers as copyrighted information
    • Weird behavior has been found in Google Drive. The platform began flagging completely harmless files as violating Google's terms of service, citing copyright infringement as the reason. Dr. Emily Dolson of the University of Michigan, USA, received a copyright infringement notice after trying to upload a text file containing only the number "1".

      Other Google Drive users have reported a similar issue with other numbers, including "0".

      Google replied that the problem was caused by a bug. Now the service is again temporary allowing files with numbers inside them. But for how long?

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    Energy: Labor participation rate and energy use
    • Nicholas Eberstadt, a political economist at the American Enterprise Institute, was one of the primary proponents of this structural argument in the WSJ essay, which cited his 2016 book "Men Without Book". As he explains, overall labor force pariticpation rate has been declining since 2000, when it peaked at about 67%.

      Eberstadt believes that if the US had maintained the ratio of employment-to-population from 2000, we would have 13M more people working today, more than enough to fill the record number of open jobs.

      So, if they're not working, where are all these working-age men and what are they doing? Are they volunteering or channeling their energies into worship or civil society? Not at all. From all we can tell, it looks like they're mostly sitting at home. "By and large, nonworking men don’t 'do' civil society," Eberstadt says. "Their time spent helping in the home, their time spent in worship—a whole range of activities, they just aren’t doing." For a source on this, Eberstadt pointed to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' American Time Use Survey, which compiles respondents’ self-reported habits.

      Turns out, working age men were increasingly "staying at home a lot" even before the pandemic.

      In fact, it is desired behavior, such way good amount of people are minimizing their energy (especially fuel) usage. So, it is not random, it is allrelated to that elites want from masses.

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