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    War: All you need to know about agreements with NATO
    • Russia-NATO founding act on relations, cooperation and security has ceased to exist and no longer binds anyone - Polish President Andrzej Duda.

      Same as around 100 of trade agreements and much more. It is just nice paper that is being torn apart as they found useful.

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    War: US nuclear power industry can face collapse
    • The issue of banning the supply of uranium from the Russian Federation to the United States as a response to the embargo of Russian energy resources is on the agenda, it is being studied, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said.

      The United States in early March imposed a ban on the import of Russian oil and other energy products.

      Asked how he felt about the proposal to impose a ban on the export of uranium from Russia as part of a retaliatory package against the United States, Novak said: "This issue is also on the agenda, it is being studied."

      As Reuters reported earlier, Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan provide about 50% of the uranium to the American industry, and representatives of the sector are in favor of the White House retaining permission to import uranium from Russia.

      Note that China already told that they are ready to buy all 100% of US part of Kazahstan export. US will be forced to close up to 50% of their plants as no other large supplier exist in the world.

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    War: EU will pay to kill more Ukraine citizens
    • EU will allocate an additional 1 billion euros to Ukraine for the purchase of weapons - German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock

      I want to correct - German Military Criminal Annalena Berbock,

      Even more fun is that it is exactly Germany who asked Ukraine puppet government to rise energy prices for people by near 3x, so they could import more Russian gas, instead of Ukraine people who better die with weapon that this criminal girl will give them.

      We openly see new German Nazy military criminals.

    13 comments 14 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2022Last reply - November 2022 by neveraholiday Subscribe to this blog
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    War: New rules for Ukraine, and US won't like them
    • Since March 1, in the territories liberated from the power of the Zelensky regime, we have introduced the following measures to support the population.

      First of all, this is the write-off of all debts on credits and loans in banks and microfinance organizations.

      Both the body of the loan and the interest on it.

      In order to accelerate the socio-economic development of the region and alleviate the financial situation of the population, a decision was made to fully write off communal debts.

      And payments for gas and heating will be reduced several times - to Russian domestic level. The recalculation of other tariffs will be made taking into account the real actual cost at the minimum level of profitability of housing and communal services.

      It also introduces the exemption of the population and legal entities from paying taxes for a special period.

      Agrarians of the liberated territories will have access to the Russian market for their agricultural products, as well as assistance in the sowing campaign.

    10 comments 11 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2022Last reply - March 2022 by garroulus Subscribe to this blog
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    EU: Nice welcome stuff from Australia
    • Australia banned the export of aluminum and bauxite to Russia. Russia accounts for 20% of Australian aluminum exports/

      Due to very cheap hydro energy in Syberia EU and China got very cheap aluminium.

      Now US ordered its puppet to make them suffer.

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    UK: Diesel rationing coming
    • The Daily Mail, citing analysts, warns that the government may have to resort to diesel fuel rationing from next month due to market conditions and a ban on imports of Russian oil, including diesel fuel. Russia supplied a third of the diesel imported to the UK before the ban.

      Even with rationing UK will need to stop around 1/3 of all trucks, as no replacements exist on the market.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2022Last reply - March 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Reptiles and racist science
    • The moderators of the Reptile Database, a scientific online database of reptiles, have removed references to more than a thousand publications by Russian and Soviet scientists from it. So they protested against the military actions of Russia on the territory of Ukraine. The decision is announced in the site's newsletter. The move has already drawn criticism from herpetologists and reptile enthusiasts around the world as it makes access to scientific knowledge much more difficult. For example, the database now lacks articles by the outstanding Soviet biologist Andrei Grigoryevich Bannikov (1915-1985), professor, author of more than 400 published works.

      Explanation of the most scientific online database (translated from English): “Usually in this newsletter we do not touch politics, but due to the invasion of Ukraine, we feel we should ... We have about 50-100 Russians on the mailing list and we have great respect for them as colleagues. However, Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin have gone too far with their invasion of Ukraine. In protest, we have temporarily removed over 1,000 Russian articles from this edition of the Reptilia database (or rather, replaced them with placeholders), mostly articles by Russian authors and publishers (some collateral damage will be done to people outside of Russia who co-authored these articles, sorry ).

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2022Last reply - March 2022 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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