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    Capitalism: Why compensation differs for remote workers in different places?
    • If someone works 100% remotely, why should their salary be tied to which city they are in? They do exactly the same job if they are in a big city or village.

      Actually all major IT companies told exactly this since going to remote work - if you go into cheaper state, your salary will be cut. If you won't inform company and will try to keep getting same money - you will be fired.

      In a regime of big industry or of free competition—as we shall see, the two come to the same thing—the price of a commodity is, on the average, always equal to its cost of production. Hence, the price of labor is also equal to the cost of production of labor. But, the costs of production of labor consist of precisely the quantity of means of subsistence necessary to enable the worker to continue working. The worker will therefore get no more for his labor than is necessary for this purpose; the price of labor, or the wage, will, in other words, be the lowest, the minimum, required for the maintenance of life (at the standard usual for specified place).

      In cheaper state your labor price is lower, so capitalist do not want to pay you previous amount of money.

      Btw it also explain why modern capitalist also badly want you to not have children, as lack of children expenses also reduce labor costs. And present capitalist does not care about the future situation with lack of new labor.

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    MAGA: Another move we need to thank Trump for
    • The US will formally leave the landmark Paris climate agreement on November 4th, turning its back on the rest of the world as it comes together to stop climate change. How quickly the US takes on the planetary crisis will hinge on the results of today’s election.

      Leaving Paris agreement is quite nice thing to do, despite, sadly, small countries won't be allowed to do same thingy.

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    Good quote: GC on masturbation
    • Well, I just think if you're gonna masturbate, man...treat yourself right. Don't just drag yourself in there again and use yourself. Bring home flowers. How about a movie and a quiet dinner for one? And be coy with yourself, man. "I don't wanna!" "Aw c'mon honey...for me?" "S'all you ever think about!" One thing I never did was accept money from myself, man. I never bought any, boy! One time I caught myself with another hand. Never let your left hand know. Big trouble.

      (c) GC

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    Good quote: On KPI
    • For any KPI system, there is such a strategy B that the KPI indicators when following this strategy are in the green zone, but at the same time the actual project itself goes through the ass into the obscurity

      Maxim Dorofeev.

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    Good quote: On valuable personal opinions
    • Today the so-called "own opinion" is fetishized, especially when it is not dangerous for political shepherds. Disunited people are much easier to manage, each individually is much easier to squeeze, than a united and organized force.

      Every simpleton is taught the value of his personal opinion. At the same time, a palette of judgments beneficial to the ruling class has been created on key issues of economics and politics, and it is considered indecent to go beyond this. Pluralism is complemented by a fashion for liberal or nationalist ideology, thus “valuable personal opinions” are produced in line with the lack of alternatives to the domination of commodity-money relations, the capitalist mode of production and the class division of society. On essential issues, all "individualists" think the same way, as the "shepherds" suggest to them, and on unimportant particulars, chaos of illogical, senseless taste reigns supreme.

      Short explanation on why I am mostly sick hearing "independent personal opinions" that are 99% copypasted from the mass media pages.

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