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    Chutzpah: New kind of attacks that are impossible to debunk
    • US intelligence believes Russia is behind the acoustic and directed energy attacks. The Washington Post writes about this with reference to unnamed representatives of the US intelligence community.

      The newspaper recalled several cases of acoustic attacks on American diplomats, including incidents in Cuba. "Following reports of similar incidents in China, Russia and even the United States, US intelligence officials now claim that Russia is responsible for attacks that may employ microwaves or other forms of directed energy."

      Politico, citing knowledgeable sources, reported that the US authorities suspect that the Russian GRU may be behind the alleged "directed energy" attacks against US diplomats and intelligence officers around the world. At the same time, the publication noted that so far there is no direct evidence of Russia's involvement in these attacks.

      directed energy attack is the impact of highly concentrated electromagnetic energy, including the use of powerful radio frequency or microwave devices, as well as particle streams. Results can be very different.

      Biggest fun here is that US totally made thing up. As they have only words of few people that they "felt something", no proof, no anything.
      It is ideal thing to make accusations that no one have any slightest chance to debunk.

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    War: EU reduces customs barrier from 22 EUR to zero
    • Before July 1 EU and non-EU sellers selling goods online to EU consumers could import the goods into the EU, directly to the consumer, import VAT-free if the consignment of good(s) is valued at €22 or below. This ends 1 July 2021 and all imports will be subject to EU VAT. Sellers and facilitating marketplaces can collect import VAT on import consignments valued up to €150. Or they may use the new Special Arrangements and have postal operators collect the import VAT.

      But main tool will be EORI codes and total mess on how pay for fees.

      Note how big proponents of free markets quickly changed to opposite as soon as they can't compete.

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    Western Digital destroyed ton of Live HDDs via update, tells media about hackers
    • An update that destroys the NAS and deletes all data began to arrive yesterday, for many it flew in this morning.

      WD now want to avoid financial responsibility, so send all friendly media message about abstract hackers.

      But it is not hackers, it is "gender and race neutral workforce" first results.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJune 2021Last reply - June 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: US is left almost alone on Cuba
    • The UN passed a vote for a resolution demanding an end to the US blockade of Cuba.

      The results are interesting ...

      184 states voted for.
      The resolution was opposed by 2 (two) - the United States and Israel.
      Abstaining - Ukraine, Colombia, United Arab Emirates.

      Israel sometimes is very important to his owners :-)

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    Mordor: Capitalists demand compulsory vaccination and to use force if necessary
    • The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) and the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR) asked the authorities to introduce compulsory vaccination of the entire adult population in the country. The corresponding appeal was published by the FNPR press service.

      “The RSPP and the FNPR appeal to the <...> the government <...> to make a decision on compulsory vaccination of the entire adult population in accordance with the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, with the exception of citizens who have contraindications to prophylactic vaccination against COVID-19, as well as those who have the required level of antibodies, ” - the letter says.

      Largest test lab also today stopped making any antibodies tests, citing lack of capacity, but it can become indefinite stop to help to vaccinate 100% of population, even by force.

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    Windows 11 is one big danger, monthly payment coming
    • image

      Pushing new store, inability to install basic Home version of OS offline and without full Microsoft account registration.

      It also rumored now that Windows 11 will be pushed as Windows 10 update, automatically.

      Look that we have here:


    17 comments 18 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJune 2021Last reply - October 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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