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    Cameras Sales: 2021 May Map Camera Japanese Sales
    • New cameras

      1. Canon EOS R6
      2. Fujifilm X-S10
      3. Canon EOS R5
      4. Ricoh RICOH GR III
      5. Fujifilm X-T4
      6. Sony α7 III
      7. Sony α7C
      8. Canon EOS RP
      9. Nikon Z 6II
      10. Nikon Z 5

      Used cameras

      1. Sony α7 III
      2. Fujifilm X100V
      3. Canon EOS R
      4. Sony α7C
      5. Canon EOS RP
      6. Nikon D850
      7. Fujifilm X-S10
      8. Sony α7R IV
      9. Nikon Z 6
      10. FUJIFILM X-T4
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    Xi Jinping's speech on the CCP's 100th anniversary
    • Comrades and friends,

      Today, the first of July, is a great and solemn day in the history of both the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese nation. We gather here to join all Party members and Chinese people of all ethnic groups around the country in celebrating the centenary of the Party, looking back on the glorious journey the Party has traveled over 100 years of struggle, and looking ahead to the bright prospects for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

      To begin, let me extend warm congratulations to all Party members on behalf of the CPC Central Committee.

      On this special occasion, it is my honor to declare on behalf of the Party and the people that through the continued efforts of the whole Party and the entire nation, we have realized the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This means that we have brought about a historic resolution to the problem of absolute poverty in China, and we are now marching in confident strides toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. This is a great and glorious accomplishment for the Chinese nation, for the Chinese people, and for the Communist Party of China!

      Comrades and friends,

      The Chinese nation is a great nation. With a history of more than 5,000 years, China has made indelible contributions to the progress of human civilization. After the Opium War of 1840, however, China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society and suffered greater ravages than ever before. The country endured intense humiliation, the people were subjected to great pain, and the Chinese civilization was plunged into darkness. Since that time, national rejuvenation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation.

      To save the nation from peril, the Chinese people put up a courageous fight. As noble-minded patriots sought to pull the nation together, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the Reform Movement of 1898, the Yihetuan Movement, and the Revolution of 1911 rose one after the other, and a variety of plans were devised to ensure national survival, but all of these ended in failure. China was in urgent need of new ideas to lead the movement to save the nation and a new organization to rally revolutionary forces.

      With the salvoes of Russia's October Revolution in 1917, Marxism-Leninism was brought to China. Then in 1921, as the Chinese people and the Chinese nation were undergoing a great awakening and Marxism-Leninism was becoming closely integrated with the Chinese workers' movement, the Communist Party of China was born. The founding of a communist party in China was an epoch-making event, which profoundly changed the course of Chinese history in modern times, transformed the future of the Chinese people and nation, and altered the landscape of world development.

      Since the very day of its founding, the Party has made seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation its aspiration and mission. All the struggle, sacrifice, and creation through which the Party has united and led the Chinese people over the past hundred years has been tied together by one ultimate theme-bringing about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

      To realize national rejuvenation, the Party united and led the Chinese people in fighting bloody battles with unyielding determination, achieving great success in the new-democratic revolution.

      Through the Northern Expedition, the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and the War of Liberation, we fought armed counter-revolution with armed revolution, toppling the three mountains of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism and establishing the People's Republic of China, which made the people masters of the country. We thus secured our nation's independence and liberated our people.

      The victory of the new-democratic revolution put an end to China's history as a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society, to the state of total disunity that existed in old China, and to all the unequal treaties imposed on our country by foreign powers and all the privileges that imperialist powers enjoyed in China. It created the fundamental social conditions for realizing national rejuvenation.

      Through tenacious struggle, the Party and the Chinese people showed the world that the Chinese people had stood up, and that the time in which the Chinese nation could be bullied and abused by others was gone forever.

      To realize national rejuvenation, the Party united and led the Chinese people in endeavoring to build a stronger China with a spirit of self-reliance, achieving great success in socialist revolution and construction.

      By carrying out socialist revolution, we eliminated the exploitative and repressive feudal system that had persisted in China for thousands of years, and established socialism as our basic system. In the process of socialist construction, we overcame subversion, sabotage, and armed provocation by imperialist and hegemonic powers, and brought about the most extensive and profound social changes in the history of the Chinese nation. This great transformation of China from a poor and backward country in the East with a large population into a socialist country laid down the fundamental political conditions and the institutional foundations necessary for realizing national rejuvenation.

      Through tenacious struggle, the Party and the Chinese people showed the world that the Chinese people were capable of not only dismantling the old world, but also building a new one, that only socialism could save China, and that only socialism with Chinese characteristics could develop China.

      To realize national rejuvenation, the Party united and led the Chinese people in freeing the mind and forging ahead, achieving great success in reform, opening up, and socialist modernization.

      We established the Party's basic line for the primary stage of socialism, resolutely advanced reform and opening up, overcame risks and challenges from every direction, and founded, upheld, safeguarded, and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics, thus bringing about a major turn with far-reaching significance in the history of the Party since the founding of the People's Republic of China. This enabled China to transform itself from a highly centralized planned economy to a socialist market economy brimming with vitality, and from a country that was largely isolated to one that is open to the outside world across the board. It also enabled China to achieve the historic leap from a country with relatively backward productive forces to the world's second largest economy, and to make the historic transformation of raising the living standards of its people from bare subsistence to an overall level of moderate prosperity, and then ultimately to moderate prosperity in all respects. These achievements fueled the push toward national rejuvenation by providing institutional guarantees imbued with new energy as well as the material conditions for rapid development.

      Through tenacious struggle, the Party and the Chinese people showed the world that by pursuing reform and opening up, a crucial move in making China what it is today, China had caught up with the times in great strides.

      To realize national rejuvenation, the Party has united and led the Chinese people in pursuing a great struggle, a great project, a great cause, and a great dream through a spirit of self-confidence, self-reliance, and innovation, achieving great success for socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

      Following the Party's 18th National Congress, socialism with Chinese characteristics entered a new era. In this new era, we have upheld and strengthened the Party's overall leadership, ensured coordinated implementation of the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy, upheld and improved the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, modernized China's system and capacity for governance, remained committed to exercising rule-based governance over the Party, and developed a sound system of intraparty regulations. We have overcome a long list of major risks and challenges, fulfilled the first centenary goal, and set out strategic steps for achieving the second centenary goal. All the historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the country have provided the cause of national rejuvenation with more robust institutions, stronger material foundations, and a source of inspiration for taking greater initiative.

      Through tenacious struggle, the Party and the Chinese people have shown the world that the Chinese nation has achieved the tremendous transformation from standing up and growing prosperous to becoming strong, and that China's national rejuvenation has become a historical inevitability.

      Over the past hundred years, the Party has united and led the Chinese people in writing the most magnificent chapter in the millennia-long history of the Chinese nation, embodying the dauntless spirit that Mao Zedong expressed when he wrote, "Our minds grow stronger for the martyrs' sacrifice, daring to make the sun and the moon shine in the new sky." The great path we have pioneered, the great cause we have undertaken, and the great achievements we have made over the past century will go down in the annals of the development of the Chinese nation and of human civilization.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJuly 2021Last reply - July 2021 by Nino_Ilacqua Subscribe to this blog
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    Chutzpah: Nikon stole people money, openly and loudly
    • Nikon Japan has announced, via a product notice, that its Z7 and Z7 II camera systems will no longer come with the previously-included EH-7P AC power adapter. Of course, they lied to hide real intentions and constantly repeated that this is due issues with sourcing components as a result of the global semiconductor shortage.

      All camera companies are greedy bastards who never care about you or your needs.

    4 comments 5 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJuly 2021Last reply - July 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Hacks: Closed info of 700 millions of LinkedIn accounts leaked
    • A few days ago, one of the users of a popular hacking forum posted a database of 1 million LinkedIn users as proof of the lot's authenticity. The source said that the complete database includes various information, including the names of users, their mailbox addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, geolocation data, names on social networks and links to personal pages, etc.

      The forum user who published part of the database claims that in total he has information on 700 million LinkedIn users. With about 756 million people currently registered on the social network, the leak potentially affects 92% of the platform's users. The seller claims that the database is formed from data collected using hole in the LinkedIn API to collect information uploaded by users.

      All is as usual.

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    War: Google going to fully closed Android ecosystem by August
    • Android OS developers announced the transition to a new format of applications and games in the summer of 2021. The official Google blog warns about replacing the usual software extension APK with AAB.

      The Android App Bundle (AAB) was introduced back in 2018 and it is this format that software developers have gradually switched to. The essence of the innovation is that now Google itself is engaged in the optimization of various versions of the application, "packing" them into a container. The user will not be able to manually install the AAB file itself on the smartphone, as was the case with the usual APK files. This will increase the security of applications, but also negatively affect the "openness" of the Android platform.

      Google has planned to completely switch its Google Play app store to AAB format in August. It is said that users will benefit in the amount of software that will take 15-20 percent less memory on the device.

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    Mordor: COVID vaccination will repeat each 6 months
    • Yesterday, the guidelines came out "The procedure for vaccinating the adult population against COVID-19", according to which vaccination against coronavirus infection should be carried out without taking into account the data of humoral immunity, that is, vaccinations are shown regardless of the presence of antibodies.

      In the document, this decision is justified by the fact that “the currently available test systems for determining cellular immunity cannot be used in wide circulation due to the lack of reliable data on the interpretation of research results (duration of protection, its severity) and the degree of resistance of the immune system to response on the mutation of the virus. "

      There will be two types of vaccinations. The first is emergency vaccination, which is now announced in Russia, the second type is routine vaccination, which will be carried out in case of a favorable situation with coronavirus infection. What is the difference? In case of routine vaccination, everyone is revaccinated 9–12 months after the illness or vaccination, and in case of emergency - after 6 months. Now we are talking about the fact that regardless of the presence of antibodies and their quantity, everyone should be vaccinated, and revaccination is carried out six months later.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJune 2021Last reply - September 2021 by firstbase Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: Panasonic to focus only on highly profitable business
    • Its new president and CEO Yuki Kusumi shared his thoughts on the ways of development of Panasonic corporation with representatives of Bloomberg. His immediate task is to complete the transformation of Panasonic into a holding company in two years and free up billions of US dollars as a result of the abandonment of activities recognized as ineffective. The company will direct these funds to new initiatives, not excluding acquisitions of other companies. Panasonic recently announced its intentions to acquire software developer Blue Yonder for $ 7 billion, the platform of which will allow the Japanese giant to optimize production processes and reduce operating costs.

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    War: Apple aims to tighten their anti leak system
    • The American company Apple has "declared war" on the media, designers and network informers. The Cupertino-based manufacturer does not like the fact that images and characteristics of products that have not yet been posted are appearing on the Internet.

      Apple even took the first step in this direction by suing Jermain Smith, a famous designer who works under the nickname Concept Creator. The reason was the publication of many realistic images of Apple products prior to their announcement. The reason for going to court is “allegedly stolen information”, on the basis of which the designer created the images of the accessory. Apple claims such renders harm the company.

      The next step of the manufacturer from the United States in the fight against leaks will be the issuance of video recorders to employees. It is proposed that the "police-grade" body cameras will have to be worn by Apple employees, who have access to information about new devices and the gadgets themselves.

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