Tagged with gh4 - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gh4/p1/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 09:45:15 +0000 Tagged with gh4 - Personal View Talks en-CA Having *finally* (is almost 2021!) upgraded my YouTube vlogging camera from a Panasonic G6 to a GH4! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/24824/having-finally-is-almost-2021-upgraded-my-youtube-vlogging-camera-from-a-panasonic-g6-to-a-gh4 Thu, 03 Dec 2020 10:22:10 +0000 IronFilm 24824@/talks/discussions Have loved the Panasonic G6, such a big upgrade from the original Panasonic GH1 (thank you VK! This forum was fantastic for me with the GH1) which I started this filmmaking journey with (although technically it was my girlfriend's Nikon D90 or my sister's Canon T2i that I borrowed for the first handful of shoots), but in recent years I've been considering an upgrade. First to the Panasonic G7, simply to get 4K, but as the price of the Panasonic G85 kept on coming down on eBay that tempted me instead for the better low light, the live HDMI out, and of course the IBIS! But this is a slippery slope, because as I wait... then the Panasonic G9 got that big 10bit firmware update, and their prices were coming down with time too. (& more firmware updates came out too, such as better AF for the G9, and being a USB webcam for the G9)

Never really seriously considered the Panasonic GH5 or GH4, as they always got the most attention, thus I felt they always kept up the highest prices on the secondhand market, compared to the value that the Panasonic G series offered instead. But I still kept half an eye on the GH4/GH5 sales, just in case. Even considered a few alternative options such as Fujifilm, or for instance the Panasonic S1 that I bid on last week until the price shot up far too high for my tastes. In the end I kept on coming back to Panasonic MFT as offering by far the best value for money. (& the fact I already owned MFT lenses helped too)

However, today I won an action for a Panasonic GH4 for only NZ$417! (less than US$300) That was a price too good to ignore (but I doubt I'd have bid a penny higher), thus to my surprise I find out I've settled with the old Panasonic GH4 as the upgrade from the G6 I'm going with. Even though I'd like the IBIS / better high ISO / etc of the G85 or G9, it isn't such a bad thing to have settled for this cheap deal of a GH4 because it is just going to be for casual vlogging usage to create simple content for my YouTube channel. (https://www.youtube.com/SoundSpeeding/)

One very small benefit of going with the Panasonic GH4, is that when the price of the Panasonic G9 finally tumbles down to sub US$300 (right after the Panasonic G12 gets released?), then I'll be able to use the same Panasonic DMW-BLF19 batteries in both! (which wouldn't have been possible if I'd got a G7 or G85)

Now, how many more years until I upgrade my "big camera", the Sony PMW-F3? The F3 is a truly fantastic camera! I still think there isn't a better 1080 camera at this price point (but the world is moving onto 4K). Had it a fair few years, unfortunately the F3's popularity didn't last too long because the Canon C300mk1 got released shortly after and the C300mk1 just dominated the low / mid end professional work for that generational cycle. (interesting how the secondhand F3 has seen a bit of renaissance in 2019/2020 thanks to Caleb Pike & others)

Been wanting to do the natural upgrade to a Sony PMW-F5 for a while now, but can't justify it because as a Sound Mixer I don't do a high enough volume of camera work. The FS7/FS5 or even a secondhand FS700R might very well make more sense! (I like for instance all the work done with the FS700R by this guy: https://vimeo.com/paulbates However the FS700 isn't as nicely ergonomic as the FS5! That compact size is fantastic)

Just keeping my eyes open for the right secondhand deal, in absolutely no rush whatsoever. (as I'm still primarily by far a Production Sound Mixer, as what I do day to day)

GH4 unlimited recording - HELP! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23581/gh4-unlimited-recording-help Wed, 26 Feb 2020 08:13:00 +0000 Norway 23581@/talks/discussions I am looking for a hack or way to go around the EU limit of 29min recording time. My cam is on a tripod and I can not sit and wait to press rec again after the 29min limit. I found a app for my smartphone that was said to go around the 29min limit - I tried it - and it fails as well. I just updated my GH2 with selfmade powersource lasting 4h with the GH4 with vertical grip for extra power and the 4K quality.

GH4 4K Panasonic video camera, official topic http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9542/gh4-4k-panasonic-video-camera-official-topic Tue, 04 Feb 2014 05:05:26 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 9542@/talks/discussions image


  • High speed 16Mp sensor
  • 2.36Mp OLED EVF
  • 1,036Mp OLED screem
  • 4K: 4096×2160 / 24 fps and QFHD 4K: 3840×2160 / up to 30 fps, up to 100Mbps
  • 1080p modes up to 96fps (in variable frame rate), up to 200Mbps I, or 100Mbps IBP modes (see below)
  • peaking with adjustments
  • 422 recording (external)
  • Stills - 12fps constant focus, 7.5fps - with focusing
  • Interface Unit with two XLR, 4 SDI
  • PAL/NTSC switchable
  • Weight with batteries - 560g
  • Dimensions - 133 mm x 93 mm x 84 mm
  • Wi-Fi and NFC
  • Price - unknown yet

Jump to post after official announcement - http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/158684#Comment_158684


We always have stock of GH4 bodies and/or kits,

No time limits like US

Price: click on links below
Shipping: Shipping is around $50 for US/Canada/UK/Australia&NZ/Western Europe. Contact for any other regions.
I want to buy GH4.

Useful links

Available at:

Recording modes:

  • NTSC
    • MOV
      • [4K] 3840×2160, 29.97p, 100Mbps(IPB), LPCM,
      • [4K] 3840×2160, 23.98p, 100Mbps(IPB), LPCM,
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 59.94p, 200Mbps(ALL-Intra)/100Mbps(IPB)/50Mbps(IPB), LPCM,
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 29.97p, 200Mbps(ALL-Intra)/100Mbps(IPB)/50Mbps(IPB), LPCM,
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 23.98p, 200Mbps(ALL-Intra)/100Mbps(IPB)/50Mbps(IPB), LPCM
    • MP4
      • [4K] 3840×2160, 29.97p, 100Mbps(IPB), LPCM/AAC
      • [4K] 3840×2160, 23.98p, 100Mbps(IPB), LPCM
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 59.94p, 200Mbps(ALL-Intra)/100Mbps(IPB)/50Mbps(IPB), LPCM
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 29.97p, 200Mbps(ALL-Intra)/100Mbps(IPB)/50Mbps(IPB), LPCM
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 23.98p, 200Mbps(ALL-Intra)/100Mbps(IPB)/50Mbps(IPB), LPCM
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 59.94p, 28Mbps(IPB), AAC [FHD] 1920×1080, 29.97p, 20Mbps(IPB), AAC
      • [HD] 1280×720, 29.97p, 10Mbps(IPB), AAC
    • AVCHD
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 59.94p, 28Mbps(IPB), Dolby Digital
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 59.94i, 24Mbps(IPB), Dolby Digital (sensor output: 29.97fps)
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 59.94i, 17Mbps(IPB), Dolby Digital (sensor output: 59.94fps)
  • PAL
    • MOV
      • [4K] 3840×2160, 25.00p, 100Mbps(IPB), LPCM
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 50.00p, 200Mbps(ALL-Intra)/100Mbps(IPB)/50Mbps(IPB), LPCM
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 25.00p, 200Mbps(ALL-Intra)/100Mbps(IPB)/50Mbps(IPB), LPCM
    • MP4
      • [4K] 3840×2160, 25.00p, 100Mbps(IPB), LPCM/AAC
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 50.00p, 200Mbps(ALL-Intra)/100Mbps(IPB)/50Mbps(IPB), LPCM
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 25.00p, 200Mbps(ALL-Intra)/100Mbps(IPB)/50Mbps(IPB), LPCM
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 50.00p, 28Mbps(IPB), AAC
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 25.00p, 20Mbps(IPB), AAC [HD]
      • 1280×720, 25.00p, 10Mbps(IPB), AAC
    • AVCHD
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 50.00p, 28Mbps(IPB), Dolby Digital
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 50.00i, 24Mbps(IPB), Dolby Digital (sensor output: 25.00fps)
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 50.00i, 17Mbps(IPB), Dolby Digital (sensor output: 50.00fps)
  • Cinema
    • MOV
      • [C4K] 4096×2160, 24.00p, 100Mbps(IPB), LPCM
      • [4K] 3840×2160, 24.00p, 100Mbps(IPB), LPCM
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 24.00p, 200Mbps(ALL-Intra)/100Mbps(IPB)/50Mbps(IPB), LPCM
    • MP4
      • [C4K] 4096×2160, 24.00p, 100Mbps(IPB), LPCM
      • [4K] 3840×2160, 24.00p, 100Mbps(IPB), LPCM
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 24.00p, 200Mbps(ALL-Intra)/100Mbps(IPB)/50Mbps(IPB), LPCM
    • AVCHD -
      • [FHD] 1920×1080, 23.98p, 24Mbps(IPB), Dolby Digital


Samples and videos

4K crop calculations:

Stills horizontal resolution - 4608
Cinema 4K horizontal resolution - 4096
4K horizontal resolution - 3840

This makes crop:

  • Cinema 4K - 1,125x
  • 4K - 1,2x

of course, it is additional crop (to 2x typical for m43), so you must multiple two if you need to know relative FF crop.

Previous related topics:

Do we really need the GH4 and 4:2:2, 10 bit, 4K, Raw file? GH1 and GH2 still rock for me http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9608/do-we-really-need-the-gh4-and-422-10-bit-4k-raw-file-gh1-and-gh2-still-rock-for-me Thu, 13 Feb 2014 04:20:33 +0000 eurocameraman 9608@/talks/discussions I am just asking myself a simple question I would like to share with the independent filmmaking community: Do I really need all of this? 4:2:2, 10 bit, 4K, Raw file, ProRes… Do I really need to invest as soon as something new and fancy is coming out?

On my own experience, I would say not so sure as I am very pleased with the result I am getting out of my GH1, GH2 and now GH3. And my GH3’s video is not making a huge difference compare to what I got with the GH1 or GH2. I am still using the hacked GH1 every summer, as a copy is stored in my home country (France) and I love its color rendition compare to GH2/3. FYI, I am living and working in China since 9 years.

Every year I am shooting a short movie or an experiment with the hacked GH1. Some complained about the AVCHD format, but I never got problem in post with it as I am using Premiere CS6 on a powerful enough PC (Dell M6400). I also tested heavy color grading without problem on my GH1 footage, as you can see here on the following videos. Sorry one of the short film doesn’t get English sub yet, but I am posting a link to those video for their visual quality first, so enjoy that part. La Deuche from Hell HD (US sub Version) (there is a longer French version too)

Revolverte HD (F)

In China, I am also using my GH camera beside a Panasonic AF100, which is well known to NOT be the most exciting camera on the market (4:2:0 8 bits, AVCHD at 28MB/s, what a shame!). I had to buy an AF100 as no serious client in my field would accept to pay my usual fee (I was working with a HVX200 + Letus Ultimate prior to the AF+GH) if I were shooting with a GH2 only. After 2 jobs my AF100 got paid back and I can enjoy the use of it with my GH2 and GH3 on project now. ,

AVCHD, 4:2:0, bits… Nevertheless, I shot this Making Of video on huge project with my newly arrived AF100 and GH2 (not hacked yet). Production house, agency and client were delighted by the result. I did everything: shooting, lighting (for interview), sound recording and editing… I am a one man crew shooter (kind of MacGyver sometime) and I prefer to keep things, cheap, simple and light. CrossPolo TVC Making OF HD (US)

To keep the story short, since 2012, I had completed bunch of projects with my M43 equipment without any complain from clients (VW, Audi, French Consulate, TV Channel…) and I might invest in the GH4 if it solves the 3 main problems of the GH3: Viewfinder definition (GH3 is a nightmare compare to GH2 for manual focusing) + real video assistance (Peaking + zebra + waveform) + full time display of histogram and sound recording level while shooting.

4K or higher bit rate are not important to me as my video will NEVER be projected on a big screen and the file of the GH3 are already big enough in term of storage. Quality wise, I really like some of my GH1, GH2 or GH3 shots, and I don’t see much of a difference in term of emotion, and I think this is a more important feature for an independent filmmaker than pixel count or comparing numbers on data sheets…

You can see more of my work here: http://vimeo.com/channels/659428/videos

Bach Andante http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/22673/bach-andante Sun, 29 Sep 2019 02:23:15 +0000 DrDave 22673@/talks/discussions The Andante from the Flute Sonata in E Minor. All GH5, GH4 and G85.

Smart New Camera Cage for GH4 and GH3 - the TrueGrip! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13903/smart-new-camera-cage-for-gh4-and-gh3-the-truegrip Wed, 07 Oct 2015 23:23:27 +0000 sam_rides_a_mtb 13903@/talks/discussions https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/samsielen/true-grip-a-revolutionary-camera-cage-for-the-gh4

Based on cages initially built by hand, this next generation cage will be CNC'd and even more feature-rich than the previous generations, as well as incredibly light weight and well-balanced!

alt text

alt text

While the design is nearly complete, I am still open to ideas and suggestions people here might have. We addressed many of the issues often experienced with other cages on the market and added a few extra features never before seen such as a relocatable grip option!

alt text

Panasonic gh4 MDT file not MOV on my sd card!! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10609/panasonic-gh4-mdt-file-not-mov-on-my-sd-card Sun, 15 Jun 2014 15:12:34 +0000 iliasgh4 10609@/talks/discussions in last two jobs i found in my sandisk extreme pro extension MDT files and not MOV!! big problem here!!can i open this??i capture at 1080 50p 50mbps

GH4 can't turn off electronic shutter http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/20656/gh4-cant-turn-off-electronic-shutter Fri, 12 Oct 2018 15:46:59 +0000 jayp400 20656@/talks/discussions I just got this Lumix GH4 camera. I can't use the built-in flash because it is disabled when the electronic shutter is on. However, both the electronic shutter setting and the flash setting in the menu are grayed out. Any suggestions?

FS: Movcam GH4 Half Cage http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/18864/fs-movcam-gh4-half-cage Thu, 25 Jan 2018 09:28:15 +0000 adamquesada 18864@/talks/discussions Movcam GH4 Half Cage, with nato rail and arca plate built in.

$85 shipped Paypal or Venmo

LUT for changing Rec 709 to look like VLOG http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/18054/lut-for-changing-rec-709-to-look-like-vlog Mon, 23 Oct 2017 17:37:17 +0000 Brian_Siano 18054@/talks/discussions I'm working on a project where I have to match some GH4 VLOG footage to that of another, non-VLOG, rec 709 Panasonic camera. It occurred to me that, rather than making the VLOG stuff match the other camera, I could take the rec 709 footage and make it appear more like uncorrected VLOG. This way, I could apply the same LUTs to all of my footage, and it'd roughly match.

I've done a few experiments, and the results are promising. Using curves, I raise the blacks and lower the whites, and make a few other adjustments. When I apply the basic Panasonic VLOG LUT to the footage, it's a fairly close match. But I'd really like a LUT that does this.

Are there any LUTs that reduce Rec 709 footage to something that's fairly close to uncorrected VLOG footage?

Panavision Lenses On A GH4 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17909/panavision-lenses-on-a-gh4 Thu, 05 Oct 2017 12:27:58 +0000 brant_moore 17909@/talks/discussions Part 1 - The Test

16mm, 24mm, 35mm, 50mm. Raw video straight from camera Consistent settings, focus, and camera moves throughout testing.

SATURATION - Colorful Marine Creatures from Indonesia & The Philippines http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17780/saturation-colorful-marine-creatures-from-indonesia-the-philippines Mon, 18 Sep 2017 09:28:47 +0000 NickHope 17780@/talks/discussions A short video of colorful marine creatures from the Lembeh Strait in Indonesia and Anilao in The Philippines. Mostly macro shot with my Panasonic GH4 in a Nauticam housing, using the Olympus M.Zuiko ED 12-50mm f3.5-6.3 EZ lens and a Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 macro lens. Edited in Vegas Pro.

I published at 1080p so I could crop and zoom the 4k footage and incorporate a bit of Ken Burns effect. Hopefully I didn't overdo it. All feedback is welcome.

GH4 Profile Recommendations to Shot Match With ARRI Alexa http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12145/gh4-profile-recommendations-to-shot-match-with-arri-alexa Sat, 10 Jan 2015 10:49:05 +0000 discomandavis 12145@/talks/discussions Just got contracted to reshoot a couple shots for a feature that was shot mostly on an Alexa. Most shots were night shots, with snow. Has anybody here mixed GH4 with Alexa successfully? Settings Color profile recommendations would be awesome so I can test them out before the shoot. Thanks!

Just so nobody chimes in and says "rent an Alexa" or anything like that, the producer has given literally almost no budget for this, so renting any other camera is not an option.

GH4 — Use iPhone as wireless monitor http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15890/gh4-use-iphone-as-wireless-monitor Sat, 15 Oct 2016 07:41:42 +0000 mjas 15890@/talks/discussions As suggested by @Vitaliy_Kiselev I've moved this into it's own topic, originally here. @lenuisible Thanks for the original work on the GH3 Web Controller.

Maybe someone here uses the GH4 for filmmaking and wants to use their iPhone as a wireless monitor. In that case you're like me, but lucky enough I'm a developer ... so I just wanted to let people know that I'm working on a viewfinder app just like that.

It's still a prototype for now, but if you're interested in following the development I suggest following this topic.

Video of prototype in action

G85 or gh4 for filming cinematic weddings?? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17399/g85-or-gh4-for-filming-cinematic-weddings- Mon, 24 Jul 2017 01:44:56 +0000 Gaulkeee 17399@/talks/discussions Hey, I am starting up a small wedding film bussiness and am looking to invest into Panasonic. To start off I was thinking of getting a g85 then save up and get the new gh5 ☺ I am going for the cinematic looking film similar to this video....
I love slow mo and close ups with a shallow depth of field

Importing GH4 Mini and Effect pictures http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17294/importing-gh4-mini-and-effect-pictures Tue, 04 Jul 2017 09:27:58 +0000 Badilla 17294@/talks/discussions Hi! When taking pictures on filter mode ("miniuature","old days" etc) I can't find the way to import the pics with the effect to my mac. Previosly I did find the pictures when inserting the sd card directly in my mac laptop, but now the pics (in RAW format) they look without the filter itself. Is the right file but seems that the effect is lost in between? I know it worked fine when I bought the camera so I suspect is a software upgrade thing? Thanks

Carl Zeiss Anamorphic Lens FOR SALE + extras http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14034/carl-zeiss-anamorphic-lens-for-sale-extras Thu, 05 Nov 2015 11:58:25 +0000 stucameraman1 14034@/talks/discussions Hi all, I have up for sale my Carl Zeiss Anamorphic Lens + Manfrotto Long lens support + Metal hard case + Diopters + 2x Step rings . I have had this lens for a few years now, only used it a few times as i have 4 other Anamorphics i use more often. Now i have sold my GH4 and bought a Sony fs700 and this Carl Zeiss + the fs700 is just too dam heavy!!! This sale DOES NOT COME with THE CLAMP STYLE ADAPTOR to screw the anamorphic to your prime lens of choice! I will NOT post the item. Here is some footage shot with the GH4 and Carl Zeiss @ 4k and HD

here is the link to the ad on gumtree https://www.gumtree.com/p/lenses/carl-zeiss-anamorphic-lens-metal-box-manfrotto-lens-support-diopters/1137255921

I guess if you have the new SLR Magic Range Finder you will NOT need the Diopters! Hmmm.

im asking £260, i work in central London and finish around 6:30pm so can meet for viewing. im willing to drive within reason to meet on week ends ONLY. All the best stuart - 07792095890 - prefer texts as i work in a basement and don't get a strong signal.

GH4 - Best Video Settings http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10255/gh4-best-video-settings Fri, 25 Apr 2014 20:17:13 +0000 maddog15 10255@/talks/discussions Hello all. Anxiously awaiting my GH4, I'm starting the same thread topic that I did with the GH3. At 32 pages of input and tests for the GH3's Best Video Settings, I thought it would be a good idea to do the same for the GH4. Dedicated to user input and results regarding video settings alone. Please share and post your video tests, comparisons and opinions.

I look forward to sharing and learning from you all.

Is V-log identical in both the GH4 and GH5? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17140/is-v-log-identical-in-both-the-gh4-and-gh5 Tue, 13 Jun 2017 10:57:17 +0000 Brian_Siano 17140@/talks/discussions I can't determine if this has been asked before, so I apologize for any duplication. But is the V-log implementation identical between these cameras?

For example, if I were to shot the same scene with the two cameras, both using V-log and otherwise identical settings, would the resulting video be more or less the same?

Could I use the same LUTs on the footage? Or does GH5 V-log footage require different LUTs than those of the GH4?

GH4 problem reactivating V-LOG after v2.6 firmware update http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16123/gh4-problem-reactivating-v-log-after-v2.6-firmware-update Thu, 01 Dec 2016 03:08:36 +0000 jpl 16123@/talks/discussions After updating to firmware v2.6 I'm trying to reactivate my V-LOG activation key. After entering the cameras activation code on the Panasonic website it says "ERROR!!: This key code is already used with another product" . I presume the problem is that the activation code must now be linked to a specific version number. Any one else experienced this problem of know of a work around?

I Directed a no-budget Game of Thrones Fan Film - 30% GH4 & G7 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17004/i-directed-a-no-budget-game-of-thrones-fan-film-30-gh4-g7 Wed, 24 May 2017 06:41:10 +0000 Bernie 17004@/talks/discussions Last year, myself and a friend wrote a Game of Thrones Fan Film script and gathered a crew of enthusiatic and talented people trying to break into the local industry. The show is filmed where I live in Belfast and we were trying to make ourselves known. I directed the film, although I shot small portions on G7 as either B cam or when the DP was unavailable.

Here's the finished film.

It was mainly filmed on the FS700 with the firmware upgrade that turns it into a 4K beast. Some scenes shot with GH4 and G7, and even a few LX100 B cam shots. Personally, I think it shows that money is best spent elsewhere as long as you have a half decent and reliable camera system. It was a massive headache though matching vintage lenses on GH4 to more the modern canon and panasonic glass, nightmare. Don't do it, stick to one or the other.

Cheers, Ciaran

Looking how to adapt some older lenses to the GH4 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16892/looking-how-to-adapt-some-older-lenses-to-the-gh4- Tue, 09 May 2017 22:08:29 +0000 ForrestGray 16892@/talks/discussions Hello!

I recently purchased a Helios 44-2 58mm lens as well as a Jupiter 12 35mm lens. I did a little research and purchased I believed to be the correct adapters to use the lenses on my Panasonic Lumix GH4. Sadly, I've grabbed a 'Keycay L39 to M4/3' and a Fotasy L39 to M4/3 neither which allowed me to focus the lens once secured to the camera.

Im also wondering what kind of adapter would allow me to use the Jupiter lens, as well.

Any input is appreciated!

Odd Issue with GH4 Timelapse Recording http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16841/odd-issue-with-gh4-timelapse-recording Mon, 01 May 2017 11:12:58 +0000 MkeysHughes 16841@/talks/discussions The past couple of timelapses I have shot using the internal intervalometer on my GH4 have switched aspect ratios back and forth, image after image, for about 30 images and then reverts to the correct 4K aspect ratio. It starts normal and ends normal, but for a span in the middle it ruins the consistency. I haven't been able to find any other reports of this problem, so I'm interested if anyone does have any experience with it.


Gh4 on FCP7 File size problems http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16751/gh4-on-fcp7-file-size-problems Sat, 15 Apr 2017 12:57:18 +0000 Nic 16751@/talks/discussions Hi,

I just bought a GH4 and I am trying to get it to work with my FCP 7, but is does not really work well yet. I prefer to film in FHD 100Mbps 25P, and I need to film longer than 30 min..The camera is bought in US and does film continuously more than 30, but it chops up the files in small pieces of 4.27GB (6.40 min). There are 2 problems in this: 1) When importing in FCP7 it imports well, but when put on the timeline, "General Error" appears and it will not play it. I have tried to convert to ProRess HQ, and this plays well, but a second problem appears: 2)every 6:40 min I lack 2 frames both audio and video, and this is really not what I need, I need a continuos file for more than 6.40 min...

What can I do?

LAV MIC for GH4 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16737/lav-mic-for-gh4 Thu, 13 Apr 2017 15:12:34 +0000 IS2 16737@/talks/discussions I had a Rode smart lav - it wasn't great I've since moved onto the Audio Technica ATR 3350. I used these microphones straight into my GH4/GH3 for interview audio. Now I want to upgrade my audio quality as I noticed with certain tones etc there's distortion. Can anyone recommend any options?

I'm not wanting to buy a Zoom I don't think and I would like price to be reasonable and the ability to get to lavs into one system if possible.

Connecting Windows 10 to Lumix camera issues http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16574/connecting-windows-10-to-lumix-camera-issues Fri, 10 Mar 2017 05:48:05 +0000 Rambalac 16574@/talks/discussions Hi,

Does anybody have any problem with connecting Windows 10 laptop to GH4 or GH3 directly with WiFi? I tried setup cameras as access point and connect to them as usual access point but Windows is in connecting state infinitely. I tried to Add Device and connect from cameras via WiFi direct but after I select laptop in camera nothing happens

I have no any problem connecting camera in both ways using Android device.

And if you know how connect camera via WiFi direct in UWP C# it would be a miracle.

Panasonic Lumix GH5 Testing Requests http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16411/panasonic-lumix-gh5-testing-requests Sun, 05 Feb 2017 09:52:36 +0000 tylerknight 16411@/talks/discussions My name is Tyler Knight, I am a Lumix Ambassador and LumixStories.ca Storyteller in Canada.

I will be receiving a pre-production unit to test next week and want to put it through its paces. I will have access to the body, xlr adapter, battery grip, and the new 12-60 Leica kit lens.

Please comment below with your test requests and any specifics and I will do my best to accommodate! Let me know the features that you're really excited to see, and features you've seen examples of but have questions about. I will have it for approximately 2-3 weeks and will be doing a daily vlog showcasing as much as possible.

As stated in the other thread, I have many scheduled shoots already as I am a full time videographer/photographer and will be using this as a chance to really see how it performs in a real-world setting!

Once the requests come in and videos come out, I would like to assemble them in a stickied post at the top of this thread if possible with the type of test, and the link beside it (eg. GH5 low light comparision to GH4 and G85)

I have a large collection of vintage lenses I will be testing, as well as comparing lumix lenses across my other Lumix cameras such as GH4, G85 (G80) and GX85 (GX80)

Looking forward to hearing your requests!

SLR Magic Anamorphot 2x Adapter http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16628/slr-magic-anamorphot-2x-adapter- Fri, 24 Mar 2017 05:08:45 +0000 club_irate 16628@/talks/discussions Does the SLR Magic Anamorphot 2x with Rangefinder attach to a Metabones SB+ Sigma 18-35 Canon with a step down ring with no problems? (62mm to 72mm). Also, will it work fine with a Canon 70-200 (77mm front) & Sigma 50-100 ART (82mm). Body is Panasonic GH4.

Someone has a video here which seems to work with the 1.33x version.

Thanks in advance.

Panasonic Image App: Use with Laptops and Tablets http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14044/panasonic-image-app-use-with-laptops-and-tablets Mon, 09 Nov 2015 07:17:06 +0000 Brian_Siano 14044@/talks/discussions I was thinking of sinking some cash into a laptop, and it occurred to me that I ought to take location shooting into consideration. So I've been looking at Android laptops and two-in-ones: I figure, I could use the two-in-one tablet as a field monitor using the Panasonic app with my GH4-- I figure I'd use the camera's screen as cameraperson, while the director can watch remotely on the laptop/tablet. And the laptop features could be used for file storage and clip logging.

And I'm also considering getting a Windows two-in-one-- that is, if the Panasonic app works under the Android emulators available for Windows. The benefits there are having two OSes, more options for things like hard drives, and maybe even getting a machine capable of running Premiere Pro for some editing in the field.

So, I'm looking for advice. Does the Panasonic app work under an Android emulator well enough for field use? Has anyone else used equipment in this manner? (And is Panasonic considering creating a version of its app to run under Windows?)

Lenses for GH4 on Zhiyun Crane? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16576/lenses-for-gh4-on-zhiyun-crane Fri, 10 Mar 2017 15:48:26 +0000 IS2 16576@/talks/discussions Hi all,

I've been super on the fence between getting a Ronin M or a Zhiyun Crane. I think I'm leaning towards the crane because it's much more portable realistically enabling more shooting freedom.

I know I unfortunately won't be able to use my lovely Sigma 18-35mm due to the size, so was wondering - which lenses do you all use on your GH4/crane set up and for what scenarios?
