Tagged with swords - Personal View Talks https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/swords/p1/feed.rss Sat, 08 Jun 24 21:28:22 +0000 Tagged with swords - Personal View Talks en-CA New GH2 short film... https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6150/new-gh2-short-film...- Sat, 16 Feb 2013 22:45:52 +0000 bwhitz 6150@/talks/discussions I posted this in the Driftwood patch section... but it's probably better to have it's own thread for non-patch related feedback.

These are the first shots from a longer short we're trying to put in some festivals. Thought I'd just post some stand-alone edits of quick scenes to see how it's playing to people. Not really much to it yet, but I just wanted to post up some bits as we go along. Thanks for watching!

-Production Info-

Body: GH2

Patch: Intavenus 'Cinema Smooth'

Lensing: Sigma 30mm 1.4 (wide open, with Variable ND filter)

Grading: FCP 3-way corrector

Music in Protools 8
