Tagged with stripes - Personal View Talks https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/stripes/p1/feed.rss Tue, 04 Jun 24 23:15:14 +0000 Tagged with stripes - Personal View Talks en-CA Horizontal and vertical lines on GH2 footage - problem https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2424/horizontal-and-vertical-lines-on-gh2-footage-problem Mon, 27 Feb 2012 19:29:55 +0000 katig 2424@/talks/discussions I have a problem with new GH2 (model WE1G) - fixed horizontal lines while tilting and vertical lines while panning. I am aware of famous banding issue but this is not it. I am also aware of gradient banding, also not a problem. As you can see on my footage (GH2 WE1G, CANON nFD 1.4@2.8, HBR25p, ISO 160, 1/50, ORION DRIFTWOOD av.95Mbps, LED 5600) when I start tilting on one-color surface (white wall for example), these dark horizontal lines appear. It is easier to spot it when out of focus. Also, not so pronounced, but when I start panning you can see vertical lines (specially at the and of clip on out of focus table footage). I tried every possible setting combination (f-stop, iso, shutter speed, film modes, other patches (sanity, flowmotion, quantum x2...), lights (yes, it is visible at daytime on the sky), other lenses (canon fd 24, 35-105 and panasonic 14-42). To make a long story short, in every situation when filming uniform mid and high tones without special detail (walls, sky and similar) these lines appear - it almost feels like dirty lens but I checked that too. Maybe they even exist in more detailed footage too (like trees, stones, water...) but because of too much detail I cant see it. This is a serious problem for me. In a short period I am about to shoot a commercial and I planned to use the gh2 as main camera (instead of mark II, and because of all those great footage I see from other gh2 owners), but now I am not sure. Did someone else have same problem? Any advice?

p.s. yes that ballantine's glass is empty but I'm not seeing things. Yet :)
