Tagged with runchi - Personal View Talks https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/runchi/p1/feed.rss Mon, 17 Jun 24 04:11:02 +0000 Tagged with runchi - Personal View Talks en-CA RUNCHI promo https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7658/runchi-promo Thu, 01 Aug 2013 11:50:44 +0000 maxr 7658@/talks/discussions

This is a kind of compressed (in time and quality; I'm still changing this output for a x264 motherfucking ultra slow encoding... soon) version of a video I made for our friend Runchi, to celebrate friendship, life and relations in their beginning and/or end. Nothing was planned, naturally just happened. Two other examples: HERE and HERE.

I have no pretensions whatsoever to believe this is a great masterpiece, ja ja ja, but rather an attempt to gather some moments spent together wrapping their trail in a video... made from and around love, for fun, within my own flow  8-)

For this (promo) version, I had the silly idea of removing Runchi from all shots; as continuation of the experiencing while editing the long version. If you're interested in the full version, 22 min, HERE it is! One day, inshallah, I'll put subtitles

Big thanks to ?lex, for infecting us with no fear




anything you say may be used in ... growing
