Tagged with problem - Personal View Talks https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/problem/p1/feed.rss Sat, 15 Jun 24 18:32:21 +0000 Tagged with problem - Personal View Talks en-CA How to hack Lumix Gh2 with ver. 1.2 (body) installed https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/28003/how-to-hack-lumix-gh2-with-ver.-1.2-body-installed Fri, 15 Dec 2023 22:41:14 +0000 Ogitele 28003@/talks/discussions I've been stuck on this problem, i want to hack my gh2 with something like Moon T7, but after using ptools, formating card etc, the responce is "No valid picture to play". I think the problem is about the camera beeing on ver. 1.2, is there any way to downgrade to 1.1 again or a hack for 1.2? Im really dont know what to do at this point, please help.

Can i hack Gh2 with an Micro SD card with the adapter? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/28006/can-i-hack-gh2-with-an-micro-sd-card-with-the-adapter- Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:19:47 +0000 Ogitele 28006@/talks/discussions Im trying to hack my gh2 but for some reason i cant, so im trying to find the problem. I see you guys are using for exaple Sandisk extreme pro, and for me im using the 64 GB SanDisk Ultra MicroSD with a SanDisk adapter. Can this be a problem when im trying to hack the Gh2?

Hacking Gh2 with ver 1.1 thrue ptools https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/28005/hacking-gh2-with-ver-1.1-thrue-ptools Tue, 19 Dec 2023 10:12:23 +0000 Ogitele 28005@/talks/discussions So i found this problem. Im trying to hack my gh2, and since hacking it with ver. 1.2 is inposible I downloaded the ver. 1.1 update but it still doesn't want to work. Here's what im doing: -open Pools -Load the GH2__V11.bin -Install the hack (higher bitrate) -Increase the version (by 10) -Extract the hacked version (GH2__V13.bin) -Put it in the formatted SD card (64MB San Disc Ultra) -Put it I'm my camera -Nothing happens Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Sony FE lens aperture control failure https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16300/sony-fe-lens-aperture-control-failure Sat, 07 Jan 2017 22:09:03 +0000 vstardust 16300@/talks/discussions Hi Guys,

I'm on my once in a lifetime around the world trip and my Sony FE 24-240mm f/3.5-6.3 OSS broke down in middle of nowhere in Philippines.

The problem:

  • Camera body (Sony A7sII) does not recognize lens aperture and it cannot be controlled. When switching lens on and off and flicking camera power the camera might show the right aperture just for 0,5 seconds and then disappear into -.

  • Lens aperture sometimes randomly "hunts" between aperture fully open and closed until it always gets stuck in closed (~f36).

  • Focusing works very randomly. Focus mode cannot be changed due to "Lens not attached properly or not supported"

  • Still photos can be taken (not in focus) but no video cannot be recorded.

  • There is a strange ticking sound inside the lens when camera power is turned on and lens attached.

Tried fixes:

  • Contacts are cleaned and no physical damage can be seen on the lens. Other lenses Sony FE lenses work fine with the camera body.

Have you guys experienced similar problems with Sony FE lenses??

I'm truly getting desperate. :(

Marks on video clips https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15560/marks-on-video-clips Sun, 21 Aug 2016 09:05:22 +0000 curious2 15560@/talks/discussions Hello,

last month I noticed strange marks on my footage. I don't remember to see them before. I am quite sure that is not a camera problem, because I tried to record with two different Panasonic GH 2 cameras, one GH 1 camera and smal HD Panasonic camera. I also tried to change a graphic card and my SD cards, but didn't help. The marks are most visible on white walls in strong sun and on the blue sky. (You can see the marks on the video attached. This two video clips are exported from editing software. On clips I added brightness, contrast and sharpness so you can see better the marks. But the marks are visible also on raw footage)

I checked different topics on Personal view, but the only similar topic I found was Panasonic GH4 glitches/issue from Tjibbe. My problem is similar but it is not really the same.

Any suggestions?

Link to video clips (On the first clip look the marks on the white wall of the house. On the second clip look to the blue sky):

Problem with FCP 7 since OSX "El Capitan" https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14243/problem-with-fcp-7-since-osx-el-capitan Fri, 18 Dec 2015 12:34:48 +0000 gabilourson 14243@/talks/discussions hi btw, I have a quick question for all who like me still use Final Cut 7 (yes I know, many of you get on Premiere or FCP X but I'm an old hand, do not blame me!)

Here is my problem: since I switched to OSX "El Capitan" on my mac pro, my Final Cut Pro displays the rushes in a very dark way, as if there was a gamma adjustment problem. I tried to play with the settings of parameters in every way and I have not found a solution.

At best, the problem appears when the playback bar on the timeline is stopped. And as soon as I put in reading, the image appears as normal.

Any idea ? best regards

Best camera for a documentary project? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13008/best-camera-for-a-documentary-project- Tue, 19 May 2015 20:48:24 +0000 tomasawyer 13008@/talks/discussions Hello everyone.

I will potentially be shooting a 'documentary-style' like shoot for a client that wants his house to be documented over the period of one year. As of now it is still a building site and the house's outer structure is almost done. The client wants the show to be stylised in the style of 'Grand Designs'.

I currently have a Lumix GH4 with 14-35 F2.8 lens.

I also still have a Sony HDR-FX1E from past projects.

( http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/356387-REG/Sony_HDRFX1E_HDR_FX1E_PAL_HDV_1080i.html )

The client does not care about 4K option and would want the final product be in 1080 anyway.

Might be a silly question but what camera should I use from those two? I don't want to shoot 1080 on the GH4 and the 4K transcoding and editing in 1080 would be painful especially for a project this long (and the size of the footage and backups would be exponentially bigger)

There is also a budget for a possibility to buy a new camera just for this project - any recommendations?


Panasonic GH2 not recognizing SD card https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12875/panasonic-gh2-not-recognizing-sd-card Sun, 26 Apr 2015 14:52:11 +0000 ilia310101 12875@/talks/discussions So, I have a problem, and that is that my GH2 will not recognize that there is a card inside of it, no matter what I do. I have tried about 10 different sd cards, ranging from good to bad and small to big. Nothing works. I have even tried licking the card.

Can this possibly be fixed without disassembling the camera, or would it have to be taken apart to be fixed? and if it does have to be taken apart would I end up having to replace the whole main board?

I am incredibly sad about my GH2, so any advice would make me happy. Thanks;)

p.s I will probably only be able to reply tomorrow as it's almost late now.

Lumix GH4 Big Noise Problem https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12612/lumix-gh4-big-noise-problem Sun, 15 Mar 2015 19:10:52 +0000 tomasawyer 12612@/talks/discussions Hi guys, I got my GH4 a month ago, and upon doing some video tests I am experiencing huge amount of noise in blacks and shadows. Even in bright daylight when i do some tests and i have something black in the video (dress, camera bag) even on ISO 400 it starts to get really big, ISO 800 almost unusable.

Anyone experiencing the same problem? Might be a faulty sensor from Panasonic? I am primarily shooting on Cine-D profile, no additional adjustments, but the problem is on Standard profile as well.

My iDynamic and iResolution is OFF.

I am really frustrated, I was expecting a better video that this noisy ants from GH4, anyone please help?

Flowmotion v.2 hack problem https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11918/flowmotion-v.2-hack-problem Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:16:25 +0000 armoose 11918@/talks/discussions Hi I just hacked my gh2 with the flowmotion v.2 hack. However upon working with my camera afterwards the bitrate actually dropped. It was filming at like 31 mbs and not the 100 I thought. Is my camera now damaged? Is there a way to remedy this?

EDIT: Just reverted back to original firmware and the HBR mode records only at 29 mbs. When before it was around 50. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys

GH4 2-axis digital level is wrong https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11860/gh4-2-axis-digital-level-is-wrong Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:18:23 +0000 Steven 11860@/talks/discussions I got my new GH4 from B&H yesterday and the 2-axis digital level is incorrectly reporting the horizon level. If I set it on a table, it reports the horizon level as being somewhat off balance while the GH3's level is proper. I tried resetting everything and the problem, defect, or glitch still exists. I believe the firmware version is 1.1; if there's a newer one, I could try updating, but I have doubts it'll fix the problem. Has anyone experienced this problem? Any suggestions? It looks like I may have to send it back and exchange it for a replacement.

Jitter/choppy playback - solution? GH4 same issue? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10140/jitterchoppy-playback-solution-gh4-same-issue Fri, 11 Apr 2014 07:42:08 +0000 cogumelo 10140@/talks/discussions I'm still having trouble to playback MOV 1080 60p footage from my GH3 on my macs (a macbook retina displays and a MacPro 8core 24GB Ram). Those files playback normally on the camera, but it's quite choppy or jittery on my computer, specially on pan movements. Does it has a solution? conversion or transcoding? Is it a mac problem? a codec problem? or GH3 problem? I also got jitter recoding on all setting of 1080 60p, using my other camera, NEX 5N, that also records 1080 60p AVCHD I got no problems at all, the files playbacks just right, but I also think the NEX footage is 59,94i converted on camera to 60p or 59,94p... I don't now... I think if maybe the gh3 were capable to records 60i in MOV mode it wouldn't happen.... I think the problem is due the progressive fields, or YUV to RGB conversion problem....I don't know... because when I transcode the files using 5dtoRGB software, it gets better, less jitter, but they still there! If we're having trouble to playback 1080p 60p, can you imagine what gonna happen with the 4k files? I've pre-order a GH4, but I'm thinking twice if it's worth to... I don't want more headache with playback issues... I'm thinking to move to Sony A7s.... That's SAD!!! Anyone knows the real reason why we can't playback those files??? what should I say to my clients that got choppy footage? my camera is rubbish! or your computer is rubbish!??? WTF? That's just sad!

AVCHD CODEC vibrates on objects https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7660/avchd-codec-vibrates-on-objects- Thu, 01 Aug 2013 14:50:14 +0000 thujee 7660@/talks/discussions I have recently urchase this camera and hacked with the new lpowell 75mbs patch. however on the AVchd setting theres is alot of vibration and its not smooth on movements its worst then any other lumix footage i have ever seen. even with a slider movement the objects are vibrating. I have a UHS1 94/mbs SD card

Problems Sandisk Extreme Pro 32 GB class 10 95MB/s card on Panasonic GH3 https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6832/problems-sandisk-extreme-pro-32-gb-class-10-95mbs-card-on-panasonic-gh3 Sun, 28 Apr 2013 13:25:05 +0000 Blanche 6832@/talks/discussions I tested my new memory card - a Sandisk Extreme Pro 32 GB class 10 95MB/s card. I was very surprised the camera mentioned I only had 0,5 hour of recording time - also when I re formatted the card twice. I was using the AVCHD mode 50 p 28 Mbps.

Same amount recording time, also when I switched to MP4 and Mov. I double checked the card on my notebook just to be sure they didn't place a wrong sticker - but it actually is 32 GB.

Then I tried some more cards and it's not the camera - it's this card. Have bought another card and it has the same problem here.

Then I tried resetting the whole camera to factory defaults - still the same problem. I made a recording of 0:30 hour and then checked the memory card on my macbook. It sais I have still 25,4 GB memory left. When I putted my card back into the GH3 it said I have again 30 minutes despite the fact that it told me earlier that it was full. Then I initialized the card again, getting again the 30 minutes. Shoot spent 60+ euro's spend on a 32 GB card that's runs so poor!

Hope somebody has an answer as I will have lots of problems returning these cards. Guess the card maker will blame Panasonic and vice versa.

Strange dots, diagnosing help needed https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4526/strange-dots-diagnosing-help-needed Mon, 10 Sep 2012 09:38:43 +0000 Ruub 4526@/talks/discussions Hello guys,

I have a problem with my GH2.

Made several photos, Tried different lenses, different subjects and even different SD cards (just to cancel out all the variables). In every photo though, these strange purple dots pop up in the right corner of the image. My conclusion: the problem must be with the sensor. Visually checked the sensor, could not see anything on the surface. Tried sensor cleaning out of the menu: did not help. After that I tried very carefully with a dust blower to blow any possible dust particles of the sensor: did not help either. Forgot to mention that I also cancelled out the possibility of dead pixels. On a photo with the lens cap on, nothing is seen...

So I guess, (sticky) dust? Or can anyone with more experience in this field give me an idea of what is causing this problem.

Thanks a lot in forward,


Ptools 3.66 wont load ini files? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5447/ptools-3.66-wont-load-ini-files Mon, 10 Dec 2012 22:18:17 +0000 andycl 5447@/talks/discussions Hello All,

I've ran into a slight problem. I downloaded the new ptools and now when I try to load a patch from 'my populars' basket, it wont recognize the patches/ files. I can however make a patch of my own and save it. Am I the culprit here or is this a glitch of some kind? Pardon my ignorance, I'm not new to this but l'm no genus either, this is the first problem with using ptools, it might be me, and if it is I'd like to know what i'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance

Whata am I doing wrong? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4489/whata-am-i-doing-wrong Thu, 06 Sep 2012 11:56:57 +0000 MrPotent 4489@/talks/discussions When I copy the pathces to my computer they appear as .PNG files, not INI or zip files. I don't know how to make these the correct files for using as patches. They do not show up in Ptools when I put them in the same folder. Please help.

Iscomorphot 16 mm HELP https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4304/iscomorphot-16-mm-help Mon, 20 Aug 2012 10:28:59 +0000 mlysbakken 4304@/talks/discussions Hi! I just received my new Iscomorphot 16 mm 2x, which I recently won in an auction on ebay. I haven't received my lens clamp yet, so I haven't gotten to thoroughly test it, but by simply aiming my taking lens through the anamorphic it becomes clear that its focus ring has no immediately recognisable effect. I believe common practice is to set the taking lens to infinity and rack focus with the anamorphic, but the only option I seem to have here is to rack focus with the taking lens and just leave the anamorphic be (which did seem to work allright in my initial test, but I can't be sure). Since I can't test this out thoroughly without a clamp, I'd be happy if someone could jump in with some insight! Is this common for this particular lens, or have I wasted my money here?


remote shutter jjc tm for gh2 problem https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3616/remote-shutter-jjc-tm-for-gh2-problem Mon, 18 Jun 2012 11:16:56 +0000 jacogh 3616@/talks/discussions Hi, I have a problem with my jjc tm series for gh2. When I plug in my remote I have an info "do not forget to turn on the remote MICROPHONE" Has any one same problem?

GH2 hacked - hangs and have to remove battery https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3265/gh2-hacked-hangs-and-have-to-remove-battery Sat, 19 May 2012 04:22:34 +0000 fatpig 3265@/talks/discussions Hi guys,

A friend of mine and myself are having the same problem. I am using driftwood Mysteron and he is using Cake v 2.1 - and we both get the GH2 hanging up during recording (frame freezes, no buttons react, doesnt shut off, have to remove battery, file is 0 kilobytes). I noticed that Canis Majoris Day was even worse and hung up even more often. Is that problem known?

I have an extrememory sd card 32gb, which never gave me any problems with driftwood up until last month.. he is using some cheap card, but then again, its only cake he's using.

Any help on the matter will be greatly appreciated.

Issues with card insertion https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2754/issues-with-card-insertion Sun, 01 Apr 2012 23:39:43 +0000 rockroadpix 2754@/talks/discussions I am out of town on a job and suddenly the cards do no eject anymore. It's like the spring inside is broken. I need to change my settings and the the cam will not read the old firmware on the cards all of a sudden. WTF??!!?!

Problem with GF1+Olym 14-42mk2 https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2718/problem-with-gf1-olym-14-42mk2 Thu, 29 Mar 2012 04:33:15 +0000 kool 2718@/talks/discussions Regarding to my title, my GF1+Olym 14-42mk2, said " please check the status of a lens " and then saw "please check that the lens is attached correctly" when zoom approximately to 30-42, in 14-30 it ok. My GF1 (fimware 1.2) already hacked, Can someone help me here?

Thanks & regards,

Variable ND filter Issue Solution / possible alternative https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2635/variable-nd-filter-issue-solution-possible-alternative Tue, 20 Mar 2012 16:21:08 +0000 LiamOwen 2635@/talks/discussions I Purchased a Variable ND LCW MK2 Filter and have recently noticed some hazy reflection i have tried a lens hood to see if this would resolve but no luck soon as direct sunlight hits the ND i get a smear appear in my footage. both lens and ND are crystal clear so the only assumption i have is the reflective coating isn't up to scratch.

Im open to Solutions of suggestion for possible replacements around the £100 Mark if anyone has had experience with any other brand. just want to get my options before i go buy another filter and realise i was missing a simple solution :)

Much appreciation in advance.

cannot load any GH2 patches from new Sandisk 64GB/95mb/s https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2422/cannot-load-any-gh2-patches-from-new-sandisk-64gb95mbs Mon, 27 Feb 2012 15:12:56 +0000 THX1965 2422@/talks/discussions I have the popular Sandisk Extreme HD 32GB 30mb/s which allows me to load any GH2 patch just fine. However, when I tried the same with my brand new fast Sandisk 64GB card (after formatting it in my GH2), no patch is recognized from that card when I hit the green button and try to load it. Has anyone else had the same problem?

I noticed the 64GB card shows up as "Untitled" on my Mac (after formatting it in my camera), while the 32GB one is called "NO NAME". When I change "Untitled) to NO NAME on my compter, it still doesn't work. (I am running the latest version of Lion). The card (64GB) does however work fine recording with any patch and I do have the other one for laoding patches.

But I still want to find out what the problem could be. Thanks in advance for any hint.

GH2 Strange trails/ghosting https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2088/gh2-strange-trailsghosting- Sun, 22 Jan 2012 10:41:43 +0000 yrb 2088@/talks/discussions HI all,

Scary development: I've hacked my GH2 about two weeks ago, shot a bunch of stuff and was very happy with the results. Then yesterday out of nowhere I get really pronounced trails, or ghosting in my LCD, sort of like shooting on a slow shutter speed, but different in a way that's difficult to explain. But I can assure you I am not shooting slow shutter, I've done the test at many different shutter speeds. It's also strange that the effect is less pronounced in the viewfinder and even less so in the recorded image, although there is a jagged motion in recorded image. It doesn't look smooth or fluid.

This is of course very worrying so I went back to the official Panasonic firmware, and the problem persisted, so I reset the cam to all default factory setting, refreshed the pixels, cleaned the sensor, and still the problem persits! I would really appreciate help in diagnosing this problem, as I have really no idea what is causing or what to do! Has anyone heard or seen anything like this?

Thanks for any thoughts or advice, yb

GH2 red interlace issue? Or is it a premiere cs5 issue? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1383/gh2-red-interlace-issue-or-is-it-a-premiere-cs5-issue Mon, 07 Nov 2011 09:15:47 +0000 RRRR 1383@/talks/discussions
I've found out a very strange phenomenon with gh2 footage in (at least) premiere cs5. The reds look interlaced (jagged) while everything else is normal. Iv'e found that the same footage looks better in VLC aswell. I've of course matched the sequence to the footage and it has occurred with several different camera settings - it becomes obvious only with strong reds.

I wonder if someone else have encountered a similar problem and if you have any suggestions as to why it happens? (possible solutions?)]]>
Cartoni Alfa Tripod. Coutnerbalance is off? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1011/cartoni-alfa-tripod.-coutnerbalance-is-off Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:41:27 +0000 Gabel 1011@/talks/discussions But now there is an issue... The counterbalance doesn't work properly.
Normally one would but the tripod at level and then turn on the counterbalance, thus "locking" the head in place. But the balance won't lock here! Instead it locks at an angle, about 15º pointing downwards or forwards. This is the same without a camera or with a different camera, with the whole counterbalance being "shifted"

Does anybody know what this could be caused by and if there is something I could do to fix it?]]>
Video Plays Fine on Camera but Constant Blips on Computer https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/489/video-plays-fine-on-camera-but-constant-blips-on-computer Mon, 25 Jul 2011 19:44:31 +0000 surfr1121 489@/talks/discussions
I just installed the hack the other day and everything I have shot so far has been fine with the exception of the first couple of seconds of every video having the "blip," but today it figures when I go to shoot something important the video looks fine on the camera but when I do a log and transfer in FCP7, the video has constant choppiness and "blips" all over the place. It is now completely unusable. I thought that the problem might be log and transfer but then I tried to convert it with Toast Titanium and had even stranger results. The .mts file is almost 600mb but when I drag it into Toast, it says it's 2mb and when I export it, it just exports a 1 second clip of just solid green...?? What the heck!? There must be some way to save my video! I mean if it looks good on the camera playback then the file must not be the problem right? Someone PLEASE help me out here!! I was using recommended settings of 42000000 in 24H mode if that helps...

Thanks for any input]]>