Tagged with performance - Personal View Talks https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/performance/p1/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 06:10:21 +0000 Tagged with performance - Personal View Talks en-CA Nutrients for Better Mental Performance ( videos and reads ) https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3992/nutrients-for-better-mental-performance-videos-and-reads- Fri, 20 Jul 2012 17:13:10 +0000 endotoxic 3992@/talks/discussions Hello.

Since Vitality make a thread about food costs in US. I thogut it would be interesting to make a new one about the importance of nutrition. Since we are in an age of chemicals, and junk food, its very important to maintain good nutrition to our brain. @subco mentioned something important in the us food cost thread. He invests in good food, and it should be a real requirement for moder society, since we are sorrounded by shity food, and getting every time more further from our real natural way of eating.

There are interesting articles about the "PALEOLITIC DIET" and how it was the one that last longer in our evolution, even more than the agricultion era. In paleolitic times, there was no weat, soybean, and generall grains. Thats why there is so much people with celica desease (Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder triggered by eating gluten) and soy bean or even peanut!!

The food pyramid that we all learn is chool should be downsided, inverted, as the goverment keep us uninformed even doctors dont know about it. Please take a little of your time and invest in good knowlege, since you eat every day.

Please feal free to post important data for better nutrition and brain performance.

Paleolithic diet.


"Today, humanity depends on only about 100 crops for 90 percent of the food supply. Our paleolithic ancestors, by contrast, consumed a much wider variety of plant micronutrients derived from a plant supply that was equally as diverse."

"The absence of antibiotics, coupled with the accident-prone nature of the hunter-gathering lifestyle, meant very few paleolithic humans lived to age 60 only about 9 in 100, by some estimates. Nevertheless, those who survived likely were impressive physical specimens, free of heart disease, hypertension and diabetes that plague so many moderns in old age"

Here is a VERY important video.

Brain performance drugs:


Visual ideas for shooting live music performance https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5763/visual-ideas-for-shooting-live-music-performance Sun, 13 Jan 2013 08:35:42 +0000 Mark_the_Harp 5763@/talks/discussions I think this is a great example of a simple video of a performance. I'm guessing it was probably done in more than one take, but what I really love is the use of focus pulls, particularly where several "planes" are involved, and also the shots of the performers at the start of the video. It captures perfectly what goes through your mind as a performer before starting a piece.

This is a link to the facebook page - I can't find out where the original source video is so you'll have to visit the page to see this. Well worth it, though, for anyone considering doing video of performance, just for some ideas.


While you can do an imaginative video using all sorts of locations and parallel stories, I think it's a challenge to do an interesting video of performers which just concentrates on them throughout. I really like what they've done here and would be interested in seeing any other examples of video which is confined to the one location.

Good cheap SDHC for hacked cameras https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/286/good-cheap-sdhc-for-hacked-cameras Sat, 25 Jun 2011 18:15:56 +0000 vishalrana 286@/talks/discussions
What are the best/fastest SDHC cards you guys have had success with for HD videos with GH1 without breaking the bank?
I'm looking to buy a class 10 but what brands/type(speed/transfer rate/kind) would you recommend? I'm not concerned about the size(GB) of the card but I am keen about the type of the card.

I'm your average/casual user.

Please let me know what's the best price/performance point for a good SDHC? Patriot seems good but then sandisk are supposed to be the best. Aren't they but there are just so many choices. Not sure which ones will even work with GH1. The site just says SDHC.

Thanks in advance.

Vishal ]]>
Live Concert Recording 2012 https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5544/live-concert-recording-2012 Fri, 21 Dec 2012 06:10:58 +0000 alcomposer 5544@/talks/discussions Just finished quite a few live concert recordings with 2 x GH2's, 1 x D600, Tascam DR100MKii. Mainly vocal and band with 2nd system audio from desk.

Here are 2 examples with Libby O'Donovan & Australian Country & Western Singer Beccy Cole.

Edit: FCPX; Settings: Cluster v7 'Apocalypse Now- DREWnet' 12-15 GOP Settings; Glass: Tokina 28-80mm 2.8; Tokina 80-200mm 2.8; Nikkor 50mm 1.8

Card formatting for better reliability https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/685/card-formatting-for-better-reliability Tue, 16 Aug 2011 15:00:35 +0000 allenswrench 685@/talks/discussions it is my first post so be gentle.
Ever since the hack came out, I have mostly been trying the highest bitrate settings and have spent most of my time with 65000 with no card read/write errors. This was really great since I only have 1 card.
I have used my card for other things too (watch movies reformatting to NTFS etc) and have noticed the performance going down....
To cut the long story short, if you need (and I know you do) your card to be as good as new or better, you need to do a THOROUGH format every now and then. Use the CCleaner's Drive Wiper option (takes about 25 minutes on my one and only great 16GB card) and it really will wipe the s**t out of it. Then you just pop it into your GH2 and format to it's heart's desires and it is fast as hell.
CCleaner is free, you just need to go to the "drive wiper" section and format your card.
Hope this helps, as many people have been complaining about the write/read errors and I have never had them. My card is the el cheapo Transcend 16GB 10 class BTW.
QUESTION: Anyone has this card in the 32GB version? Please advise if the performance is the same.
Thanks all and all the best!]]>